Chapter 82: A missed opportunity

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After a bunch of doctors and nurses came in to look at me, Toshinori, Yamada, and Aizawa left a few minutes later. I was then left in the silence with my aching body that started to hurt more and more as I sat there. I looked at the clock on the wall and saw that it was a few hours before noon, so it wasn't too late that they had to leave. I wondered why they were in such a rush to leave towards the end after they came to peace with the idea that I was going to be okay. I almost didn't want to be alone so I tried to sleep off the feeling as I would normally do. I then woke up a little half past noon. I sat there staring out the window as I got lost in thought. I got tired of thinking after an hour or two before deciding to go out to the roof. After my little nap I had gained a little more strength, so I pushed myself out of the bed and onto the floor. I tried to stand but it was a useless effort.

As I sat there on the floor I noticed that there was a folded up wheelchair in the corner. I scooted over to it and tried my best to open it. About ten minutes later I finally was able to get into the wheelchair and wheel myself to the elevator. Before I could make it to the elevator though, I was stopped by a nurse.

"Where do you think you're going?" asked the young nurse, "You should be still in your room." She then looked to my arm. "You should also still have your IV in." She walked behind me and took a hold of the handles on the wheelchair and said as she turned me around to go back to my room, "Now then, let's get you back to your room."

I grumbled silently to myself that I didn't want to be stuck in that stuffy room anymore. After she got me back into the bed I asked her to open the window, which she did after she reinserted the IV in my arm. I inhaled deeply as I realized that I didn't ask Toshi and them if they got Bakugo back. I wanted to turn on the TV to see what was on the news, but I couldn't find the remote within my arms length. Once I looked around some more, I found it on the table that was below the TV that hung from the wall. I sighed as I closed my eyes before trying to use telekinesis to try and float the remote towards myself. It wouldn't budge, so I imagined that I still wasn't able to use my quirks yet. I got bored after a while, then decided to fall asleep since no one was there to talk to me and I had nothing better to do anyway.

I woke up to the sun shining on my face, which was something that was very unusual for me. The warmth of the sun made me want to lay there until it moved, but it was too bright for me. I looked to the clock and saw that it was midnight-wait, no, noon...yeah...duh, noon, the sun was up. I was confused for a minute there since I fell asleep a little past noon the day before, but then didn't wake up until nearly twenty four hours later. My back was stiff and I was on fire. Since I felt too hot I guessed that I was starting to get back into the swing of things since I was no longer freezing cold. I uncovered myself and slung my feet over the edge to try and stand. I still wasn't able to stand, but I had gained a little more strength because it was easier getting into the wheelchair that wasn't folded up in the corner.

I quickly made my way to the elevator again, trying to not get caught by any nurses this time because I wanted to be in the fresh air, not to just breathe it in. Once the elevator doors closed I celebrated a little at my accomplishment of not getting caught. When they opened again, I wheeled myself into the little room and out the door that led to the roof. It was a nice day out. The slight breeze was kind of warm, but not too warm that it was uncomfortable. The temperature wasn't too bad either. I honestly felt cooler than how I felt while I was in my room, which I liked. It was also partly cloudy with huge puffy clouds that cast shadows on the ground. I wheeled myself closer to the fence so I could get a better view of the area. I was able to see for a little ways to the one side since it was a residential area, while to the right were taller buildings.

I breathed in and out slowly as I drew in the fresh air that I hadn't got in a couple weeks. I sat there looking over the people that were walking below me. I wished that I was able to walk out of the hospital and go back to the apartment. I wanted to see Melody and sleep in my own bed. I wanted a break from human interaction; but more importantly, I wanted my quirks back. I didn't know how long it would take for me to get them back, but I hoped that it would have been soon. If they didn't get Bakugo back yet, I wanted to help. It was partially my fault that the villains got away with him, but it was also a good thing that I took the bullet for Midoriya. If I had this much of a hell of a time recovering from the wound, I'm sure that he would have died. Even if I did die...well, I did...anyways, it wouldn't matter since it would be considered death while saving/protecting someone.

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