Crazy Girl

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Dante's POV

" Where are we going, Sir?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" Can't tell you. It's secret." I said to her. She pouted like a little kid. I smiled.

She is not that naive like I think she is. She found out the reason behind Tania's doing such a thing. But she is still innocent. No doubt about that.

" But why not? Are you kidnapping me?" She asked me.

" Yeah, I am kidnapping you." I said to her.

" Sir, why are you kidnapping me? What have I done? You have enough, why do you want to kidnap me then?" She asked me.

" Can't tell you." I said to her.

" Sir, I haven't done anything. Why are you doing this to me?!" She said. I chuckled.

" Are you going to shut your mouth or will I glue your lips together?" I asked her and she covered her lips at once with her hands.

" Sir, why do we have to go on date at night? I didn't inform home that I will be late." She said to me.

" I informed your aunt that you are with me." I said to her.

" When?!"  She asked me looking at me weirdly.

" Before coming out of the office." I said to her.

" Why didn't I notice that?" She asked herself.

" Because you are always busy with your stupid thinking." I said to her. She glared at me.

" I don't think stupid things at all." She said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, I am going to trust you. No wonder." I said to her.

" Sir, you can't insult me like that all the time. I object." She said and I sighed.

" Why so?" I asked her

" It is not right. I am not that stupid. You always keep trying to show that I am a stupid. But I am not." She said to me.

" You are not stupid but you are troublemaker who fall into trouble by her own. Basically all the troublemakers are stupid." I said to her.

" I am not stupid?" She asked me and I chuckled shaking my head.

" But you said I am troublemaker." She said.

" Cause you are." I said to her.

" And you said that troublemakers are stupid." She said to me and I shrugged.

" That means I am also stupid." She said to me. I chuckled. " But I am not stupid at all. Not at all. Right?"

" Not sure yet?" I asked her.

" I am sure. I am not stupid." She said to me. I stopped the car.

" What happened?" She asked me.

" Car got punctured." I said to her rolling my eyes. She sighed deeply.

" This why I was saying let's not go on a date at late night." She said to me.

" Come. Get down." I said to her. I got down the car and I opened the door for her. " Come." I extended my hand toward her. She rolled her eyes.

" I can get down myself." She said but I hold her hand.

" We came on a date." I said to her pulling her closer. She looked at me irritatingly.

" Is the car really punctured?" She asked me and I chuckled.

" Yeah, it punctured." I joked.

" How will we go back now?!" She said. " Where are we?" She asked me.

" I don't know." I said to her.

" You don't know?! You told me that you will take me on a date now you forget where we are?" She asked me and I chuckled inwardly.

" What can we do now? I don't know." I said to her.

" But how come we are here out of nowhere." She said to me.

" I don't have any idea." I said.

" Where are we exactly?" She asked me.

" I don't know." I said to her. She stood close to me clutching on my arm.

" Sir!!" She said to me.

" What?" I asked her.

" Sir, is ... Is here... here any ghost?" She asked me.

" May be. If you keep talking then they will come and you know..." I said to her and she came more closer.

" Sir, I will go home." She said to me.

" Can't the car is punctured." I said to her.

" Sir, call someone. You have a lot of influences." She said to me.

" I have but there is no network." I said to her. I controlled hard on my laughter seeing her face almost cried.

" Sir, take me home please." She said.

" Relax. Where is a will there is a way. Follow me." I said to her.

She was trembling now. I shook my head. Really?!! I dragged her with me and reached the carnival after 15 minutes. She jumped squealing.

" Sir, let's go inside. Please, please, please." She said. I chuckled nodding.

" Wow!!! Cool." She said looking around.

" Calm down. You are acting like a kid." I said to her. She rolled her eyes and dragged me with her.

She kept roaming around. God!!! Where does she gets that much energy. After an hour when she got tired a bit she dragged me toward a food court. I chuckled.

" I am hungry." She said and I chuckled. We sat on the corner.

" What do you want to eat?" I asked her.

" I want to have something spicy." She said.

She checked the menu and ordered a very spicy spaghetti though the waiter warned her twice that it's too much hot for her but she kept whining for it. I sighed before letting her have it. Soon it showed the result of her stubbornness. Her face turned red still she kept having it.

" Stop. Your stomach will be hurting later." I said to her.

Her eyes were watering now. She started to have water like she is thirsty from ages. I sighed. Kid!!!

" Dying." She said.

" Will you have ice cream?" I asked her.

" I will have your brain." She said.

" What have I done?" I asked her.

" Why didn't you stop me before?" She asked me and I sighed. She had ice cream but still was cursing the spaghetti. I sighed. The whole date plan got spoiled.

" Let's go home." I said to her. She nodded.

We reached the car and she was still cursing. I sighed.

" How will we go home, Sir? This car is punctured." She said.

" Get in." I said to her and she rolled her eyes. " I am dying. Goodbye world. Remember my name." She said. I rolled my eyes.

Crazy girl.

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