Chapter 173: Winning takes its toll

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I awoke the next day on fire, which was probably because I woke up in the middle of the night cause I was cold so I gathered four more blankets and threw on a thicker hoodie. I was so hot that I was sweating. Since I was on fire, I knew that I was starting to feel better. I got out of bed and took the extra blankets that I had gathered early on in the night and folded them up, leaving them at the foot end of my bed. My ears were still ringing, but it was a little quieter than what it was the night before. I didn't know if I should be worried or happy. I shrugged it off as I figured that I'll find out soon if I would or not. Another thing was that my nose wasn't stuffed up anymore; I could actually breathe.

I went down to my bathroom and took another shower, even though I took one the night before, but since I was sweaty and gross feeling, I took one anyways. I then didn't bother to do my hair since I was sort of lazy and I didn't want to run the hair dryer, so I left it sort of wet. Once I was done with that, I began down to the main level, and as I did I checked the time on my phone since I hadn't looked at it yet; it was a couple minutes past 1:25 in the afternoon. When I walked out of the entryway, I found Yamada at the table, looking over papers as usual.

"Hey, Y/N, how are you feeling?" he then remembered that I couldn't hear, which he then dropped the pen he was holding and was just about to sign something.

Before he could, I said, "I can sort of hear's really muffled, but at least I can hear." I then added with a smile and in a jokingly tone, "Good thing you're sort of loud."

He scoffed as he shook his head with a smile, "Sho would say otherwise."

I then remembered, "That's right, are they still out training?"

He picked up his pen again as he said, "No, they've been back for a couple hours; I was supposed to go to the store to pick up groceries but Sho insisted that I was to stay here for when you woke up and Shinso went along with him."

"Oh...when are they going to be back?" I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders as he looked back down to a paper, "I dunno, probably soon." I then heard a thump upon the ground which was then followed by Yamada complaining as he looked to the ground, "Hey, where are you going?" I then noticed that it was Melody, so I took it that she was on his lap. She walked over to me graciously and began to rub on my leg. I bent down and picked her up, making her purr loudly. I smiled as I began to pet her and walk to the sofa in the living room. As Melody got comfy on my lap, Yamada said, "You don't sound stuffed up anymore; your cold must have gone away."

"Yeah, good thing it did; I don't think that I would have been able to take one more day of having quirks randomly activate." I said as I kept my eyes on Melody.

"Yeah? It sounds like it would be a pain." he said as he began to look at papers again.

I watched as Melody fell asleep on my lap, making me smile a little at how cute she is. I began to pet her again, making her purr again while she slept. As I was petting her, I began to hear very quiet muffled talking and rustling. It woke Melody up completely, making her jump off of my lap and walking away. I turned around to see that Aizawa and Shinso came back. Aizawa was carrying a single bag while Shinso was carrying the rest, which was a good amount. Since Shinso was complaining quite loudly, I was able to hear him.

"Why do you have to be so mean, old man? Why do I have to carry them all."

Aizawa began to walk away from the door, "Because I'm an old man and plus, it's a part of your training."

"Whyyyyyyyyy." Shinso complained some more as he began to follow Aizawa.

"Cause you have noodle arms." Aizawa deadpanned.

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