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Chiara's POV

" What happened?" Lin asked me.

" That bi*ch came here as well." I said to her.

" Which bi*ch?" She asked me.

" That Rita or whatever her name was!!!" I said to her.

" Oh, yeah. Rita. She came here to join some conference." She said.

" Yeah, I found out what conference she has come to join here." I gritted.

" What has she done now?" She asked.

" She is trying to steal my man. Next time I find her around I will cut her into pieces." I said to her. She chuckled.

" No one will be able to take away your man, girl. He will blindly follow you anywhere you go like a magnet." She said and I rolled my eyes.

She was true anyways. He keeps stuck with me all the time. He hugs me while sleeping like I will be vanished if  he let me go. I don't understand how can a guy act like this childish while he is too matured!!!

" Hi, guys!!!" We found Leon standing on the doorstep smilingly. I chuckled as Lin rolled her eyes seeing her hubby there.

" There comes your Knight I shining armour." I said to her and she sighed.

Leon walked inside and sat across Lin who just looked at him sharply. He chuckled and turned to me.

" Hi, Susan. How are you?" He asked me.

" I am absolutely fine. What about you?" I asked him.

" I am also fine." He said.

" What are you doing here, Sir?" Lin asked him.

" What should I be doing here, Ma'am?" He asked her back and she rolled her eyes.

" You know better." She said. He chuckled.

" Actually, I had a meeting with the Kristophers. And I was thinking my wife is here so I should meet her as well." He said winking at me and I laughed.

" That means you came here to meet Kristopher? Not me? I am not at all important to you?! Very well. I am done. We are getting divorced once I go back to Paris." Lin said and I chuckled.

" If I said I came to meet you then you would call it a drama, honey." He said.

" Yes, of course a big fat drama. You didn't pick up my calls last night." She said.

" I fall asleep earlier. I told you, Babe." He said. She just rolled her eyes. "Whatever!!! I want pizza. I am hungry. Bring me one." She said.

" We can just order it. No need to go out now. It's freezing outside." Leon said.

" You can't do that for me?!! Then how do you say that you do love me?!!" She asked him. He sighed.

" Ok, I am going." He said. " No need to whine."

" I whine all the time?!!" She asked him. " How can you say that?!! You are so mean." She said and I sighed.

I am noticing from a few days that she is in a switch on switch off mood. God knows if she is pregnant. I didn't ask her yet but I think I will ask her later. Currently they need to have some time together. I should leave them alone. Leon has come to meet her. I should be out of here.

" Guys, I have to talk to Mr. Turner. You guys enjoy your time." I said to them standing up.

" Ok. Bye then." Lin said and I walked out of her cabin closing the door.

I found Daniel coming toward the cabin but I stopped him. He looked at me weirdly.

" What's wrong?" He asked me.

" Leon is here." I said to him.

" Oh!!! Everyone has their partners only I am here missing my girl?!" He said. I sighed. Drama!!!

" Where is Kyl?" I asked him.

" She has gone to New York for some photoshoot." He said to me and I nodded.

" You can go and meet her. I will handle stuffs here." I said to him.

" She will be back to Paris next week. I will go back to Paris then." He said and I nodded.

" Alright then." I said to him.

" Did you have your lunch already?" He asked me. I shook my head.

" What about you?" I asked him.

" I was coming to call Lin to come with me to have lunch." He said.

" She is busy with her hubby now. I can join you if you want." I said to him.

" Let me call your hubby first. We will go and have lunch together." He said to me and I nodded.

He called Dante and we went to have lunch the restaurant nearby. We came back and attended the meeting. Lin was missing from the meeting. Must be having a great time with her hubby. I sighed. Leon is a perfect husband material. Mine is dashing as hell, irritating as hell, childish as hell as well. But one thing is in his nature that's possessiveness. Something which is his means his. No one can claim that to be their. Just for what he forced me to marry him like that.

We finished the meeting and went back home after doing the groceries because we were out of them. I got freshen up and started to make dinner. He doesn't like to eat outside that much. He prefers homemade better.

" Need any help?" He asked me entering the kitchen. I just glared at him. " Oh, angry again?" He asked me. I didn't say anything.  " What are you making?" He asked me.

" Go away. Don't disturb me." I said to him.

" I was trying to help, Babe. It's a kind gesture." He said.

" Oh, really?!! I am so grateful for that. Now get out of my kitchen before I-" I carelessly moved my knife and it cut my finger. " Ouch!!!" I said clutching on my finger.

" Shit!!! What happened?" He reached me and hold my finger.

I bite my lip to control myself not to cry. I am not that weak. I said to myself. He hold my hand and dragged me back to the living room. He went to find out the first aid kit before treating my wounded finger. I pouted watching my bandaged finger. He took my hand and kissed on the finger before walking back to the kitchen forbidding me from moving an inch. I rolled my eyes. Possessiveness is in his blood.

He made the dinner and feed me as well despite of my whining. He was acting like I have broken my bones. We went back to bedroom after he washed the utensils.

" Is that paining?" He asked me. I shook my head.

" It is not. Stop worrying. I am a strong woman." I said to him.

" I can't stop worrying. You are my wife." He Said.

" Yeah, the same wife whom you don't trust at all." I said.

" I do trust you." He said.

" No, you didn't that day and it hurt me a lot." I said to him. He pulled me in his arms.

" Where did it hurt, Babe? Here?" He hold my hand and kissed on it. " Or here?" He kissed my cheeks. " Or here?" Kisses on my neck. I rolled my eyes. Who is the kid now?!!

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