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Chiara's POV

" How do you know that?" Dante asked me when I explained the whole thing to him which I came to know from Tania's video clip.

" I know that, Sir. I can show you the proof." I said to him.

" Are you spying on her?! It's completely illegal." He said to me. I rolled my eyes.

" Sir, I am doing this for all of us working in Edwards Corp. If something like that happen then all of our families will be suffering. I don't want that happen. You can imagine what will happen if those people loses their jobs." I said to him.

" If something like that happens they will have their jobs in some places. We will assure that. But you don't get into this trouble." He said to me and I chuckled.

" Sir, you are not getting it we are already in trouble." I said to him.

" Yes. I know that. We will take care of it. You stay away from it." He said to me.

" But, Sir..." I was saying but he stopped me.

" Chiara!!" He said coldly and I pouted. He rolled his eyes. " You are not a kid. Don't you understand what is right and what is wrong for you?" He asked me and I sighed.

" I just wanted to help my colleagues. Specially Tania and her children. They are suffering a lot." I said to him and he sighed deeply.

" Look, if she wanted to save herself from this hell then it would be easier to help her but she herself wants to be in that hell. Now what else can we do about it?" He asked me.

" We can talk to her. She has her kids as well. They will keep suffering if she stays with that guy. She needs to think about her kids." I said to him.

" Alright. We will talk to her but only when I will tell you to do so. Don't do anything by yourself." He said to me. I sighed deeply.

" Ok, Sir. As you say." I said though I wasn't sure about that.

" Why do I have a feeling like you will not keep your promise?" He asked me

" Why do you feel like that, Sir?" I asked him and he rolled his eyes.

" Because you think you are too clever." He said.

" Sir, I am clever. I am very very clever. You don't have any idea about it. One day you will get shocked knowing how clever I am." I said and he rolled his eyes.

" Yeah, I agree you are so clever. Traps always drags you and attracts you like a magnet." He said to me.

" That happened only once." I said to him.

" That will keep happening. And I bet that happened several times in your life before. So, no. I am not trusting you at all." He said to me.

" But, Sir. I am not weak. I am strong. I can handle it." I said to him.

" Will you remain silent or you need a dose to be silent?" He asked me.

" What dose?! Which dose, Sir?" I asked him. " I really do want to help you, Sir. You are not understanding." I said to him.

" If you don't shut your mouth, I will glue your lips together and then you will not be able to talk ever again. What about that?" He asked me and I looked at him weirdly.

" Sir, you can't do that. I have a bright future ahead. If you glue my mouth then I won't be able to reach there." I said to him and he glared at me. " Sir, I mean, I am not married yet. I need to say I do for getting married." I said to him.

" There are people who can't talk but they also gets married." He said.

" Yeah, they do but it's about my dream wedding plans." I said to him. "Don't worry, Sir. You will be invited. You will see the grand ceremony." I said to him and he stood up. I covered my lips with my hands at once. He walked towards me and I stood there frozen. Is he really going to glue my lips!!! Chiara!!! You stupid!! You talk too much. I cursed myself.

" Why aren't you talking now?!! What is stopping you?" He asked me. I shook my head. " Speak up." He said but I gestured him that my lips are zipped up. He chuckled. " It was easy, right?" He asked me. He leaned on my ear and I was frozen what was he doing!!! I closed my eyes and suddenly he blew into my ear.

" Ahhhhhh!!!" I screamed at once covering my ear and glared at him. He started to laugh clutching his stomach. I gritted. " What was that?" I asked him glaring hard.

" You didn't get it? Ok, I am showing it to you again." He said to me.

" Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! Nooooooooo. Don't come closer. I will ..." I stopped.

" You will what?" He asked me smirking at me.

" I will start to cry." I said to him and he laughed again.

" After all what can a crybaby do except for crying?" He asked me.

" I am not a crybaby. I am adult enough. You can't call me a baby." I said to him and he chuckled.

" You are a little baby." He said to me and I gritted.

" I am not a baby." I said.

" See? You are throwing tantrums like a grumpy face." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" You are pranking with me then what will I do?" I asked him.

" You should enjoy that." He said winking at me.

" Yeah, right." I said rolling my eyes. "I don't find it enjoyable." I said to him. "I am leaving , Sir. I have works to do." I said to him.

" Stop." He said.

" What happened, Sir?" I asked him.

" Your date. Don't you want to go on the date now?" He asked me. I looked at him weirdly.

" No, Sir. No need. They were just joking." I said to him at once.

" Whatever but you have to come. This is my order." He said to me.

" But Sir..." I was saying but he stopped me.

" No more arguments." He said and I rolled my eyes. I am stuck.

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