Ugly Game

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Chiara's POV

I kept my eyes closed until he was satisfied with his wrath. Soon I started to feel suffocating. I tried to push him away but pushing him away was like pushing the wall away. He didn't move a bit but his hold on me tightened further. I tried to claw him but he hold but hands on either side of my head. I hissed as it was paining again. I gave up. I can't win against him.

When he broke the kiss I was out of breath. I was panting hard. He was breathing heavily as well still looking at me angrily. I almost raised my hand to slap him hard across his face for this but I put it down realizing the truth that I love this guy who just threw his wild anger on me awhile back and I can't hurt him. Not just because I love him but also for his grandpa. I wiped my tears and tried to walk out of there but the door was locked. I kept trying but it didn't work. I gritted and kept trying to open the door wiping my tears. Suddenly he pulled me back.

" Let me go." I said trying to push him away.

" What is in him that you are still on him even after I have forbidden you several times? Tell me?" He gritted.

" Who?" I asked trying to get rid of him.

" Victor. What is in him? I freaking wanna know that." He gritted.

" What are you talking about?" I asked him.

He took out his phone and showed me the photos of earlier where Victor was talking to me. I don't know who took these photos. It showed like he was kissing me cause our face was too close. What the hell is this!!! I gritted. Who the hell is this traitor!!!

" Do I have to explain it more?" He asked me venomously. " You must know what I am trying to say, right?" He asked me and I gritted.

" What would I do with this?" I asked him.

" Have I asked you not to talk to him?" He asked me.

" What would I do if he comes to talk to me? I can't stop him cause this is my workplace and he is my colleague." I said to him.

" Shut up!!!" He growled banging on the door hard and I trembled a bit but kept encouraging myself. " This is called talking?" He pointed the picture.

" He came closer. I didn't do anything. I swear." I said to him honestly.

" Really?! Then why didn't you stop him?" He asked me.

" I was busy with my works. I didn't notice when he came closer only realized when he was closer." I said to him.

" You were that busy to notice someone?! Do you want me to believe that? Then why were you talking to him smilingly? You could have ignored him anyway. But you didn't. You tell me to believe you now?" He asked me.

I wasn't lying. Why is that too hard for him to trust me?! My tears were about to slip down my cheek but I hold them back. My Mom was right when she said that when a time comes you will not be able to recognize your near and dears cause they will change their color. My words doesn't mean anything to him?!! He is with those fake photos!!!

" If you would tell that to me I would have believed that without any second thinking." I said to him slowly. "You should trust people around otherwise you will not be able to live in peace." I said.

" Live in peace?! More like live in a lie." He said to me. I looked at him for awhile then sighed deeply.

" Who give these photos to you, Sir? Please, kindly give me a chance to prove myself. I didn't do anything. It was him who tried to get closer. He is trying to do that from long." I said to him.

" Stop giving me false excuses." He said to me. I didn't know how to explain him what actually happened. I didn't have anything to prove myself. What should I do?

" Will trust me if I tell you that it's fake? This is not true." I said to him sadly. I was feeling helpless today after a long time. "Will you trust me?" I asked him.

" Do you want me to trust you not on which I have seen with my very own eyes?!" He asked me. I sighed nodding. I know he won't.

" This is where there is the biggest difference between you and me. We don't match each other, Sir." I said to him.

" We really don't match each other. You are right." He said.

" Alright. Then why is that bothering you much? It's my life. I will decide who will be there in my life. If I choose him then you can't do anything about that, Sir. It's my right to choose my own choice. You can't force me to stay away from anyone cause we literally are no one to each other. No one." I said and his eyes widened for awhile then his face turned cold again. But I don't care.

Dante Travisan doesn't know that Chiara Zesper never gives up never loses. Mean words can't irritate her at all. I kept looking into his eyes. Today I am not able read those eyes like all the time I have done before. It was hurting me a lot but I kept holding on myself.

" You have no right to tell me what to do and what not. You are neither my family nor my friend. You are literally no one to me. Why should I listen to you? I used to respect you a lot but I think you don't deserve that." I said to him. " You are accusing me of something I have never done and not giving me a chance to prove it as well." I said to him. " Do you think I have come here leaving my family to do these here?" I asked him but he didn't say anything.

" Sir, I didn't grow up in riches. I don't belong to a wealthy family. I have seen what the real face of struggling in life. There were times we didn't have any money to feed ourselves living a civil life was far far away. But my mom always kept saying no matter what never lose or sell you pride and dignity for money. No one ever could accused me like this. But your words really hurt me today." I said trying hard not to cry in front of him.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. I pulled away my hand from his hold and quickly wiped my eyes. I found Daniel coming inside. He chuckled seeing me there. I smiled and walked out of there. I went to the restroom and washed my face before taking my stuffs and walking out of there. I will not forgive the person who plotted this ugly game with me. I will never ever.

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