Chapter 117: Planning a mission II

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About a week later, I received a letter in the mail. It's odd enough for me to get mail, but to receive something from an agency, that is way too weird for me. I guess that Aizawa also got the same letter from the same exact place, so I figured that it couldn't be anything too bad since I wasn't the only one to get the letter. I was almost surprised that Yamada didn't get one. Anyways, the letter was asking that I were to go attend a meeting about a new mission. I almost didn't want to do it since I didn't know any information about it, but I guess that was what the meeting was about.

That morning I woke up and was debating whether I should wear my school uniform or hero costume. In the end I settled with my hero costume since I'm being asked to attend as a hero, not a student. I tried to make myself more presentable since I was going to be around more heroes rather than just going on normal patrol or anything like that. I tried to walk with confidence down to the first floor so it would help give myself a boost of confidence and hopefully reduce the anxiety that I had since I was going to be in a room full of heroes who have been doing this sort of thing way longer than me.

Though I woke up at my normal time, I just got off of the stairs as soon as they finished putting their shoes on. As I was putting my boots on, Aizawa said, "We'll have to take the train to the agency since Zashi's taking the car."

"Okay." I said as I finished tying my first boot.

"I'm gonna head out, see you guys later. Good luck with the meeting." Yamada said as he walked to the door and left.

I stood up from tying my second boot and asked, "How long do you think the meeting is going to take?"

Aizawa just shrugged his shoulders before answering, "I don't know, it depends on what it's about."

"I should have figured that." I said as we left the apartment. As we walked along the sidewalk, I asked, "Do you know what it's about?"

"Nope, but it's the agency that Midoriya and Mirio are working at." he responded.

"Do you think that they are helping with this mission?" I asked.

"They are and so are a few other students, I think; that's all I know." he answered in a tired tone.

I then asked another question, "Is that why you were also called in? Because UA students are a part of a mission already?"

"You're full of questions today, aren't you." he said.

My face began to turn red due to the fact that I realized that I was asking a lot of questions. "I-I just like to know what's going on and-and what I should expect."

"That's fine..." He then answered my question from before, "and to answer your question, I don't know. You never know why you get called to a mission until you attend the meeting." I just nodded my head as I hummed. "Any other questions?"

"N-no...that's all for now." I said with a slight stutter since my face was still red. We then walked in silence as we went the rest of the way to the train station. When we boarded the train and found a seat, I thought of another question. "Who are the other students?"

"Hmm?" Aizawa hummed.

"Who are the other students that are going to be helping with this mission?" I said, rewording my question.

He looked up as he recalled the names, "Let me see...Uraraka, Tsuyu, Kirishima, Midoriya, UA's big three- Mirio, Tamaki, and Nejire"

"Oh, wow..." I said in surprise.

"What?" He asked.

I responded, "I'm just surprised at the amount of students that are helping with this."

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