Chapter 190: Nearing my end

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Normal POV:

Two more weeks passed and I was so weak that most days I couldn't even lift my head. I was so cold, hungry, tired, and numb. I was numb to all of the pain and suffering both mentally and physically, but I was just in general numb since I was so cold that I couldn't feel anything. I could tell that it was starting to get even colder than how it was when I was taken in the first place. Instead of just water being frozen on me, my blood would freeze on me too which would hurt when it would crack off of the wound that it had seeped from. I could no longer feel my fingers or toes, sometimes I would bite my lips to see if I could feel them since I didn't know if my mouth was closed or not. I could sometimes feel the bite, but closer to the end of those two weeks, I couldn't feel a thing, especially if I were to be punched in the face. The side of my neck where they keep on injecting something into me hurt so bad that I'm sure the bruising was unbelievable.

It wasn't until those two weeks passed that I was told what was going on; that I was being held hostage in exchange for the top three students in my class, 1-A. I was also told that if they do not go with it, I will die on the first of the next month. I did the math and I had only three more days to live. I honestly was at peace with the idea of dying. If I could, I would have killed myself without hesitation just so I could end my suffering. Though I thought like that, I was glad that no one had come for me yet. I didn't want anyone to get hurt because of my ignorance to be cautious of my surroundings. The only one to blame is myself and no one else, and I deserve to be punished for all that I had done considering both the current situation and my past.

That Sunday, the grey haired man walked in again and was holding my phone. He said with a smile as he tapped on a few things before holding it up, "Hey there, how are you doing? Good? Good. Since you have only until Wednesday to live and for the other party to bring in the exchange for your freedom, we figured that we could make a video of your final words. Maybe those will persuade them to bring in the three for your release. Now, don't forget to choose your word choice wisely!"

Keeping my head down, I looked through the corner of my eyes to see a blob of the man and that he was holding up what looked like my phone; I lost my contacts so I couldn't see the best, especially since I also didn't have my glasses. I closed my eyes and tried to sort my mind and find my words before I lifted my head and started. I still couldn't talk since I had lost my voice, so I took it that I had done something more to my vocal chords instead of just simply losing my voice. I hadn't been yelling at all since I lost it, so I don't know why it hadn't come back yet.

"Hey," I said as I tried to smile, then continued slowly and shakily since I was so very cold, "I'm-m s-sorry for all that I've p-put you all th-through. I kn-now I sh-should have been able to g-get out of-f this, but I guess I c-can't." I paused, "I just l-learned what was ha-happening. It's a wise ch-choice to keep the th-three safe. They s-still have a ch-chance at becom-ming something I wasn-n't able to; which was a g-good h-hero." I paused again, "I d-don't really know wh-what else to s-say except I'm really s-sorry. I'm sorry to wh-whoever I've hurt or-r caused t-trouble to." I let my smile fall, "I guess th-that I'm r-ready to acc-cept death...but I d-don't care as l-long as everyo-one is-s safe. S-so p-please, don't w-waste y-your t-time looking f-for me."

"Anything else you want to add? Like if you have anything you have that you haven't said yet or have been hesitant to say...?" the grey haired man asked.

I replied, "I d-don't know who this-s is g-going t-to, so I don't kn-know what t-to s-say."

"Well then, we'll have to make individual videos." he said before he lowered my phone, "You'll have to get punished for taking more time than what I wanted, but whatever as long as those who failed to find you hear your last words, I don't care." he then tapped my phone as he said, "I may be heartless enough to kidnap someone, but I'm not cruel enough to not let their last words be heard."

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