Chapter 29: Let's get a move on

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Wow, who knew how fast the days go by. It feels just like yesterday the apartment keys were thrown to me, and now here I am; ready to move into a safer place. It is now Friday. Oh how I dreaded this day earlier on in the week, but now strangely I'm nervous and nearly excited to move. This will be an interesting event. I have always lived alone. Now I have to live with two other people.

As I wait for my new roommates to show up and help me move, I sit on the sofa, bouncing my leg up and down (it's something I do a lot even when I'm not anxious). As I'm waiting, Toshi walks in.

"They'll be here shortly. Traffic's a real pain today; Mic texted me a little bit ago." As I sat there I just nodded my head. He asked, "Are you excited?" I then moved my head from side to side, telling him that I sort of am. "Do you have everything packed?" I nod my head once again. Just as I finished nodding my head there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it." Toshi said as he walked to the door. He opened it and just as he did there was an enthusiastic "hello" followed by a tired one. "Hey, c'mon in." They followed behind Toshinori.

"You ready?" Mic asked, matching the same level of enthusiasticness.

I stood up as I said under my breath, "Yep." I then added normally, "Where should we start? Should we each take a room to move boxes?"

Toshi pitched his idea, "What if two people work together in a room so it will go faster that way."

I then ask as I look towards Mic and Aizawa, "Is that fine with you guys?"

Aizawa nodded his head while Mic replied with a smile and sounded excited, "Anything works for me!"

I then said as I walk towards my room to start there, "Well then, I'll start in my room. You's can fight over who helps who. I really don't care." I walked over to the pile of boxes in the furthest corner from the door.

As I pick up a box, I hear Mic ask, "So, where would you like me to start?"

I hummed for a moment as I thought of which pile he should help me with. I then decided and pointed to the pile in the other corner from me, "You can start there, I suppose." I paused. "Hey, is your vehicle big enough for that sofa?"

He then gasped as he stopped at the pile. "No, it's not now that I think of it."

I stood there figuring out a plan. I quickly came up with one. "Since that pile is of fragile stuff, just put those on that sofa out there then I'll teleport that pile along with myself and whatever is left to your guys's place."

He answered, "Alright, sounds like a plan!" He then bent over to pick up a few cases at a time. Once he stood back up he asked, "If I may ask, what's up with all of these cases?"

As I turn around with a stack of boxes I reply, "Oh, that pile is all instruments. So be careful with those, and put heavier instruments on the bottom. If you aren't sure how to stack them, please ask."

"What! You play all of these!?" He asked, surprised. I then nodded my head. "How many can you play!?" He asked once again. I put down my boxes as if that would help me think of them all.

After a slight silence I reply, "Well over twenty...I've lost track." He dropped his jaw in astonishment. I then said as I carried the boxes that sat on the floor out of my room, "Well come on. Let's get a move on. We can talk about this later." I took a step then stopped, "Erm...where is the vehicle?"

He then walked towards me as he answered, "Oh, right. I'll show you."

I then walked out of the room, allowing space for Mic to pass in front of me. He walked to the sofa, carefully laid the few cases of my many instruments then led me to their car. Once we got there he popped open the trunk and helped me put the stack of boxes that I was carrying.

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