Chapter 122: Trust

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When the children started using their quirks against my peers, I couldn't help but think of how interesting this was. I wish I was down there to teach them little ones a lesson, but alas, I didn't have my own quirks back yet. I had to sit there and watch as it all rolled out. At one point I started to wonder who was going to get hurt since most of the children's quirks seemed quite dangerous. I was almost surprised that those of us who were spectating didn't get injured. At one point when they got the kids under control, Todoroki made a slide-like structure and put the children on it. Nearly everyone who was down there used their quirks to add to the ride. Just then they all gained the respect of the children. I was surprised that Bakugo didn't snap anyone's neck since I knew that if I were down there I would have considered it.

Once they were finished with the one of many tests, Toshinori, Endeavor, and I left the arena and went out to wait by the small bus, which Mic then joined us. They all then began talking with the teacher from a different school. A couple minutes later the students from the other school along with Bakugo and Todoroki joined. Before the rest of them, I went onto the bus and took the same seat that I did earlier. I was ready to go back to the apartment and sleep. I was still so very tired. It was surprising that I hadn't tried to sleep a lot or have slowly faded to sleep since I was so tired. Anyways, when they finished talking, everyone got back on their correct bus and began our way back to the school. I closed my eyes and tried to squeeze a little nap in before we arrived at the school again, but before I could fall asleep fully, I was woken up by my phone buzzing.

Aizawa: I'll explain in further detail later, but as soon as you and Hizashi get back to the apartment we'll have to go to the hospital and take care of something there. Tell that to him since I'm too lazy to retype this all.

Me: Okay.

Since the bus was an ear-piercing silence, I figured that I'd take a screenshot of the text and send it to Mic. As soon as I sent it I heard his phone buzz, which he then looked at it since he had nothing better to do other than look out the window as we waited to arrive at the school.

Yamada: Is he hurt?

Me: I don't think so...if he was he would have gone himself or said it was an emergency...if it was then why would he wait for us to get back?

Yamada: Oh you wouldn't believe.

When we got back to the school, my two classmates went their own way back to the dorms while Toshi went into the school as Yamada and I went to the car to make our way to the apartment. When we got back and in the apartment, Aizawa walked to the entryway as we took off our boots.

"Quickly change into your everyday clothes before we head to the hospital." Aizawa ordered.

As Yamada walked towards their room he asked, "Why do we have to go to the hospital? Is something wrong?"

"No, I'll explain when we get in the car; so just hurry up." Aizawa said.

I then went to my room and did my best to change into my normal clothes of jeans and a hoodie. Though it was quite simple, it was still hard with only one hand. I tucked the loose hanging sleeve into my hoodie pocket as I walked out of my room. I then pretty much ran down the stairs and slipped on a pair of flats that didn't require me to tie them up. I then stood by the door as I looked at my phone, waiting for the other two to join me by the door. Once they were ready, we went to the car. When we were on our way to the hospital that Aizawa specified that we go to.

"So, aren't you going to tell us why we have to go to the hospital?" Yamada asked.

Aizawa began to explain, "The little girl, Eri, that we had to save yesterday needs someone to watch after her. So, what happened is that I was chosen to watch her." He paused before adding in a sour-ish tone, "What do I look like? A babysitter? A daycare?"

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