Mysterious Lady

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Chiara's POV

" O, swear not by the moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circled orb, lest that thy love prove likewise variable." The prompt said to remind the line to Juliet A. K. A Bianca who has forgotten it again. I chuckled.

She was doing well but  Carter and his friends were irritating her like hell. Mocking her all the time. That helped her to improve a lot. I think that's pre-planned.

So, I was in Bianca's school currently enjoying their rehearsal. I was roaming around randomly after I came out of the office. I wasn't feeling well. So, I decided to spend some time with Bianca. She always makes my mood lit up no matter how much upset I am. I chuckled seeing her running around after Carter's friends who were mocking her cause she pronounced inconstant as constant. I sighed. Kids!!

" Constant Nerdy." One of them said and Carter glared at him.

" I forbade everyone to call her nerdy." He said to his friends. But he himself calls her nerdy.

" I am nerd. So, I don't mind being called nerdy." She said rolling her eyes.

" Still no one will call her nerdy. Is that clear?" Carter asked everyone.

" Alright." They said. I chuckled.

" Kids!!! Take your positions." Mrs. West said and they started to rehearse again. I was sitting there enjoying the rehearsal.

I already have decided that I am not going back to office for awhile. I don't want to face Dante now. His heart has really frozen. Melting it will not at all be easy. But I have to try harder for it. I need to take him back home. Even if I need to play the ugliest game for that. If he keeps hating me for that rest of his life it won't hurt me. Mr. Travisan will be very happy if he goes back. That's enough for he. He has done a lot for me and my family. I want to give him something to make him happy.

" You don't know me properly yet, Dante. You don't. But soon you will. Very soon. I haven't come here planning for it from years just to waste my time. I will drag you back that's my promise. And you have to pay for what you have done to me today. I will make you pay. Just wait and watch. It's not only you who can be angry like that if I get angry you will see the hell. Soon, I will make you ride a rollercoaster of hell. Just wait and watch. How dare you insult me like that!!! I will make you regret for that.

" Excuse me, can I sit here?" I heard someone saying and looked up to see a woman in her early 40s standing here.

" Sure, Ma'am." I said and moved a bit to let her sit there. The whole auditorium is empty but she has to sit here?! My mood is terribly off and I don't want to be rude with anyone now.

" By the way, I am Irene Wallington. Nice to meet you." She said politely.

" Chiara Zesper. Nice to meet you too, Ma'am." I said to her.

" Are you new here? I didn't see you here before." She said to me. Did she misunderstood me as a student here?!! God!!! This happens to me all the time.

" Ma'am, I am not student here. I have come to pick Bianca McCarty. I am her friend." I said to her.

" Oh, I am Carter's mom." She said. Oh!! This why her eyes were so familiar. Carter got them from his mother.

" Where do you read then?" She asked me.

" I have finished my graduation already. I am an architect ma'am." I said to her and she looked at me weirdly.

" Really?" She asked me.

" Yeah." I said to her.

" That's great." She said excitedly. I smiled. " Why did you came here for further study or job?" She asked me.

" For job, ma'am." I said.

" Oh, great then." She said to me and I nodded.

" So you are staying with Bianca's family for your job?" She asked me and I nodded.

" Yeah. I am staying here for my job." I said to her.

" Very well then." She said to me and I nodded.

" Chiara!!" I heard Bianca calling me.

" Coming." I said to her. " Excuse me, ma'am." I said to Carter's mom.

" Sure. Go, see what Bianca wants." She said and I walked towards her from the corner of the auditorium.

" What happened?" I asked her.

" Water. Do you have water bottle?" She asked me.

" Oh, yes." I said to her. She took the water bottle and started to have it. She gave the bottle back to me and I came back to sit with Mrs. Wallington but I found none there. I sighed and walked back towards the front row.

" Searching for me?" I heard Mrs. Wallington. I smiled and sat next to her.

" Yeah, I thought you left already." I said to her. She chuckled.

" I was enjoying the play. Carter is really good at it. Bianca is also good but she doesn't like my son this why this couple are not going to get a good critic. How will they play the roles having an immortal enemies?" She said.

" They will do great." I said to her.

" Let's see. The play will be staged soon so they just have a few days before the drama gets staged." She said to me and I smiled.

" Everything will be perfect. You don't have to think about it." I said to her.

" Hmm... Where are you basically from?" She asked me.

" I am from Milan." I said to her.

" Oh!! Great." She said.

" Your family? They still stay there?" She asked me.

" Yeah. They still stay there." I said to her.

" When do so you plan to do back home?" She asked me.

" Not sure. I want to have some experience. Then I will go back." I said to her.

" Hmm... " She said and kept looking for awhile. I was feeling a bit uncomfortable.

What's wrong with Mrs. Wallington!!! Mysterious lady.

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