Chapter 121: Observations

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I was already awake when my alarm went off. I stared at the ceiling with dead tired eyes for a while before rolling on my side and shooting up from the pain in my shoulder. I felt where my arm once was as I remembered it was no longer there for the time being. I stood up from sitting on the side of my bed and went to the closet to gather up my uniform. I went down to the bathroom and did my best to get ready. My hair was the hardest part besides trying to get dressed. I couldn't get my uniform buttoned with only one hand, so I gave up and tried to quickly change into my hero costume instead. Once I had it on and situated, I tucked the hanging sleeve into the pocket of my hoodie as if I was hiding my hand in there.

I then walked down to the living room and sat on the sofa since I knew that in a few minutes Yamada, and soon later Aizawa, would be ready so we'd leave then. I sat on the sofa as I thought about the day before. I started to think that if I had my quirks, I would turn back time and redo a lot of things so that people wouldn't be injured as badly and/or would be alive. I then began to wonder how that little girl who we had to save was doing. I hadn't seen her other than what few pictures were shown to me and seeing her from a distance with her on Midoriya's back. I also began to wonder what her quirk was. She looked quite little, so she probably just had acquired it not that long ago.

When I was in the middle of thinking, Yamada walked out, humming as if he was excited and wide awake. Once he took notice of me he said, "Sorry, but today I won't be able to make lunches."

"That's alright." I said as I stood up.

He began walking to the door, "We should be going so I can gather the few students and the small bus we'd be taking."

I followed shortly behind him as I asked, "What's Aizawa doing? I thought that it was his job to deal with those who didn't pass."

"He is, but since he has to deal with some stuff from yesterday's mission, he's asked me to take over for today." he said with a smile as he finished tying his boots.

I gave up trying to tie my boots as I said, "I see..." I then paused as we walked out to the car. "Wouldn't I have to do something too? Like some sort of file?"

"Usually yes, but I'm not sure if things are going to be put on hold cause of what happened 'n all with the chief for the mission. Things may be paused until someone takes his position." he replied as we got in the car.

"Well, I suppose it's fine with me if the file doesn't have to be made for a while." I said before asking, "Has Aizawa said anything about the funeral yet? I don't want to ask Toshi; he'd be the last person I'd ask."

He thought about it before replying, "I haven't heard anything I think...but I'm sure Sho'll hear something today."

"M'kay." I said under my breath as I turned to look out the window.

"Hey, shouldn't you be wearing your school uniform?" he asked.

"I gave up on trying to button it, so I settled with my hero costume. Now that I think of it, if other students will be there from other schools, then it doesn't seem that bad for me wearing my hero costume." I replied.

He too then remembered about the absence of an arm, "That's right, I forgot about that. Have you tried to see if your quirks have started to come back yet?"

"No, but I should." I then pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket and held it out on my palm as I concentrated on it, trying to make it float. After a few minutes of a wasted effort, I returned my phone back into my pocket. I sighed as I declared, "Still no quirks."

"Well, it hasn't even been 24 hours, so give it a little while longer. Hopefully you won't get called in for something." he said.

I scoffed, "Yeah, it'd suck because I'd have to take a taxi instead of teleporting." I then remembered something as I gasped about it.

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