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Chiara's POV

" There is a board of meeting today." Tina said to us. I nodded. I was worried that we have to meet Dante later. He was very angry with Amelia last night.

" About what?!! There was a meeting last month. Has Jonson agreed with the conditions?" Paul asked.

" Don't know. That's what Lin said awhile back." Tina said to us.

" Oh, then we don't have to do anything about it. It just about the board meeting." Paul said to her.

" Yeah. But if the deal gets finalized then we will be having a few stressful months ahead." Liz said.

" That's right. But we have to work anyways even if the deal doesn't get finalized. There will be some other works." Melanie said.

" Yeah. Right. If this doesn't gets finalized then we will lose a big deal." Harvey said.

" I think this deal has been finalized." Robbie said.

I was just listening to them quietly. I didn't have anything to say anyways. Because I don't don't know anything about this anyways.

" Then tell everyone to go to the conference room." Peter said.

" Camellia, boss wanted to meet you." I said to her.

" Oh, ok. Let's go." She said to me.

" Umm... I don't know if it's a good idea. Boss may be a bit angry with us. You know about yesterday." I said to her and she nodded.

We reached the cabin and I knocked on the door taking a deep breath. I was praying inside that Dante doesn't get that angry today.

" Come in." Dante said. I sighed and we both entered the cabin.

" Sir!!" I said and he looked at me with a questioning look. I tried to say something but couldn't get enough courage.

But as soon as he found Camellia his expression changed into a cold one. I gulped. I am sure there is going blow a tornado over us in a few minutes. I am too nervous more than writing my exams. 

" Have a seat." He said to us. We sat there quietly. I don't have enough courage to speak up first.

" So, Ms. Martin, have you enjoyed helping Ms. Madison yesterday?" He asked her.

" Umm... Yes, sir. It was great to help her." She said a bit confusedly.

" Hmm... I can see that. You guys did the job perfectly. Congrats." He said. I don't know if it was mocking or compliment.

" Thank you, Sir." Amellia said.

" But you should have informed me before going back home. Did you do that?! Try to remember." He said to her and I gulped. He came to the point now.

" But Sir, I finished it and Susan said that she will inform you." She said. I nodded.

" Yes, Sir. I told her to go." I said to him.

" Did I ask you?" He asked me.

" No, Sir. I am sorry." I said.

" Keep quiet until you are asked something. Is that clear Ms. Madison?" He asked me and I nodded.

" Yes, Sir." I said. He turned to Camellia.

" Did you notice that the office was empty?" He asked Amelia.

" Yes, Sir." She said.

" You left her alone in the office at that hour. There could be an accident last night. Do you have any idea about that?" He asked her but she didn't say anything. " That's called common sense. When you colleague is alone in the office you should accompany her or inform someone that she is alone there. You did nothing. You could have informed Daniel. But you didn't. You would be happy if she would be injured last night,right?" He asked.

" No, Sir. Not like that." She said.

" I don't want your explanation. It will not work. When you both finished the task then it won't hurt you to stay there for 10 more minutes. You know how scared she was?! She could have hurt herself or something bad could have happened to her. Would you take the responsibility then?" He asked her.

" I am sorry, Sir." She said.

" Hmm... Next time don't be irresponsible. Now you can go." He said and we stood up.

" Did I ask you to go?" Dante asked me.

" No, Sir." I said.

" Then sit down." He said to me and I sat down back.

He wait until Camelia left. I kept looking at him. He looked at me when the door was closed.

" You told her to leave yesterday?" He asked me.

" Actually, Sir. I thought you are in the office and I don't have to worry. I told that to you as well but you didn't listen to me that time." I said to him.

" Hmm, did you really think there is a ghost in the office?" He asked me and I nodded with a grumpy face. Is he making fun of me!!!? Yes, definitely he is. I was scared. He can't do that. Stupid!!! I was also a foolish. How can ghost come into the office which is in between a crowded city?!! It is not haunted as well.

" There is something which science can't explain. There is something beyond science." I said to him.

" Beyond science is God not ghost. Throw away those stupid thinking and stop watching horror movies when you can't take that. Go do your work." He said and I nodded.

" Yes, Sir." I said and walked out of his cabin.

" Beyond science is God not ghost. Throw away those stupid thinking and stop watching horror movies when you can't take that. Go do your work." I mimicked him. " Arrogant!! What would take him to talk a bit sweetly?!! Huh!!! I think that's because of his black coffee that he keeps having. So tasteless. Yuck!!!" I said making a minion face.

" Ms. Madison, I think I had told you to go and clear you pending works not to mimick me." I heard Dante's voice from back.

I got a shock. I am dead today. I turned to see him. To my surprise he was trying hard not to laugh out loud.

" Sir, I... I ..I was going back. I am going back." I said and ran out of there. I don't want to die this early. God!!! I will get killed one day for my clumsiness.

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