The Truth

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Chiara's POV

" But I am still not done with my presentation. Actually I have the original copy of that presentation that awhile back Tania has presented. So sad that she explained some points wrong and none of you objected on it. No worries. My work. I will explain it. But I want to say that Ms. Andres is very much expert in this art of presenting others work. Even yesterday she has done the same. But unfortunately yesterday she has targeted Susan. We couldn't say anything yesterday cause we weren't sure. But today we have proofs. So, Ms. Andres, you still have something to say?" Tracy asked Tania.

" It's not true." Tania said and I sighed deeply. Still have courage. Tracy chuckled.

" We all have already seen how childish you can be. So, I don't disagree. It's you. It's really you." Tracy said.

" Alright. Finish it here. Ms. Andres, you are bound to explain these. If things are not reasonable then you are fired." Mr. Edwards said standing up. " The meeting is over. Let's discuss about it sometime later." He said and walked out of the conference room.

I can't believe someone of matured age can do this. I walked towards my cabin and I was really shocked about Tracy. How she handled things without making it a fuss. But Tracy was a superwoman. She has an evil tricky brain. If she would've be here Tania would keep doing the same thing again and again. But my question is why was she doing that?! What was her problem?! I should talk to her. May be she is facing a real problem which she can't share with anyone else.

We all walked out of there except for Tania. She was sitting there lonely. I wanted to talk to her but Daniel dragged me out of there. I kept looking at Tania. She was looking at the floor.

" Wow, it was something." Dani said.

" About what?" Tracy asked him.

My mind was stuck with Tania's incident. Lin told me that she was one all the topper in the college and she is very talented and experienced. If it was someone else then it I could believe that easily but Tania doesn't match with the story. I sighed. Why did she do something like that?!!

" Your plan worked." Daniel said to Tracy.

" I knew that it will work. Why are you so shocked?" Tracy asked him.

" I am not shocked. Just was saying." He said to her.

" Alright then." She said.

" You guys didn't tell me about it before." I complained. I didn't know anything about their plan before. They didn't include me in this plan.

" If we have told you then you would have stopped us eventually. What use of telling you?" Dani asked me.

" Alright. Though she was wrong but exposing her like this was really embarrassing." I said and sighed.

" Well, she deserved it." Dani said.

" Still." I was saying.

I still am not sure what happened to Tania. Once the best performer is not even able to stand for herself nowadays. It's a great issue to think about.

" Enough. Don't talk about it anymore." Dani said.

" Yeah, it happened already." Tracy said to me. I nodded weakly.

" You want to go out for lunch?" Dani asked us.

" No. It's ok. I am fine with it." She said to him.

" Don't starve yourself. Come on." He said to her.

" I will have lunch. I just need to talk to Liam for a while." She said to him and he nodded.

" Alright. I will be waiting for you." He said.

" No, no. No need. I might be late. But I promise I will have my lunch later on." She said to him

" Are you sure?" He asked her.

" I promise." She said.

" Alright, Susan!!! Let's go have lunch. Kylie is waiting outside." He said and I nodded.

" But why do you want me to come with you? You should enjoy your time with Kylie alone." I said.

" Kyle is comfortable with my friends and don't act like this is the first time that you are going to see her." Dani said to me and I chuckled.

" Alright. Let's go." I said.

" Ms. Madison." We heard Dante.

" Yes, sir?" I said politely.

" You have got something to do with the board directors." He said to me and then turned to Dani. " So, I don't think she can go you with you for now, Dan. But you are welcome. Enjoy your time with your girl, Bro. You owe me once." He said winking at Dani who just rolled his eyes at him. " And Ms. Madison?" He called me again.

" Sir?" I said.

" Follow me." He said and I followed him. What do I have to do with the board of directors?!!

We came to the conference room again and I sat across Tania. Dante sat next to me. I looked at her and she was still looking at the floor. I don't know what she was thinking about but I think she is hiding something.

" So, Ms. Madison!!" Mr. McCullough said

" Sir, what do you think should be done with Ms. Beverly?" He asked me and I kept looking at them confusedly. Why are they asking that to me?!

" Sir, me?!" I asked him.

" Yes, you." He said to me.

" Sir, I know that what she has done was not right but we don't know the reason behind this. She must be helpless about it. If you check her academic records she was one of the toppers. Even in last 6 years she worked here she has a great contribution in the huge projects of the company. She played the vital role. Then suddenly why she would do something like that?! Everyone deserves a second chance. I think she also should have a second chance. That was my opinion. Yours can be different. But I think we should give her one more chance." I said to the board of directors ignoring Dante glaring at me all the one.

He must be angry with me for supporting Tania but I just can't ignore the truth. I need to figure out what's wrong with her.

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