What's Wrong With Her?!

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Dante's POV

" What's wrong with you?" Daniel asked me.

" I don't know." I said to him.

" What kind of answer is that?" Lin asked me.

" I don't know." I said.

" Don't eat my brain. I warn you." She said.

" What do you guys want to know?" I asked him.

" Really??! You are asking us that?! What happened to you lately?" Daniel asked me.

" I don't have any idea what happened to me." I said to him.

" You out of your mind, Dude. I think you need a vacation." Lin said.

Not a vacation but I need Chiara. My brain shouted at me. I rolled my eyes. Though it was true that I was acting weird these days. I keep seeing her all around. Even she keeps irritating me at night in my dreams. That was happened that day she came to me to explain me her plans about the interior designs of the new construction site. She described me everything but I couldn't hear anything. I was just looking at her like a stupid. When she finished explaining I was completely clueless actually what she has said to me. I didn't know what was happening to me. I am going crazy.

" No need. I will be fine. Did you guys find out what I asked you to do?" I asked them.

" We are almost there." Daniel said.

" Great then." I said to her.

" You do need a break from works. Your brain is hang in somewhere." Lin said.

" I am fine." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

" And you tell me to believe you?" She asked me.

" Yeah. What's wrong in believing me?" I asked her.

" Nothing wrong in believing you." She said. " But there is something bothering you all the time. I don't know what is that." She said to me.

" Nothing is going inside my head. I just want to find out the traitor." I said to them.

" I am the traitor." Daniel said and I rolled my eyes.

" Joke of the year." Lin said.

" Why don't you guys trust me?" Daniel said.

" Because you are hiding something from us." They kept irritating me. I sighed deeply. These stupid will not let it go until they gets their answer. I sighed

" I think I am ..." I stopped.

Should I tell them already or wait for a few days more to get confirmed about it?! May be it's just an attraction for a few days.

Yeah, attraction!!! Look at yourself, stupid, you are dying without her and you are saying it doesn't matter. It's just an attraction. Whom are you fooling, buddy!!! Just whom!!! My brain screamed at me. I sighed. I don't know what should I do. I don't understand what to do. I just don't understand.

" Marc!!!" Lin said looking at me narrowing her eyes.

" I am fine. Why are you guys bothering me?" I said to them.

" We are not bothering you. We are trying to help you." She said.

" I am not facing any problem. What is bothering you?" I asked her.

" You are not in your right mind. That is bothering me." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" Nothing has happened to me." I said to her.

" You are hiding something from us." Daniel said. I sighed deeply.

" Is that about Susan?" Daniel asked me and I looked at him completely shocked.

" What?!" I asked.

" You think we don't notice your moves?" Lin asked me. I rolled my eyes. " You are not cleverer than me." She said winking at me. I looked at her flatly.

" What do you guys want to know then if you know that already?" I asked them.

" Want to know exactly how far this has gone." Lin said and I sighed.

" I don't know." I said.

" You will know that when you will be in a critical situation. Otherwise you will not be taking it seriously." Lin said to me.

" What are you talking about?" I asked her.

" Dani!!" She called him.

" Yeah?" Dani said.

" Dani, you call Dean and tell him that Susan likes him a lot and if he wants then they can go on a date. Later they can discuss about further steps of their relationship." Lin said and I glared at her. Is she mad!!! She is saying that in front of me!!! Weird girl.

" If only she agrees with that." I said to her..

" Don't worry. I will convince her for that. That's not too hard for me." Daniel said. I wish he wasn't my best friend and I could kick him hard.

" But you can't trust her with anyone else. She is so innocent girl. They can hurt her." I said to him.

" I know Dean from long back. He is a good guy and perfect for Susan. You don't have to worry. You don't care about her, right?" He asked me.

" I never said that. Who gives you weird ideas?" I asked him.

" Oh, you do care about her?" Daniel asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" Of course, I do." I said to him. " You are out of your mind." I said to him.

" I am not out of my mind, Bro. It's you." He said to me and I rolled my eyes.

" Why didn't you tell us before?" Lin asked me. I sighed deeply.

" I myself was confused." I said to her.

" Dani, party!!!" Lin said and I rolled my eyes.

" You will bear all the expenses, Marc. No use of rolling your eyes. The fact is fact. At last.... After years of waiting..." She acted a bit. Drama Queen!!!

We had lunch together and then they left. I was coming back home suddenly I remembered that it's Chiara's birthday next week. God knows if I get the chance to buy a gift myself later for her as there were piles of works waiting for us already. I walked to the jewelry store nearby and meet my friend Augustine and asked a favor from him. He was more than happy to help me. I told him to send it to me before next weekend.

I came out of there and chuckled thinking about her childishness yesterday. This girl will drag me into her world full of craziness one day. Suddenly I bumped into someone. I looked at the person. She was on the ground. I sighed. Where was I lost?!!!

" I am extremely sorry. Are you ok?" I asked the girl as I helped her to get up. She was about to say something but stopped then looked at me weirdly for awhile. " Excuse me, Ms. Are you ok?" I asked her. She came back to reality I guess.

" I am fine. It's ok." She said and walked away. I looked at her weirdly.

What's wrong with her?!

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