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Chiara's POV

" You sure you want to do that?" Mom asked me.

" Yeah, Mom. I can't see Mr. Travisan suffering like that. It breaks my heart all the time seeing him suffering like that." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" Ok, as you say." She said and I nodded.

" You took a right decision, Chiara." My sister Chelsea said.

" Talk to Mr. Travisan first." My grandma said.

" I don't want to talk with him right now. He will stop me and won't agree with me." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" Still you have to ask him." She said and I nodded weakly.

" Your grandma is right, Chiara. You should talk to him." Mom said and I sighed.

" I am going to talk to him before going. No worries. I still don't have any information about Mr. Travisan's grandson except his name. I only know that he left home after his sister's death and he lives in Paris. That's it. I need Mr. Covalho to help me to make any issue to go to Paris. I just can't go to Paris like that. Need to create some scene before that." I said to her.

" Ok, but take care, Chiara. You have never been alone abroad. You don't have any idea about the world outside. It's not what you think it is. So, be careful." Grandma said and I smiled.

" Don't worry, Grandma. I am a strong woman. I will be able adjust with the new atmosphere." I said to her.

" It's better not to be over confident, my dear." Grandma said and I nodded.

" Ok, grandma." I said and looked around but couldn't find my dear younger brother, younger sister and cousin.

" Where are Arthur, Amy, Eva?" I asked my mom.

" Arthur has gone to school. He has to go early for rehearsal of the school play today and Eva is sleeping. She had to complete her assignments all the night long. Amy is like always busy with her phone." She said.

" Early in the morning!!!" I asked Mom and she sighed deeply.

This girl is going out of our hands. She is going up as a selfish and moody girl. She knows our family is not that stable financially but still she keeps asking for things stubbornly which we can't afford. Then we have to mange it anyhow otherwise she wants to leave the house. Grandma loves her a lot. I don't want my sister leave us like that. She is still a kid. But she needs to change herself. I stood up.

" Amy!!! Amy!!!" I called and she didn't respond. " Amelia!!!" I called her.

" Who is dying?" She asked from upstairs.

" Good morning, Amy. Come downstairs. Let's have breakfast together." I said to her smilingly.

" I don't have my appetite and I can't waste my time in boring stuffs. I will have something outside." She said.

" But having breakfast with your family will not waste your time, Amy." I said to her.

" My time is valuable, Chiara. I can't waste my time like that. I am trying to focus on my career. Are you all trying to distract me from there?" She asked me and I looked at her weirdly.

" Who will be trying to do that, Amy?! What are you saying?" I asked her totally shocked.

She wants to be a model and we all know that. But no one ever stopped her from chasing her dream. Even we tried to support her all the time.

" Move. I have to leave." She said almost pushing me away from her way. I almost fall flat on the ground. I looked at her weirdly. Why does she always acts to wild now a days!!

" Amy!!!" Mom said.

" It's ok, Mom. You can go, Amy. You must be getting late." I said to her.

" Not before she says sorry to you. You are her elder sister. She always forgets that." Mom said.

" Let it go, Mom." I said.

Amy walked out of there rolling her eyes. I sighed deeply. She will turn 18 in a few months. God knows what will she do then.

" See?! She is just turning so rude to everyone even to you." Chelsea said and I smiled.

" She is just a kid. She will be fine when she understands things." I said to her but I can't deny her words.

We finished our breakfast and I went to Travisan's house to meet Mr. Covalho. He said he will meet me there. I meet Mr. Travisan first. Mrs. Travisan was with him. He was doing well for the time being. But the doctor said it needs a permanent solution. I am going to bring the permanent solution here. His grandson can help him to recover from this situation. I talked to them and found Mr. Covalho coming inside the room. He talked to Mr and Mrs Travisan and then we walked out of the room.

" Mr. Covalho, what happened? Could you manage it?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Well, I have promised you. I had to." He said.

" You did it!!! That's great. Thank you so much!!!" I said.

" You are welcome, Chiara." He said.

" When can I go to Paris?" I asked him.

" Next month." He said.

" Next month!!! Why not now?" I asked.

" Because there are still some process and you at least need to have a basic knowledge about french before going there. Belle will help you. You need to prepare for going there and most importantly your brother is going to graduated from high school in 2 weeks. Don't you think you should be there with him?" He asked me and I chuckled.

" What can I say here?! Mr. Covalho is very thoughtful." I said to him and he smiled.

" My daughter is also going to graduated soon. So, I am also going to be there." He said.

I nodded. I need to be with my family as well. After the graduation ceremony I need to get ready to go to Paris. I have a lot to do these days. But one thing was clear I am not going to come back without Dante Travisan. He needs to know that he can't always win with his ego.

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