Chapter 183: A caged polar bear

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Not too long later school started up again on January 6th. It was still winter and cold out, so I still enjoyed the weather, especially now since it was going to be way below freezing starting the day we went back to school and for a few weeks after that. The day we went back was a Friday. We weren't going to do much I guess, just get our work and get that done by that Monday which was when it was going to be due. I woke up that Friday morning a little cold, but I didn't mind it at all. I gathered my school uniform and brought it with me to the bathroom, but of course I fed Melody before I went to get ready. I figured that since I was in such a good mood, I should change it up a little bit and curl my hair. Once I finished getting ready, I went to go wait out on the sofa in the living room like I always did.

It was like we had a schedule that we followed closely. Shortly a little while later, Yamada came out of their room and went to the car first to get it warming before going to the kitchen to make lunches. About ten minutes later Aizawa walked out next looking like he hadn't slept all night. Couple minutes later Yamada finished the lunches and gave them to us as we all met at the door to put our shoes on. Melody was sitting on the landing for the stairs, so I gave a smile to her as I walked through the door.

It was so nice out. I love it when it's so cold that you can see your breath and when it stings your nose when you take a deep breath. It had snowed a little over the night. It wasn't too much, it was only a light dusting, though it was just enough to have a crunch almost when you took a step. When we got into the car it was already nice and warm since it had already been running. We then made our way to school, which went a little quicker than usual since the roads were quieter than normal. On our way into the school, Aizawa buried his face into his scarf, so you were only able to see his eyes and made it look like he was giving everyone and everything a scowl.

When I got to the classroom and made myself comfy at my desk, I began to notice that frost had formed at the bottom of the window. The sun was out so it made little rainbows on the window sill, making the frost crystals look too pretty. The trees that were covered in the light snow were pretty too since there was also no wind to blow around the light snow. I began to wish that I was outside in the dead silent cold instead of the indoors with noisy people. I don't know why, but I always found myself to be more comfortable in the cold rather than in the warmth.

A little while later class started. I was right that we weren't going to be doing much other than having a work day almost all day. I finished what work I was given in no time while a good amount didn't do their work, saying that they'll do it over the weekend. I don't see why people put off doing their work when they are handed the time to do it in class. Why would someone want to screw around during time that's dedicated to working, but then work when they are giving time to do whatever they please. I tell you, I really don't understand people at times...well, more like most of the time.

When lunch rolled around, Midoriya came up to me and asked, "Hey, Y/N, do you wanna join us for lunch?"

I looked around behind him before I asked, "Where did they all go?"

"Oh, they already went ahead."

I began to take my lunch out of my backpack, "Mirio and Eri usually have lunch with me in here though."

"That's alright, I can text Mirio and tell him to meet us in the cafeteria."

I stood up as I picked up my bento, "Alright then, why not." He then smiled as he took his phone out of his pocket and texted Mirio while I pushed my chair in.

As we were walking down the hall he said, "I've noticed that you've been in a better mood ever since it started to snow."

I smiled as I said, "Yeah, I guess I have been. I just love winter and everything about it, so I guess it puts me in a better mood."

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