Chapter 23: Time doesn't always heal

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Back to normal POV:

I heard talking outside of my room door, but I wasn't able to make out who they were. After a moment of silence I heard the door open and close. As it was closing, I heard someone speak. "It's just me, Y/N."

'Oh, it's Toshi.' I thought to myself

I tried to move and speak but I wasn't able to either of those. I started to panic.

'Why can't I move? I want to move.'

Stop struggling. Of course you can't move. That stupid quirk of yours that keeps you alive brought you back to life. You should know how it goes when something like this happens.

'Yeah, but not to this extent. Whatever. I'll wait.'

I then heard Toshi take a seat on the sofa. I took it that after an hour of me lying there, unable to move, I figured that he must have fallen asleep. Since he must have fallen asleep, I figured that there was no use in trying to move if he's not going to see me. I decided that I might as well just fall asleep too. After a short slumber, I was awoken by an alarm. I heard him shift around in his seat trying to get his phone. After a few minutes of silence, he started talking.

"Hello, it's me, Toshinori. I'm afraid that I won't be able to come to work today."

'Who is he talking to? Did he call Principal Nezu?'

"Well, I guess that Y/N got attacked again and now she's here in the hospital. I saved her yesterday. I'd rather explain it later in person." he said in a sympathetic tone.

'Yep, he called Nezu. Wait, did he say again? Did he tell him about the other time?' I started to fill with dread for some reason.

There was a slightly longer silence before he spoke again. "Yeah, that'd work, but tell her teachers what really happened and to tell anyone to ask about her that she's filling in. I don't want people to worry and show up here. I'm sure that she'd feel the same way."

'Damn right I feel the same way!'

He finished with, "Right, goodbye." before I heard him shuffling about again. He must have put his phone back in his pocket. Just as he settled down, he waited a minute before saying, "I wonder when you'll wake up. I hope it's soon."

'As do I, but please don't say it in such a sad tone; it makes it sound like I'm dying.'

You cause him so much pain and stress. You should have just died when you had the chance. You didn't even have your quirk, yet you survived. What a blow to the balls.

'I can't control it.' My feeling of dread switched to depression. Just as it did, I realized, 'Oh fuck! They saw my arms! They seen my fucking arms! What now?! Are they going to make me go to therapy? FUCK THAT! I'm not going!'

Since there was silence I figured that he had fallen back asleep. I too then decided to fall asleep again. When I woke up, I tried again to move and speak. I wasn't able to move but I was able to speak. My voice was hoarse, quiet, and raspy. It also hurt.

"Hey, you awake?" I tried to speak but there was no answer the first time. "Hey! Wake up!" I tried to speak louder but I just ended up hurting my throat even more. I figured that I should try one more time, "Hey! Wake! Up!" The third times the charm, I got a response.

"Y/N? Are you awake?" He said cautiously as he stood up and walked to my side.

"Yes, I was awake last night, but I wasn't able to move or speak." I explained.

He asked in a concerned tone, "You can't move? Should I get the doctor?"

"No, it's fine. It's the quirk trying to heal me to the point that I can move again. I don't even know if I can use my quirks, let me try." I then concentrated on speaking telepathically. It worked but I became even more weak. I then said even quieter than before, "I guess I can use certain quirks, but not for too long since I'm so weak right now from my quirk using all my energy to regenerate stuff to keep me alive."

"Right." he said understandingly before asking, "Are you hungry?"

"Not really. My throat hurts too much." I paused, "I just want to rest here until I gain enough energy to use my healing quirk on myself so I can get the hell out of here."

He then sighed in a way that told me that he didn't quite approve of my ideas. "Why not just wait until your body heals itself?"

"It will when I use my quirk." I said being a smart aleck.

"Naturally, Y/N, I meant naturally. Why not just let time heal it, that's what time does best." He said, sounding kinda disappointed.

I said in a dead tone, "Time does not heal. Dropping whatever was bothering you does. Yes, it may heal an injury, but I don't have that sort of time."

"Y/N..." He whispered my name as if I was dying and he didn't want me to leave. "You have so much broken stuff in your body that it would take too long for you to heal yourself. Not even Recovery Girl would be able to fully heal you like time would."

Being the stubborn person I am, I said, "My healing quirk is more powerful than what hers is. You know how Aizawa is already healed by now?"

He then said, "Yeah?" as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, I healed him."

He then looked me in the eyes with a serious expression as he said, "Y/N..." Before closing his eyes for a few seconds then opening them once again, but to have a sad expression and speaking in a sorry tone as he looked down, "Just...just take it easy till you gain enough energy. Go to sleep. I'll be here the whole time. You're safe as long as I'm here."

I then tried to smile the best I could through my bandages, "Alright. B-but promise me that you won't make me go to a therapist."

He then looked confused and said in a matching tone, "Therapist?"

I tried to explain, "Ye-yeah, you know, cause surely they would have seen my scars when they put my casts on."

He then walked over to the foot of my bed and looked at a clipboard. He flipped through each paper before saying, "There's nothing in your file saying that you are forced to go to one or anything about your scars." He then sat it back down as he said, "There's nothing to worry about. Now, try and get more sleep. Hopefully the next time that you wake up, you can move." He paused and looked to me with a smile, "Maybe even better, heal yourself."

I then tried to say in a happy tone even though my voice sounded even worse than it did when I first started talking, "Really?! I can heal myself and you won't get mad?"

"Just go to sleep. We'll talk about it later. Right now you need sleep so you can heal yourself." He said as he sat down in the chair next to the bed, "I'll sit here the whole time to make sure that no one lays a finger on you."

"Good." I said quietly as I slowly drifted to sleep.

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