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Chiara's POV

We had dinner and I texted one of my friends to buy a phone for Amy. I have broken her earlier. She must need to contact with her manger. I was waiting for my friend to come with the phone. I sighed.

I was angry but it crossed the limit as well. I should have controlled my anger before reacting but I didn't know about her mom. No matter what she was, she is and she will remain my sister. Nothing can change that thing.

I am very proud of my mom how she showed that she is a human being by bringing Amy home and bring her up like her own kid even after all the things that her mother has done. I mean it's her mother. She doesn't have anything to do with that. So, why to hate her anyways!!!

I heard the doorbell rang and went to check it. It was my friend Jenny. She gave me the phone and left as it was quite late and she had to go home. I closed the door as she left and walked towards Amy's room. I wanted to knock but I think we both will be awkward after the incident earlier. She didn't even had dinner with us then Chelsea came to her room and fed her. I don't think I should go in her room now. I kept that on doorstep and knocked on the door. I walked away when the door was opened behind me and I heard her calling me. I turned to see her on the door.

" You need anything?" I asked her. She showed the phone. " It's for you. Keep it." I said to her. She nodded.

" Can we talk?" She asked me. I looked at her for awhile. " Just for a few minutes." She said and I nodded.

I walked into her room and she closed the door. I sat on the couch and she sat beside me. I found the half closed drawer of her vanity table and was about to close it but I got the old scrapbook there. I remember we made it when we were kids. Amy, Arthur, Eva, Chelsea and I. Beautiful memories of our childhood. I took it out and opened it as she unboxed her new pH.

" Thanks for this." She said about the phone and she saw me checking the scrapbook. I wonder she still has this one. I thought she has burnt it. I nodded. She sighed deeply.

" I told that to you intentionally this morning." She said and I looked at her confusedly.

" Say what?" I asked her.

" About Dante. I am not thirsty for money, Chiara. I really like Dante but I realized that he doesn't like me. He loves you. He will never ever be mine. I wanted you not to break up with Dante. You guys are made for each other. I didn't said those things intentionally that day in the hospital. The night before grandma came to me and kept saying how you won Dante over me. How I lose to you this time as well. She knew that I like him and she knew I was depressed about my works. This why she did it to ignite me a bit. I told those things to you out of my depression." She said to me. I sighed.

" If you were depressed then you should have talked with us, Amy." I said to her.

" I am not that close to you guys. I am not comfortable." She said.

" You are the reason behind that. We tried that a lot. But tell me one thing. Did you tell Arthur and Eva about this before?" I asked her.

" They were talking about you and Dante which I didn't want to hear that time." She said.

" I got it." I said. " But why suddenly you changed your mind?" I asked her.

" 3 days back his grandma came and told me that it's not my place. I think it's true. I knew about my mom from long. But grandma told that to me the other way around. In her story your mom was the other wan not mine. Last night I heard grandma talking to your mom. I knew everything from that. Crystal clear." She said and I sighed deeply.

" I don't want to be the other woman in someone's life like my mom and I know you are the first woman in Dante's life. No one can snatch that from you." She said and I hold her hand.

" You will get someone better than him." I said to her.

" I hope so. I know I am more beautiful than you." She said chuckling with tears in her eyes. I also chuckled wiping her tears. " Finally I am going to say those things for which I have said these things." She said and took a deep breath. " Sorry and thank you." She said and smiled.

" Sorry for my behavior earlier and thank you for everything." She said. "From my very childhood. Thanks for everything. Thanks for making my breakfast every morning while going to school, thanks for bringing me chocolates from your pocket money not having lunch at school, thanks for appreciating all my failed trial of being a singer though I sound like a crow." She said and I chuckled patting her head. " Thanks for supporting me in everything, thanks for teaching me how to fight for myself, thanks for showering me with your love, thanks for fighting for the world for me. Thank you so much." She said and I sighed.

" You don't have to thank me." I said to her.

" And I am sorry for being a bi*ch all the time." She said.

" You are a very beautiful girl, Amy. You should know how to choose the right path in your life. This is just the starting of your life. It's not late yet. Lead your life however you want but make sure that when you look back it should make you proud not depress you hard and make you feel guilty." I said and she nodded sighing deeply.

" I was trying hard to say sorry. I have never ever done that before." She said. " And the slap was hard." She said and I sighed.

" You know my anger." I said. She chuckled.

" Yeah, I do." She said. " Be happy in your life." She said to me.

" You are a wonderful person, Amy. Don't let people mislead you. You still have a long way to go in your life. You will find your true love sooner or later." I said to her. " And now that you know your family better try to spend time with them as well. You will not feel depressed. They will not let you." I said. She nodded.

" Sleep you need it. You have a shoot tomorrow morning." I said to her.

" I cancelled my shoot. I am going to join the preparation of your wedding ceremony." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" Don't get emotional. It's for those chocolates you got me from your pocket money." She said and I chuckled. She picked out the chocolate box started to have one. I was about to take one but she took it away. " You will look like a balloon in your wedding ceremony if you have chocolate." She said and I rolled my eyes. " Equal equal." She said and I chuckled. She is taking revenge for calling her balloon when she was kid.

" Alright, you have that." I said to her. She took a small block and gave it to me. I looked at her with a questioning look.

" It will not harm but will keep the sisterhood protected." She said to me and I chuckled before taking the chocolate from her.

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