Chapter 165: First day on the job

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When we got back to the apartment, Aizawa found the lesson plan for the week, the books, and assignments. As he handed me the stack of papers, he said, "These are for only tomorrow, so I think you'll have to print off the rest if there are any. If you need help doing that, you can ask me and I can do it."

"Thank you." I said as I took the stack and added it to the pile of books and other papers.

He put his hands into his pockets as he added, "We'll be stopping at the hospital everyday after school so we can drop off the assignments that need grading. He can do that at least since his hands aren't broken." He paused before carrying on, "I don't think that you have hero duty this week."

I struggled to pick up the large pile as I said, "Yeah, lucky me. I don't have hero duty but I have to be a teacher." Once I picked up all that I needed, I asked, "I'm also doing homeroom too, right?"

"Yep, luckily there's nothing going on this week, so it should be easy; as if what he does already isn't. He has a couple free periods by the way, so you can take that time to work on the assignments that you missed rather than going back to class."

I began to walk towards the stairs as I asked, "I have to wear my hero costume too, right?"


I sighed, "This will be the first time I appear in school with my new hero costume."

"That's right...good luck with that."

"Thanks." I said under my breath.

Just as I started up the stairs he said, "You know you can keep those down here."

"I'm going to look over what I have to do tomorrow so I don't make a fool of myself." I said as I struggled up the stairs.

"Smart." he paused, "Don't stay up too late."

"Yeah yeah." I hollered since I was on the landing.

I then went into my room and dropped all of the stuff on the sofa. I took a seat next to it all and first looked at the lesson plan for the week, then reviewed what I was to go over. It looked pretty simple and what I predicted we were going to do in class. It was all in order, simple, and organized. I don't know why but I was surprised. After I finished looking over all that I needed to, I emptied out my backpack and put the books and papers that I needed, along with what few books and papers I had of my own for my make up work, into my bag. Once I had it all in my bag, I got ready for bed and fell asleep a few hours later after finally getting into bed. I guess that anxiety and the worry that I was going to mess something up kept me up later than what I wanted.

I then woke up the next morning a little earlier than usual so I could get ready in my hero costume and so I could look over the learning material one more time. I guess that looking everything over took longer than I thought cause I didn't go downstairs until after Aizawa came out of their room. My bag was so heavy, but it didn't compare to the emotions that are heavier. I left my bag by the shoes and walked out of the entryway and to the kitchen. Aizawa was in there, messing with the bento boxes.

"Trying to make lunch?" I asked as I leaned on the counter, pushing a stool out of my way.

He scoffed, "Hell no, I can't make something edible like that." he then turned around and handed me my usual pink cherry blossom and black bento box, "I just put what was left of those rice balls that you made."

"Thank you." I said as I took it. I felt how heavy it was, "I can tell that you fit five of them in here."

"Yeah; how can you tell that?" he asked in a surprised tone.

I smiled, "I don't know, I just can." then added in a low tone, "You could have added another one since there's still space."

I followed him to the door as he said, "Want me to put two more in there?"

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