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Chiara's POV

" Benjamin!!! What a pleasant surprise!!!" Chelsea said very coldly to Ben who was hell shocked seeing her there. I sighed deeply.

" She knows him?" Bianca asked me and I stayed silent. I didn't have anything to say.

" Won't you give us a space to come in?" She asked him. I was literally shocked how Chelsea was acting so calm right now!!! But he was still shocked. She pushed him aside and walked inside. I followed her.

" Chelsea!!!" I saw Pauline coming downstairs.

" Hey!!! How are you?" Chelsea asked her as she gave her a brief hug.

" I am doing very well. But what are you doing here in Paris? I mean you didn't inform you were coming here." Pauline said excitedly holding her hands. I sighed.

" There is something called surprise." Chelsea rolled her eyes chuckling.

" Has Arthur and Eva came with you?" She searched for the kids.

" Unfortunately not. They are busy with their exams." Chelsea said.

" Oh, I thought they would be here. When did you land here?" She asked her.

" Just an hour back." Chelsea said and I looked at Ben who was going upstairs.

I am feeling so awkward now. Things shouldn't be like this. But it was out of my hand. I needed to save them both. I didn't want to separate them but I had to. I hope one day Ben can forgive me for that.

" Oh, then go. Have a rest." She said to Chelsea.

I took Chelsea to my room. She went into the washroom and took a soothing shower before sleeping for awhile as Tania was about to come to meet her in the evening.

" Chiara!!" I heard Bianca whispering out of the door.

" Come in." I said to her.

She came in and sat next to me. I looked at her trying to figure out what she was trying to say.

" What happened?" I asked her.

" Nothing happened. What are you doing?" She whispered as Chelsea was sleeping.

" I was checking the files. But I am sure that you were trying to ask me something." I said to her. She pouted then looked at her nails.

" I ummm... I ... Nothing. Just like that." She said smilingly.

" Do you want to know how does Chelsea knows Ben?!" I asked her. She looked at me weirdly.  She nodded. "Ok, come with me." I said to her. She followed me and we reached the garden.

" Tell me now." Bianca said and I took a deep breath.

" They love each other." I said to her and her eyes open widened at once.

" That means it wasn't a random picture." She said.

" What are you talking about?" I asked her.

" You know, I always thought that she is his girlfriend. But I didn't know her name." She said.

" How do you know that?" I asked her completely shocked.

" Ben has her photo on the wallpaper of his phone." She said and I sighed deeply. " I always thought like it was a random person. Whenever I asked him he answered that it's just a wallpaper he likes so it was there. But I didn't know this girl exists for real and that too she is your sister." She said and I nodded.

" Yeah. She is." I said.

" But why didn't you tell me that you know Ben?" She asked me.

" Because he doesn't like that. He wanted to cut off all the relations with us." I said to her and she looked at me weirdly.

" What?! But why?" She asked me and I sighed deeply.

" Who is Ben's best friend?" I asked her.

" Jimmy but why?" She asked me and my blood boiled hearing that name.

" He is the reason that Ben and Chelsea are not together." I said and she looked at me weirdly.

" He is his best friend, Chiara. More like Betty and Tracy." She said and I gritted.

" Don't compare that rattle snake with Betty. Her soul will be hurt." I said to her.

" But what has he done here?" She asked me.

" You must know Jimmy's sister Katie." I said to her.

" Yeah, obviously." She said.

" But what you don't know is she is obsessed with Ben. Do you?" I asked her and her eyes widened.

" What!!!! But she never said so." She said and I chuckled.

" She is a psychopath." I said to her.

" What has she done here?" She asked him.

" She is the reason behind everything here." I said.

" But what has she done?" She asked me. I took a deep breath.

" They blackmailed me to convince Chelsea to break up with Ben." I said to her.

" You?!! But how?" She asked me. I sighed.

" Katie told me that she had photos of Chelsea when she was in the trial room of their store. She threatened me with her brother that if I don't convince Chelsea to break up with him then she will spread that out in internet." I said clutching my head.

Only I know how hard it was for me to hurt my sister and Ben as well. But I couldn't do that. Neither I could ask help from anyone else. I didn't even know Mr. Travisan that time. If he was there then I wouldn't be needing to do something like this to them. He would definitely help me in this.

" What!!!" She said and I sighed. " I will kill this bi*ch!!" She said. I looked at her for awhile.

" You trust me that easily?" I asked her.

" Of course." She said. " There is no reason to disbelieve you."

" I wish Ben believed me as well." I said to her.

" You told him everything?" She asked me.

" I told him that Jimmy and Kate are behind all these but he didn't believe me. He left Milan after this. I never met him after that." I said to her.

" But he kept going there all these years. I thought he goes to meet Jimmy but I think he used to go to see Chelsea as well. Now everything is making sense to me." She said and I sighed.

" But it's too late." I said to her.

" We still can help them to reunite." She said.

" Ben will not agree until I die. He hates my existence." I said to her and sighed.

" He doesn't." She said. I was about to say something but we saw Ben going out.

" What you both doing here? Go inside. It's freezing here, silly girls!!" He said. Bianca rolled her eyes.

" You do your stuffs." She said.

He rolled his eyes before going toward the parking lot. He drove out of the house before warning us again to go inside. I sighed. I hope one day he can forgive me. I really don't know if this can be solved ever.

SLS#10# Melting The Frozen HeartNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ