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Chiara's POV

" How much did they gave her?" I heard someone's angry voice. I couldn't open my eyes. It was burning and my head was pounding. What happened to me?!

" Calm down!! She will be fine." I heard another voice.

Both were very familiar to me. I heard them before but couldn't recognize. They were the people close to me. I kept my eyes closed but tried to get up. I couldn't as I was feeling so weak. But I can't give up that easily. Someone has kidnapped me. I have to save myself from this. I gathered some strength and got up. I clutched my head. I slowly opened my eyes to see where I was right now. I couldn't look at things properly. Everything was blurry. I kept trying to open my eyes. I blinked several times and at last I could open my eyes. I found the room was either completely dark nor all lights were on. I felt like everything I had in dinner was coming out. I looked around and found the other door in the room and ran inside. I threw everything up that I had in dinner. I felt someone removing my hair and patting my back softly. I was feeling so weak. I washed my face and stood leaning on the wall closing my eyes.

" Thanks." I said whoever it was.

" Are you feeling ok?" I heard from behind.

Dante!!! I looked at the mirror and found him standing behind me holding my hair up. I looked at him weirdly.

" You!!!" I said totally shocked. He chuckled and was about to pinch himself but instead he pinched me. I squealed.

" Ouch!!! What the hell!!" I asked him.

" It's me." He said. 

" I can see you. I have my very own eyes." I said to him.

" Good to know that." He said to me.

" You brought me here?" I asked him

" Any doubt?" He asked me.

" No. I don't have any doubt." I said and I don't know I was trembling a bit. It was freezing my bones inside to stay still.

" Very good." He said.

" If you don't mind then I would like to know why am I here, Sir?" I asked him and he chuckled.

" Actually I mind. You will know that later." He said to me. I sighed.

" That is called a kidnapping." I said to him.

" Yes, that is." he nodded accepting that shamelessly. I rolled my eyes.

" Why did you kidnap me?" I asked him angrily.

"  Because I can do that." He said.

" I didn't know that you are a gangster in the dark of the night." I said to him. He chuckled.

" You don't know many things about me." He said.

" You don't know me as well. You don't know me at all." I said to him.

" I don't need to know you well. I know you that's enough." He said. "Let's go."

" I am not going anywhere with you. Leave me." I said to him.

" You want to stay here in the washroom?" He asked me. I rolled my eyes.

" I can manage. Don't touch me." I said to him. I was angry with him like hell. How dare he kidnap me like this!!!

" Ok. Go." He said and I took a step leaning on the wall. My feet was shaking badly. I was so weak. I tried to take another step but I wasn't able to.

" Stubborn, aren't we?" He said.

" Don't touch me." I warned him.

" I am not dying for touching you." He said.

" Good to hear that." I said to him rolling my eyes.

" If we are not able to do something then we should ask for help." He said.

" I will never ever ask help from someone who doesn't know how to respect someone's emotions." I said coldly.

" Alright. Then you help yourself." He said and I rolled my eyes.

I took another step but my feet were not supporting me. I almost fall but he hold me at once. I opened my eyes and found myself in his arms. He shook his head.

" Why do you give doing things that you can't manage?" He asked me.

" Leave me. Why do you touch me?! I forbade you. Don't come closer. I will sue you for harassing me." I said.

" Really?!" He said.

" You don't know me. I am a witch." I said to him. " I am a bloody witch."

" Ok, if you want to sue me then I should help you a bit." He said. I looked at him weirdly.

" What?!! How and why will you help me?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" Like this." He said and pressed his lips on mine without giving me any chance of reacting.

I tried to push him away. But no use he was way stronger that me and right now I was very very weak as well. I thought to press my heels on his feet but only to realize there is no shoes on my feet. I tried to get rid of him but in vain. I suddenly remembered that I have just vomited. How can he kiss me like that?!! He left me after awhile.

" Now show this marks as proof." He said pointing my lips which turned red with wild kiss of his.

" I have just vomited." I said to him.

" So?" He asked me.

" You ... You ... " I said.

" Yeah, me?" He asked me.

"Nothing." I said to him.

He took me out of there and made me sit on the couch. I looked around and realized we were at his apartment.

" You are getting married?" He asked me.

" Yes, any doubt?" I asked him.

" Don't marry that guy." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" Why would I listen to you? Who the hell are you?" I asked him.

" It's a request." He said.

" Why should I consider your request?" I asked him.

" Instead of marrying him..." He stopped and picked out something from his pocket.

He opened the small velvet box and my eyes opened widened. There was a beautiful diamond ring shining bright. I looked at it totally shocked. I always used to have a dream that someone will one day propose me with a ring like Prince of fairy tale. But this scenario doesn't match with any fairy tale. It's awkward and I am completely not interested in this things. Because I am not going to marry Dante. Never ever.

" Instead of marrying him marry me." He said. I sighed deeply. Nightmare.

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