Chapter 66: A part of my past I try to forget

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I opened my eyes to avail the bookshelf that stood in the corner of my room. I sit up in bed and rub the sleep from my eyes. I hung my feet over the side of the bed and hopped down to the floor. Searching for clothes, I then change into a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. As I walk out to the kitchen, I realize how hot it is in my apartment. I walked over to the heater above the window that doubles as an AC and whacked it a few times by throwing a pillow at it. After hitting it five times it finally shut off. I suppose that I could use the remote, but when I first rented the apartment I couldn't find it; I was also too short to reach it to use the control panel on it. Once I was finished with dealing with the heater, I walked back into the kitchen as I put my hand on my growling stomach. I looked in the cupboard and found nothing; same went for the fridge and freezer. I decided that I should go to the store and stock up again.

I walked back into my room and changed out of my shorts into jeans, though they had rips in them because I couldn't afford new ones and I didn't like generating ones of my own. I threw a hoodie over my shirt that had a rip on the left elbow, then a beanie, a pair of gloves that had holes on a few of the fingers, and a tattered scarf. When I finished bundling up, I walked to the door to grab my wallet of what little change I had and the house keys. Before walking out I slipped on a pair of old tennis shoes, then started my trek in the freezing cold of winter. As the door closed behind me, I realized that it was colder than usual and it was a near blizzard out. I stood there for a second debating if food was worth it enough to trudge through a storm to try and get food. After feeling the pangs of hunger again, I knew that I must go since I hadn't eaten in five days, which was the last time that Toshinori stopped by. He's been so busy lately that he hasn't been able to stop by.

I shuffled my feet along as I slowly made my way through the snow that was quickly piling up. Since I was shuffling my feet, I tripped a few times on the sidewalk. The seventh time that I tripped, I was only five blocks away from the convenience store. When I tried to get up I slipped on ice and fell yet again. When I tried to get up, someone helped me by picking me up and setting me off to the side of the ice. I wiped the snow from my face and looked up to the person who helped me. I took a step back at seeing the person that helped me, but then slipped again. Before I could hit the ground, the same person caught me. I jerked my arm away from him because he frightened me. He wore a red fox mask, a long black coat, and black gloves.

"You have to be careful or else you'll get hurt." the stranger said. I nodded my head quickly because I was frightened by the person before me. "Your clothes look like they've seen better days. What if I bring you somewhere where you can get new ones?" I debated if I should go with him but I decided that I should be okay since I could teleport back home if I needed to. I nodded my head again without taking my eyes off of the person. Sounding pleased, the stranger said, "Wonderful; here, follow me."

He put his hand out and I took his hand in mine, then followed him. As we walked along, he asked me questions that I thought were odd. Every once in a while we would turn onto a busy street, then back into alleyways, which were what we were mainly traveling down.

"Do you live in a house?" He asked, I shook my head. "So you live in an apartment?" I nodded my head. "I you live with your parents?" I shook my head. "Grandparents?" I shook my head again. "Aunt? Uncle? Cousin? A friend's family?" I shook my head once again. "You live alone, don't you." He said in a sad tone. I nodded my head.

Just then we made it to a huge warehouse which was well heated and looked like it was still in use and well maintained even though it had a little rust here and there. He brought me over to a fire to let me get warmed up. After he brought me to the fire, he walked off and didn't come back for another ten minutes. When he came back, he was still wearing the mask, but he was dressed in a black suit with the sleeves rolled back and still wore the black gloves. He pulled up a chair for both him and I, so I wouldn't have to sit on the floor. Once I sat down on the chair, he too then sat down with the back of the chair against his chest and started talking to me.

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