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Chiara's POV

" Where were you last night? You came too late at home." I heard Bianca saying to me.

" Went on a date with my boss." I said to her.

" Dante!!" She asked me.

" Who else?" I asked her.

" How come he took you on a date?" She asked me and I sighed deeply.

" Long story." I said to her.

" I am not in hurry." She said to me.

I sighed and told her everything. How we started to talk about my boyfriend then what happened after that, that stupid blind date plan, Dante's sudden appearance in between that. Their convincing Dante to take me on a date. How I tried to avoid it but he forced me to go on a date last evening when I went to talk to him about Tania.

After I finished she started laugh saying I was really a stupid for trying to avoid it. I rolled my eyes. How will I make her understand that I am fighting with my feelings for him with myself. I don't want to express it ever. I am trying to keep it inside my heart engraved. It will not be right for us. So, I am trying to avoid him. I don't want to make it messed up.

" What happened then?" She asked me.

" When?" She asked me.

" What happened in the date?! You enjoyed a lot the accompany of a hot guy?" She asked me and I rolled my eyes .

I told him how everything was spoiled for my stupid spicy spaghetti. I was dying. But the end of the night was very beautiful. Cause we went to have dinner on that rooftop restaurant. It was so beautiful. I enjoyed the view and food both. I think I liked it more because I was with Dante. He was changing his place in my heart from crush to something more than that which I am afraid of. Falling in love with him will make me suffer in the long run. I am not going to take that. I am not ready to break my heart like that.

" No. Things get spoiled." I said to her.

" Spoiled?!" She asked me.

" Yeah, completely spoiled." I said to her.

" How?" She asked me.

" Leave it." I said.

" Tell me." She said.

I sighed and explained her what happened. She sighed deeply after hearing everything. I was really very crazy for having such spicy things which my stomach can't tolerate.

" You are really crazy, Chiara." She said. I sighed.

" Yeah, I am. I know that." I said to her.

" Will you go to meet Tania today?" She asked me.

" Yeah, I will go and meet her soon but not today." I said to her.

" You have only 2 days to save Tania's job." She said to me. I sighed..

" Dante said that he will take care of it." I said to her.

" So you are not thinking anything about it now?" She asked me.

" I am by he warned me not to do any stupidity making myself a part of it." I said to her.

" That he said right. You will only do stupidity by involving yourself into this." She said.

" She is not more stupid than you, Nerdy." I heard Carter saying from the doorstep.

" Hey!!" I said to him.

" Hi, Chiara. Good morning." He said and I nodded.

" Morning." I said to him.

" How are you doing?" He asked me.

" I am fit and fine." I said to him.

" Great. What happened to this nerd?" He asked me.

" What will happen to her?" I asked looking at her. She was absolutely fine.

" She has told Mrs. West that she is not doing well and can't join the rehearsal today." He said and I sighed. Bianca and her excuses.

" She is fine as much as I know. She didn't tell me if she is sick or not." I said to him.

" Hmm... Go get ready. We are going to school." He said to her.

" I am not going. Mrs. West let me to have a leave. Who are you to tell me to go to school with you?! You are not even my friend and I don't trust you. You are the biggest problem of my life." She shouted at him which didn't work on him at all.

" Are you getting ready for school or should I do something about it?" he asked her.

" Do what?!" She gritted.

" Listen, I don't have any problem with taking you school I your PJs now you decide what will you do?" He asked her and she gritted.

" I am not going to school today." She said.

" Alright. Then tell that you need a ride. I don't have any problem. You can either walk or I can carry you. You will be merely 30 kg." He said and she gritted.

" I am not 30. I am 42." She said.

" Same." He said. " You look like if someone blows you away you would be in the space in a few seconds." He said and I sighed.

I facepalmed myself. If it wasn't Sunday I wouldn't be sitting here in the living room being witness of a Tom and Jerry fight early in the morning like this. What a brilliant start of the day!!!

" None of your business." Bianca said.

" I will give you 10 second. If you don't go and change then I will take you to school just like this. I don't care if you will like it or not. But I assure you there will be a lot of fun for you. And you know it's not impossible for me to take you school like that. Right?" He asked her and she twisted her lips looking away. I sighed deeply.

" 10... 9..8..7... 6...5...4..." He was counting.

" I hate you." Bianca stood up at that point.

" Good girl." He said and I sighed deeply.

Bianca cursed him several times before going upstairs. I shook my head helplessly. These kids!!! They left for school after awhile.

I was sitting at home lazily. I decided to watch a movie but just then the doorbell rang. Who came at this hour!!! I asked myself and opened the door. My eyes opened widened saying the person there. Am I hallucinating!!!

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