Chapter 104: My kind of solution

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When I got out of bed the next morning I went straight to the bathroom to scrub the dried blood off my fingers and my clothes, along with applying new bandages. I walked out of the bathroom and went straight to the sofa. I laid there as I stared at the ceiling with nothing on my mind. I lacked so much motivation that I couldn't even think of things to think about or do. I wanted to die so bad but I knew that Aizawa and Yamada wouldn't let me out of their sight since I looked like a ghost, so it'd be too obvious why I'd be gone. I let out a long sigh as I listened to footsteps come up the stairs. I closed my eyes once I heard them get close to my room.

"Hey...Y/N..." Yamada whispered.

I didn't say anything, but I started to smell food, so I guessed that he was coming to tell me that food was ready. After a few seconds of not answering, he then walked into my room. He was going to go up the spiral staircase, but he saw me on the sofa. He then left my room silently and back down to the main level. I began to hear a murmur come from where they were; so I got curious and activated a sonic hearing quirk.

"She's asleep." Yamada said.

"Then wake her." Aizawa suggested.

Yamada thought about it, "Well, she's on the sofa sleeping so I take it that she woke up already but then went to the sofa. I think we should let her sleep."

Aizawa was silent for a few minutes and sighed before saying quietly, "She should really eat though. She's getting thinner, which isn't good. She needs to eat so then all of her quirks won't get weak along with her strength."

"Yes, but sleep will help somewhat too." Yamada added.

"That's true...but still..." Aizawa paused before giving in, "Let's eat I guess, she can eat when she wakes up."

I deactivated the quirk and opened my eyes to begin staring at the ceiling again. I then decided that I didn't want to stay around any longer. I got off of the sofa and went up to my desk up in the loft of my room. I found some paper and a pencil before I wrote a note.

To anyone who finds this useless paper from a useless human-

I don't want to be this omen that brings nothing but bad luck. I don't want to bring pain upon others; though in the end, I do. It's somehow out of my control when these things pop up, but whatever it is, it appears because of me and I hate it. I want to try and bring people happiness and good fortune, but all I am is bad luck. I cannot afford to bring that upon you two...though I already have by being in your presence. This is why I must leave for everybody's protection. So, please don't worry about my absence. I have so many quirks that they can protect me and create anything that I need for my survival. Please understand that this is for the best.

Signed, the world's worst walking bad omen- Y/N

I folded up the note as I walked down the spiral staircase. In the end, it was a bad idea to do something like that as I went down those stairs cause I fell. As I laid at the bottom of the stairs I put the letter in my pocket and crossed my arms as I looked at the ceiling with a scowl. I heard two pairs of footsteps come running up the stairs and into my room.

"Are you alright?! What happened?!" Aizawa asked in a concerned tone.

I kept on staring at the ceiling with my arms crossed as I replied in an 'I'm not having it' tone, "Nothing. Nothing happened."

"But you're lying on the floor!" Yamada exclaimed.

I looked at them with the scowl still on my face, "I think I know that." then looked back up to the ceiling.

Aizawa walked over to me and held his hand out while the other was in his pocket, "Come on, since you're up now you can eat since you missed lunch."

I reluctantly took his hand and he pulled me up. My hand darted into my hoodie pocket to make sure that the note didn't fall out. I then followed them to the table and quickly ate what was set out for me.

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