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Chiara's POV

" Are you going to sleep on the bed?! Why are you lying on me like this?! I am getting crashed. You are so heavy. Move." I tried to push him away from me who was literally lying on me hugging me tightly.

" Bed is hard." He said said I gritted.

" How can bed be hard?! It's not at all hard. Go, sleep on the bed and let me sleep also. I can't sleep when you are suffocating me like that." I gritted but no use. He didn't even move an inch. "Come on. Move. I need to sleep. I have a lot to do tomorrow in the office. Stop irritating. Damn it!!!" I said angrily.

" Who stopped you, Babe? You sleep. I didn't tell you to stay wide awake all night." He said burying his face on my neck. I sighed deeply.

" But you are suffocating me." I said trying to get rid of him.

" Then get used to it, Babe. You have to sleep like this rest of your life." He said.

" Yeah. In your dream. We are not sleeping in the same room from tomorrow. I will be sleeping on the couch or in the living room. You can use the bed." I said to him.

" No use. I am not going to leave you. If you sleep on the couch or living room who is interested to sleep on the bed?! It's of no use anyways." He said and I gritted. He chuckled looking at me. " Teeth will be broken. Don't put much pressure on them, Sweetheart." He touched my lower lip and I rolled my eyes.

" Don't touch me." I said and he chuckled.

" Really?! Who is going to stop me, Babe?" He asked me.

" I am." I said.

" Are you sure?" He asked caressing my cheek. I looked at him weirdly. He smiled sweetly.

Don't smile at me, stupid!!! I am angry with you. You supposed to convince me. I sighed inwardly. I don't think he has any intention of doing so.

" I am sure. Don't irritate me." I said to him and he chuckled before moving a bit but pulling me in his arms caging me completely.

" Sleep. You need it." He said running his fingers through my hair which worked like a magic on my head which was stuck with so many things these days but the biggest mess in my head was solved as he was there.

I just clutched on him tightly before sleep overtook me. I felt him kissing on my head. At least it was cleared that he loves me truly to be with me and no matter what he will not be leaving me. I don't have to worry about losing him. I think I loved the right person.

I opened my eyes when sunlight hit my eyes. I closed my eyes immediately as the light attacked my eyes at once. I blinked several times to adjust myself with the light. I took my phone and checked the time. It was 10:00 in the morning. I kept the phone away and closed my eyes again.

Then suddenly I remembered that it's 10:00 in the morning. I got up at once. Oh, God!!! I am late today. I should have gone to office by now. Here I am sleeping still now. But I clearly remember that I set the alarm. Who turned it off?!! I asked myself. The biggest question. But I need to get ready and go to office. I looked around but couldn't find Dante. I gritted. Stupid, moron, idiot!!! He himself has gone to office but he didn't call me for once!!!

" What are you searching for, Babe?" I heard his voice and turned to find him ready to go to office.

" Did you turn the alarm down?" I asked him.

" Yeah." He said sipping his coffee.

" Why?!" I asked him.

" You were sleeping this why." He said.

" I was sleeping?!! I had to reach office and attend the meeting." I said to him.

" The meeting is postponed 3 hours. You still have time to go to office and attend it. If you want then we can cancel it as well." He said and I gritted.

No use of talking to this guy. I got up and took a shower before getting ready for office. I wasn't in any mood of having breakfast but he was there to irritate me. I had to have it. We reached the office and I attended the meeting. Surprisingly no one asked me about getting late. It's must be him. He did something.

I went to my cabin and I remembered my phone to him and I forgot to take it back. I walked towards his cabin and entered the cabin and what I found boiled my blood. I found that girl I saw in the office a few days back was there. She was sitting very close to him and were talking to Dante. I gritted.

What am I going to do with my idiot?!! I cleared my throat and they looked at me. I smiled at them and gritted inwardly. Dante might have understood what was going on inside me. He stood up and walked towards me.

" Rita, she is my wife. Chiara." Dante said holding my hand. " And Babe, she is my friend Rita." He said and I nodded smilingly. We walked toward the couch. I sat across her and Dante was about to sit the other side but I hold his hand and made him sit next to me. He looked at me weirdly.

" Sit here." I gritted smilingly. He nodded weakly.

I turned to the woman who was looking at me with fire blazing eyes which I ignored completely. I cleared my throat and looked at her.

" Listen, I am not that polite girl. I will come to the point in the first place. I don't want bi*ches around my man. You seem like one. If I find you around him you will not find yourself in this world. I don't joke around about this kind of things. So, be careful." I said to him. " Now you can leave. Don't show me or my husband your face again. Otherwise you will not like the consequences. Mind it." I said very very coldly even Dante gulped with that tone.

I was acting like a jealous wife. Damn I was jealous. I can't share my man. Not at any cost.

SLS#10# Melting The Frozen Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن