Chapter 137: Aizawa's POV

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Aizawa's POV:

After Hizashi and I came to the conclusion that it was Y/N's heart that gave out and what put her in the state that she was in, we then turned around to start down the spiral staircase, but before we could take a step, the clone of Y/N was standing right there. We both jumped since we weren't expecting the clone to be there, not to mention that we didn't hear it enter the room or climb the stairs.

"I was able to find the room of Y/N: clone number 00." the clone said in an emotionless voice.

For a moment we both didn't know how to respond, but then Hizashi said, "You can spend the night on the couch down there." as he pointed to the sofa in her room.

"I am a clone. I do not need sleep, but thank you for the offer." it said.

"Well, you can still sit down there for the night."

It turned around and faced the stairs, "I will do that." then walked down the stairs in a stiff manner.

We both looked to each other with an unsure expression before looking towards the clone and watching it sit down on the sofa. Its back was so stiff looking that it could have been mistaken for a board. We then walked down the spiral staircase and went back to the sofa in the living room to unwind a little before heading to bed since something popped up and woke us both up. When we got to the sofa, Zashi took a seat on the left of the sofa so he was leaning on the arm while I wrapped myself up in a blanket and laid down on my side so I was looking at the TV, using his leg as a pillow. As I laid there, he began messing with my hair. He started doing it in a way that told me that something was on his mind.

"What is it?" I asked as my voice was muffled by the blanket that was wrapped around me.

"What's what?" he asked in return as he stopped messing with my hair but still had it in hand.

"Somethings on your mind; I can tell."

He sighed before continuing to mess with my hair, "It's just bothering me that she doesn't care what happens to herself. She knows that she'll come back to life no matter what, so she's not afraid to die or anything like that. I mean, she knew that her heart can only take so much but she disregarded that and pushed herself to the point that this happened."

"I know..." I paused, "but she did what she thought she had to do. At least she's able to keep the form of a clone visible while she's out. She's gotten stronger, I can tell. I'm honestly surprised what she's been able to advance so fast for how frail looking her frame is. It's almost concerning." I paused again before adding with a sigh, "She may not seem it, but she is scared to die." He hummed as if he was asking a question. "When we went on that class trip to the lodge in the woods and the villains attacked, the last thing that she said to me has sort of haunted me ever since then."

"What did she say?" he asked in a distant tone.

"I don't want to die." I quoted before a pause, "A little before that she said she was afraid...which made me worry that it was going to be that last thing she was going to say forever." After I said that, there was silence for a while.

"Sho?" he said quietly and in a tone that made me roll over on my back so I could look at him, which made him stop twirling my hair. Once I was on my back, I noticed that he had a sad yet perplexed expression before looking to me and asking, "How can we help her?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...her mental state and her eating habits and her self harm." he paused, "I want to see her get better."

"So do I."

"Yeah, so how can we help her? Those things all contributed to her heart failure. We both said that we were going to help her, but what have we done?"

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