Proud Mother

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Chiara's POV

" Stop dragging me." I said to Bianca but she didn't say anything just kept dragging me with her.

" You sit here in the front row." She said to me and I sighed.

" I will be there. No worries." I said to her.

" I am a bit nervous." She said.

" Everything will be fine and Mr. Miller will be there to remind you your lines. So, don't be nervous at all." I said to her.

She nodded weakly and I patted her head. She left with her friends then. I was sitting there waiting for Mrs. Walden who told me that she will appear there in awhile. So, it was the day the play will be staged and Bianca was so nervous that I literally had to take a half day off to be here with her. I chuckled. She is a good performer. Still is nervous and add Carter in this he adds much more fuel in this by irritating her all the time. But though he was trying to encourage her today she thought he was mocking her. This lead them into a fight. So, currently they are not talking to each other. God knows how will they finish the play. I hope they don't kill each other by then. I looked around for Mrs. Walden once again but she wasn't there. I sighed.

" What happened? Whom are you looking for?" Ben asked me and I sighed.

" Mrs. Walden said she will be here in awhile." I said to him.

" Who is Mrs. Walden?" Pauline asked me.

" Oh, she is Jeremy's aunt. Jeremy is Bianca's friend." I said to her and she nodded.

She came back to Paris last night. I left her there in Milan with everyone as I needed to find out that lady who was following me continuously trying to scare me. I am sure she is not Carter's mother. Because it's true that ghost doesn't exist and when I hacked that restaurant's security system and reached their CCTV footage I found her there. She was there. That means she is not a supernatural object she is a human and I am going to find her out soon. She has to pay for scaring me like this when I was already scared.

So, Pauline was there with my family. Chelsea, Arthur and Eva became her guide and they had a tour of Milan. But I was still upset that I couldn't be there. Though she didn't complain about it but still. I should be there with her when she was there.

" Oh, ok ok." She said and I nodded.

The play started. I was so engaged into the drama when suddenly I saw that lady behind the curtains. She was directly looking at me. I looked at her weirdly how did she reach there without anyone noticing her?! Suddenly she got vanished. I stood up at once.

" What happened?" Pauline asked me.

" I need to go to the restroom." I said to her and she nodded.

" Oh, ok. You go then." She said to me and I nodded before running out of there.

I walked towards the main entrance. She will come out with this door only if she is inside. I was standing up there. This lady is gone today. I was taking a step ahead but someone pulled me into the dark side of the auditorium covering my mouth. I was shocked at first then tried to get freed but the person was way too stronger than me. I tried to step his feet but I think he was smarter than me.

" You are not smarter than me, Ms. Madison." I heard the familiar voice and rolled my eyes before biting on his hand. " Ouch!!! Are you crazy!!" He asked me and I rolled my eyes.

" I am not crazy. I am Mrs. Alistone if you are forgetting that, Mr. Alistone." I said and he chuckled rubbing his hand. " What are you doing here?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes. I thought he will say he came to meet me but he said something else.

" I came here with Dani and Kyl. Kyl's nephew is also there taking part in the play." He said.

" Oh, great." I said.

" But what are you doing here?" He asked me.

" Oh, shit!!!" I said and ran toward the entrance.

" What happened?" He followed me.

" You!!! Urrrrrrghhhh... Nothing. Go enjoy the play." I said to him.

" Being with you is more enjoyable than that I think." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Ok, then stay here but keep quiet." I said to him.

" What are you doing here? You didn't tell me yet." He said to me.

" Capturing the ghost." I said to him and he laughed. I narrowed my eyes.

" Why are you laughing?" I asked him.

" No. I was thinking when has my little wife became so brave to capture a ghost?" He asked me and I gritted.

" I am not little." I said to him.

" Yeah, you are 23 year's old kid... No not kid, 23 year's old woman." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Why are you irritating me?" I asked him.

" Not irritating you I was just..." He stopped and laughed. " Irritating you because you are mine. I must not be irritating some other woman, right?" He asked me. I glared at him and hold his collar.

" Don't you dare. I will bury you alive before killing myself." I said to him.

" I can understand that you will kill me for being with some other woman but why will you kill yourself?" He asked me. I gritted. This guy literally has no idea I love him from long back. He is a stupid. How will he get that?!!

" You will not understand that. Let me do my works. Don't irritate me." I said to him.

" You never try to explain me then how do you know that I will not understand?" He asked me and I was about to tell him and I love him as he was irritating me too much but I heard Cailey's voice.

" Hi, Caiya." I found her coming toward me. I knelt and picked her up. She giggled. Where is her mom?

" Who is this kid?" He asked me.

" She is Cailey." I said and saw her mom coming toward us. She smiled at us and talked to us for awhile. Then she left with Cailey.

" Isn't she adorable?" I asked him.

" Of course, she is and listen, I want 5 kids and all of them must be girls." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Why are you saying that to me?" I asked him irritatingly.

" Because you will be the proud mother of my daughters." He said and suddenly I realized that.

" You go get pregnant." I said and he laughed.

" You have no other way." He said and I twisted my lips.

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