A Week

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Dante's POV

I reached the office early in the morning. I sighed. Last night I wasn't able to sleep properly. I was having weird dreams. Those all about my family, my parents, my sister and my grandparents. In all those I have hallucinated about Chiara several times. I was going to be a mad soon. That's for sure. I wasn't feeling well today at all.

I was very irritated with Chiara last evening for slapping herself like that. Her cheek turned into red. Who is the childish one here?! I sighed deeply. She must have not come to office yet. I walked toward my cabin and found Lin coming toward me as well. I opened the door and let her go in first and I entered after her.

" What happened?" She asked keeping the files on the desk and siting across me.

" Nothing. Just couldn't sleep last night well." I said. " What are these?" I asked her about the papers.

" Why couldn't you sleep well?" She asked me at once. " Having nightmares again?" She asked me.

" Yeah." I nodded. No use of lying to her. Eventually she will find it out.

" You should go and talk to a psychiatrist." She said.

" I am fine." I said to her.

" Do as I say." She said more like ordered me.

" Don't think too much." I said.

" I will fix your appointment to Mrs. Jones. Just be there on time. She has more people to deal with as well." She said to me and I sighed.

" Ok." I said being agreed with her.

Because if I don't she will keep eating my brain all the day. I don't want that torture. She will keep eating my mind as well blackmailing me emotionally. She will not let it go until I am agreed with her. This girl is a headache but I need that headache to be in my life forever and always. Otherwise I will not be able to live all alone in this world.

" What are these?" I asked her.

" Legal notice for Tania. Need your sign here." She showed me and I nodded. I took the papers and checked it properly. Then signed it.

" Leave it here. Liam must be coming. Tell him to meet me when he is here." I said to her.

" Yeah, sure." She said to me.

I was checking the papers and suddenly remembered about what Chiara said. She was right when she said that Tania was a topper in her college. But then why does she need to steal someone else's sketches?! I can't understand that. I don't know if what we are doing is right or wrong. I am totally confused. I shook my head. I am also going crazy like her. I kept the papers away. It's not about her past. It's all about her present. How she was before doesn't matter. Because she hasn't done something like that before. This time she has cross the limit.  If she did that once then it would be quite understandable but she did the same thing twice in the same way. How can that be neglected?!! If she isn't punished she will do the same thing so others as well. Best decision is to fire her. I heard a knock on the door.

" Come in." I said and sat on my chair.

I found Liam coming in. He sat across me and I sighed. I just can't understand what is going on with him. He doesn't want to share it with anyone. Let him solve his problem. I handed him the papers.

" Check it." I said to him and he nodded.

" Is that done?" He asked me. 

" Yeah. Done. We will sent her a legal document and then it's done." I said to him.

" The sooner the better." He said to me. Yeah, it is but again Chiara's words were running around my head. What can be the reason for her to do such a thing?!

" Don't worry. We are working on it." I said to him.

" Make it faster." He said. " What about the media? Has anyone feed them this news already?" He asked me.

" No. No one dared after Tania is fired. But eventually this news will come out." I said. Because no one will want to lose their job, right?! They will not try to mess up with us.

" Do everything what you can do to stop this turning into a news. We don't want this to come out. It's not good for us." He said. I nodded.

Recently we are working with Jonsons and there is already an issue about it. If it comes out it will create problems for us around which we don't want happens.

" Will do that." I said to him to assure him about this.

" If any of our employees makes an issue later just do one thing fire them. No need to keep a traitor as an employee. I won't  tolerate that. Now go and check your teams if they are ready to work in their team from today. Just make it work like you always do." He said strictly.

I know this incident has created a lot of questions in their mind. Soon those will be cleared as well.

" Just relax. Don't worry too much everything will be fine." I said to him. He nodded and stood up to leave.

" Fix the meeting soon. The sooner the better for us." he said to me.

" I am handling it." I said to him.

" Ok." He said and walked out of there.

I was doing my works suddenly heard a knock on the door.

" May I come in, Sir?" I heard the sweet voice of Chiara Zesper. She was chirping from outside.

" Yes, come in." I said.

She came inside and gave me a sweet smile. I narrowed my eyes. What happened with this girl today?!! Why is she acting so sweet today?!!

" Have a seat." I said to her.

" Thank you, Sir." She said before sitting across me.

" Sir, it's Bianca's birthday next week. Marie wanted to invite you if you are not busy." She said. " I invited everyone. You are left." She said and I rolled my eyes inwardly. " Will you attend the party?" She asked me.

" I will try." I said.

" Thank you, Sir." She said. " I gotta go now." She said. She was going back but I stopped her and gave her the documents to check it. She checked it and looked at me.

" You have a week to prove she is innocent." I said to her.

" A week is more than enough, Sir." She to me.

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