Chapter 93: and rescue

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I was startled awake and greeted with the strange feeling that I was needed somewhere. I forgot that I was able to feel that sort of sensation since the last time that I had that feeling was when I saved Midoriya from jumping off of a building in the abandoned part of the city. Once I realized that, my stomach dropped and made me run out of my room. I ran out of the entryway and flipped on the light to see if Yamada was on the sofa by chance. He wasn't, so I immediately ran to his and Aizawa's room and knocked on the door. At first I was calm about it by knocking three times then waiting. As I waited, the gut feeling started to get stronger, which made me start to knock on the door repeatedly until it was answered. Through the frantic knocks I heard footsteps come quickly toward the door before it shot open.

"What's wrong?!" Yamada asked in an alert tone though he looked tired and was messing with a hearing aid.

I waved my arms about in front of me as I said, "Get ready! I have this gut feeling that I have to teleport somewhere!"

"Where? Where do you have to go?" he asked.

"I don't know! Just get ready!" I said, trying to make him get a move on.

He then started to walk out of his room as he said, "It'll take too long, not to mention that if I have to get ready, you'll have to too."

"Ugh!" I grumbled before I clapped once which made both of us instantly change into our hero costumes. "Now let's go!" I said as I put a hand on his shoulder and teleported to the location where my gut was telling me to go.

When we arrived we were outside of a warehouse. We decided to run in and thankfully the door that we entered through didn't make any noise as we opened it. We ran to each room, though there weren't that many, and checked them all. Since it was pitch dark cause it was the middle of the night, I generated two flashlights. We were going to split up to make the searching go faster, but we decided that we should stick together just in case we were to find someone. Since in the area that we entered from had a hallway with little rooms connected to it, we exited the hallway and found ourselves in the main area of the building. In a corner there was some light, so we made a B-line to that area. It was surrounded by old crates, though there was a single light bulb that hung from the ceiling. I entered the area first since I was the smallest.

When I came around the corner of the crates, what I saw angered me to the point that no quirk or amount of perseverance could suppress it, yet at the same time the gut feeling that I had went away once I realized who we had to save. The criminal was the same guy that I saw in the visions from before. Since I was closer to him now than how I was in the visions, I realized that he was, in fact, larger than All Might, though the vision was wrong about his face though, it was a normal size for his body. He was so large that I couldn't see around him. His clothes were tattered at the ends and his hair was an unkept mess. He was shuffling his feet ever so slowly with a hand out towards Aizawa as he whispered inaudible things. The tone of his voice was really light which sounded as though a child possessed it. It was odd since his voice didn't match his body type.

'Though he may be that big, I can still take him down!'

I ran towards the criminal, jumped up and kicked the side of his head, causing him to stagger to the side. He quickly put his hand to the area where he was kicked as I landed. He glared at me with this look that if I wasn't enraged I would be terrified. He stood there for a few seconds as he gave me the death glare. I took that time to give Yamada the OK to enter from around the crate.

"Now!" I yelled, not taking my eyes off of the behemoth of a human that stood before me.

Yamada ran a few paces in before he stopped in shock and yelled, "Sho!" before continuing to run.

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