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Chiara POV

" My sister?! She is no more. She has committed suicide." He said. I took a deep breath.

" She was killed." I said to him.

" What?!! What are you talking about?" He stood up at once.

" I am saying the truth." I said.

" How do you know that?! My sister killed herself." He said.

" She didn't kill herself. She was killed by someone else." I said to him sighing deeply.

" Why should I trust anything that you say?" He asked me.

" Because what I am saying is true." I said.

" No one ever told me about that." He said.

" Because you never give anyone the chance to explain what happened that night." I said to him. " Your grandparents tried a lot but it was you who shut them down. You never let them tell you what's right and what's wrong."

" You are trying to say that I should believe their rubbish blubbering!!! I am sorry but I am not going to." He said. I sighed deeply.

" You know what is your biggest problem, Dante? Your biggest problem is you don't want to believe anyone around you. You want to knit your own imagination and believe it as truth." I said to him.

" I know the truth. Don't tell me whatever Mr. and Mrs. Travisan has told you." He said coming forward and standing in front of me. I sighed deeply.

" You think your grandparents don't love you or your sister?" I asked him. "Did you ever think about them not having anyone else but you both?! Your father was your grandparents only child. He is no more. Your mother is no more. Your sister is also gone. Only you are their last hope. You think they will wish something bad for you, Dante. Ask yourself." I said to him poking his heart. He didn't say anything.

" There is a lot of things that you don't know yet. You should know them from them. You should go back home. They are waiting for you, Dante." I said to him. " They love you a lot."

" They fake that. They don't love us. They love their reputation. They love their status and wealth." He said. I chuckled.

" If they loved their reputation that much then they would never cared about me. I was literally a beggar, Dante. I told you before. When my dad left us we had nothing to feed ourselves. We were in an ocean with no hope. My mom was sick. We didn't have money to arrange her treatments. You know I even...." I sighed deeply. " I even had a thought about selling my body to come out of this situation." I said and he wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I kept my hands on his chest. "We had a lot of debt to pay. They were to take our house away. That time I met your grandparents. They helped me a lot. I am grateful to them for their love they have showered me and my family all these years. If they were not there this Chiara won't be standing in front of you as your wife. She would be a wh*re warming up someone's bed to feed her family. It is for sure. My-" I couldn't finish my words as he sealed our lips together. I sighed deeply.

" Truth is always bitter." I said breathlessly as he broke the kiss. " Just think about it, Dante. They showered me an unknown girl with that much love then how much do they love you?!" I asked him and he sighed deeply.

" They don't love us. It was just show off." He said and I sighed deeply.

" Really Dante? You still won't want to accept that?" I asked him.

" If they loved us then they will never ever forced Dorothy to marry the man she loved. They forced her to marry someone she doesn't like because they wanted to save their reputation." He said.

" You are talking about that bloody Stevenson guy, right?!! Now you trust him more than your grandparents?!" I asked him.

" It's the truth. Don't talk about something you don't know." He said to me.

" Yeah, I don't know anything but you know everything, right?! How?! You even weren't there that time." I said. "You are talking about that guy Felix whom your sister loved a lot was a fraud. He killed your sister. You know the truth. Let me tell you the truth. He killed your sister that night. She didn't killed herself. Your sister ran away with him. You must know that, Dante. Your sister was ..." I stopped I don't know how to explain that to him. "was r*ped by that bloody bast*rd. You know that?! You don't. You know why your sister's death was named as a suicide?! Because she wanted to keep it secret. She must love him a lot but he never loved her. He only loved her body and her wealth. That's all. You know that?! Did you let anyone have a chance to explain you anything?!" I asked him and he looked at me weirdly.

" How come you do know that?" He asked me. I sighed deeply.

" Because the guy you are talking about, was that low life that he shoot that whole thing and kept blackmailing your grandpa all the time. You know how hard Chelsea and I need to work to destroy all those copies they had?! You don't. How would you, Dante?! You were not there with us that time. How would you know what happened there?! But still you want to blame your grandparents?! If they didn't love you then they wouldn't care for their grandchildren that much. Did you ever think how you are living a comfortable and successful life here in Paris when you had nothing when you left home?! You never tried to think about it, right?! Why would you?! You never needed to, Dante. You were so selfish satisfying your own wrath." I said and he kept looking at me weirdly for awhile until his phone started to ring.

He left me and talk to the person on phone. Then left without saying anything. I sat there lonely for awhile then stood up taking my stuffs. No use of being here. I came out of there locking the door. I knew that he didn't trust me. In fact, he must be hating me now onwards. No use of begging him at all. I reached home and told Chelsea to pack our stuffs. We need to go back home. I just want to go away from here. I can't live here with his hatred.

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