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Chiara's POV

Moscow was quite cold here. But not that extreme. I need some time to get used to it. I sipped the coffee looking outside of the window. It started to snow again. I kept the cup down and got ready for office. I needed to meet Mr. Turner today.

I came out of the apartment and called Chelsea. She must have gone to Paris today. I asked her last night and she told that she will be going to Paris this morning. She must be there by now.

" Hello, Sis!!" I heard a familiar voice.

" Who is that?" I asked.

" You forgot me?! You sliced my heart." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Who are you?! Why did you pick up my sister's phone? Don't you have manners?" I asked him.

" God, Chiara!!! It's me Ben. Your sister herself told me to pick the call up and talk to you." He said and I chuckled.

" I am not used to talk to you anyways. How would I know that it's might be you?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Why didn't you come? You said that you will come as well." He said.

" I wanted to but I am a bit busy. I really wanted to be there. I will make it up for you next time. Besides I sent Chelsea there. I kept my promise already." I said to him and he chuckled.

" Yes, you did but the thing is you are not here. You should be here as well." He said.

" I am sorry for that. But I promise that I will make it up for you next time." I said to him.

" Ok, if you are saying that. Listen, there is my friend Nelly at Moscow. If you need anything call her. I will text you her number. Don't hesitate. She will help you in any kind of help you need." He said.

" I will definitely ask her for help if I need anything. Text me her number." I said.

" Ok. I will text it. Take care. Don't roam around alone." He said.

" Ok. You guys enjoy your time. I send Chelsea there. You better make it right now." I said to him. " Make the right use of the chance."

" Thanks a lot for that. And sorry for everything though I wanted to tell that to you face to face but I think I should say that right now." He said and I sighed.

" It's ok. Just make my sister happy. She has gone through a lot for that incident. Don't ever hurt her again. If you do then I will kill you." I said to him. He chuckled.

" Ok, ma'am. I will keep that in my mind." He said to me.

" I will be going now. Bye then. Tell Chelsea that I am going to office she shouldn't be worried about me." I said to him.

" Ok, I will tell her." He said to me.

" All the best for today." I said to him.

" Thanks a lot. It would be better if you were here." he said.

" I also wanted to do so. I wish I could be there with you all." I said.

" It's ok. You do your works. That's also important. We will meet soon." He said.

" I hope so." I said.

" Ok. You go. You are getting late." He said and I smiled.

" Bye. Take care." I said.

" You too." He said and hung up.

I walked out of building and booked a taxi for myself. I reached the office building and called Mr. Turner. He reached there to welcome me. I was completely new there.

" Ms. Zesper, there's Mr. Cantor. He can explain you what you should do here." Mr. Turner said to me.

" Ok, thanks a lot. I will talk to him." I said to him and he nodded.

I talked to Mr. Cantor for awhile and I got what the problem was there. I need a few days to solve it. I went to my cabin and tried to fix my head in work but my mind was stuck with Dante. I looked at my phone. I wanted to call him several times just to hear his voice these days but I didn't cause I don't want to be weak now. He definitely hates me now. No use of trying to reach him again. He will not take me back. He doesn't trust me. It not only hurt me it gave me a good lesson of life as well. I know everything but I can't forget him. Damn!!! I love him a lot. How can I forget him that easily?! Will I ever be able to forget him?!! I don't think so. People fall in love once in their life. It can't be happen twice. I can't give his place to anyone else.

But what about him???!! Will he forget me?! Will he love someone else? Will he give my place to anyone else?!! No, he can't. He said that he loves me. He can't give my place to anyone else. He can't forget me that easily. But he hates me now. What if he loves someone else?! What if he doesn't remember me?!! What if he gives my place to that bloody witch Jennifer!!! No, no, no, no. He can't. He loves me. He loves only me. He will not give my place to anyone else. He will not.

I don't know what to do now. I have never ever felt this helpless ever. I can't share my husband with anyone else. Not just me no woman can share their love with anyone else. I kept my head on the desk.

God, please do something that Dante comes back to me. Please, do something that he loves me again like before. Do something that he becomes mine again. Please, God. Please, give him back to me. I can't live like this without him in my life. If you wanted to take him away then why did you give him to me in the first place?! Why?! I can't live with a heart break. You have to give him back to me.

I was thinking about that when someone knocked on the door. I wiped my tears quickly before allowing the person behind the door to come in. I found Mr. Turner coming inside.

" Mr. Turner? Anything wrong?" I asked him.

" Boss wants to meet you." He said.

" Ok, I am going." I said to him. I followed him and reached the cabin.

" You go inside." He said and I nodded before knocking on the door.

The voice allowed me to go in seemed to be very familiar to me. I cleared my throat before going in and my eyes open widened at once. Hallucination?!!!

SLS#10# Melting The Frozen HeartWhere stories live. Discover now