Chapter 71: Story time

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"Hey, Y/N," Yamada said, causing me to sniffle a few times before turning my head towards him. "I'm sorry I brought up the case. It was my fault that all of this happened." His voice started to weaver towards the end of his sentence.

"None of it was your fault, if anything it was the villains." I said.

Aizawa stood up and tried to console Yamada since he was about to cry, "But I brought up a part of your past that you didn't want to remember."

"You were just doing what you were told to do and no one knew that I had a run in with him. So please, don't think that any of this was your fault; I just have a horrible way of solving my problems." I said, trying to get it through his head that it was not his fault.

"She's right, no one knew that about her so no one would have known better." Aizawa said, trying to help me get my point across.

I tried to make the new situation better by saying with a broken smile, "At least I wasn't at the meeting and had the meltdown."

Yamada tried to copy my smile so it seemed that he was feeling better. I then yawned.

"Let's go, we should let her sleep. We can talk more tomorrow after school." Aizawa said as he started to get Yamada turned towards the stairs as if he was a little child.

"Wait!" I said quite loud which made my throat hurt horribly. They turned around and looked at me. "Can I go to school tomorrow?"

Nearly before I could finish the sentence, Aizawa said, "No."


"How will you even know if you can move by then, hmm? Now just rest and we'll see you tomorrow after school. Yagi will stay with you tomorrow, so you can talk with him." He then paused and said softer than how he was previously speaking, "I'm sure that he too would like to hear something from you since for the past two days he's been watching you like a hawk."

I was silent for a few seconds then said, "Okay, I'll stay home even though I don't want to miss anymore school."

"Trust me, you know all of the stuff that the teachers have been going over, so I'm sure you'll have it all done in no time." Aizawa said.

"Good night." Yamada said before they left my room.

Usually they close my door, but this time they didn't because I think they where scared I'll do something again. I don't blame them, I'd do the same thing. For how long I have previously slept, I was tired and fell asleep almost instantly. I woke up before they left and I could tell that they stopped by my room to check on me before they left and Toshi took over. I fell asleep again and didn't wake up until some time after nine. I tried to sit up, and eventually did after trying for five minutes. It took longer than usual which I thought was weird. Another thing that I thought was weird was that I hadn't seen Melody ever since I woke up. I began to worry that something happened to her, so I flopped over on my side, slung my feet over the edge of the bed, and tried to stand. I wasn't even able to stand, I just fell straight to the floor, ending in a loud thud. I then heard someone run up the staircase, into my room and up the spiral staircase.

"Y/N! Are you alright? What happened? Why are you on the floor?" Toshinori asked worriedly as he tried to help me up.

"I'm fine, I just wanted to see Melody cause I haven't seen her ever since I've woken up." I said, sounding persevered to find her.

He sighed, "Is this going to be like last time? You trying to go around and walk but then I end up carrying you?"

"No. I'm going to pull my own strength and find her on my own." I said.

Heroes Need Saving Too (BNHAxReader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora