Something Wrong?!

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Chiara's POV

I entered the lift and found Tania, Peter and Harvey there. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

" Good morning, guys!!" I said to them.

" Good morning, Susan." Tania replied smilingly.

" So, officially this is our first day in office. Isn't it?" I asked them and they smiled.

" Yeah, it is kinda bothering me a bit if I can do things properly." Harvey said.

" Oh, don't worry. You can always ask for help from your buddies." I said to him.

I don't have any problem with helping people. In fact I love to help people. Because once I was helpless and God send Mr. Travisan to help me. So, I also try to help people. It gives me peace of mind to see that smile on someone's face when they gets rid of any problem.

" I will take that note." Harvey said. I nodded smilingly.

" You are so innocent, Susan." Suddenly Peter said out of nowhere. "You will get into a big trouble do that one day." He said and I looked at him weirdly. How can he say that!!!

" Why are you saying that?" I asked him smilingly.

" Because you openly show that you are a kind hearted person. If you show people that you are a kind person they will hurt you more." Peter said and I chuckled inwardly.

Am I acting much innocent?!! But I think acting innocent is better than acting savage in this situation because eventually I don't want to have any enemies here. After all I will be leaving in a few days. I just don't want any fuss here. That's it. And as much as for being innocent they will try to use me but I will not let them. As long as for any office works, I will definitely help people around because I love my job. But not for something else. Not at all.

" Is that so, guys?" I asked all of them.

" I think Peter is right. You are too innocent." Harvey said. I chuckled inwardly. These guys are at least good from heart for warning me to be aware of situation.

" Let her be herself, guys. Don't bother her." Tania said smilingly. I nodded smilingly and the lift opened at the same time.

" I think this is going to be a long day." Harvey said.

" Long and tiring." Tania said and I smiled.

We walked toward our workplace. I sat on my desk and took my phone. It was still 8:30. Office time is going to start from 9. I was early today cause I don't wanna face Ben again early in the morning. I wanted to avoid him as for now. I don't know how long this will be going on. I took my phone and called Chelsea. She picked up after 3 rings.

" Hey, little girl!!!" Chelsea said. I chuckled.

" Hey!! Big one." I said and she laughed.

" How are you doing?" She asked me.

" I am fine. What about you?" I asked her.

" I am fine as always." She said.

" How is everyone at home?" I asked her.

" Everyone is fine. Except for Grandma and Amy." She said and I got tensed at once what happened to them?!!

" Why aren't sure they ok? What happened?" I asked her.

" Long story." She said.

" Tell me in short then." I said to her. She sighed deeply.

" I slapped hard across Amy's face twice last night." She said and my eyes opened widened.

" What??! Why?" I asked her.

" She is crossing limits. She needs to show that she is not right all the time." She said.

" She is just a little girl." I said to her.

" She is not little girl at all. She is going to be 18 soon. That doesn't call a kid. She acts much matured than her own age." She said.

" But what happened that made you to slap her like that?" I asked her.

" She was shouting at Mom when Mom just asked her why was she late. You know she came home at 2 in the morning yesterday. She was like she spends her own money. She doesn't need anyone's help for anything and many more. I just couldn't control myself. How can she talk like that with mom?!!" She said totally frustratedly. I sighed.

" Ok, calm down, Chelsea. I will talk to her." I said to her.

" No, you will not. She needs a lesson of her life." She said and I sighed deeply.

" But she is not that matured yet. She is just a little kid yet. She just acts to be matured but she is actually not." I said to her.

" Then she has to be. She has to act matured and take responsibilities of the family until she is under our roof, Chiara. If not then she can do whatever she wants to do if she is not under our roof. No one will stop her." She said to me.

" But Chelsea, she can't live without us. She is not 18 yet." I said.

" She will be soon." She said and I sighed.

" Why are you suddenly too angry with her?" I asked her.

" You were not here last night. If you were here you would be angry as well." She said.

" She didn't make a fuss when you slapped her?" I asked her.

" She did. But you know that she will never ever be able to cross me. And she was drunk which made her faint later." She said and sighed deeply. " I think.. she ..." She stopped.

" What?! She what?" I asked her.

" She was with someone that night earlier." She said.

" With someone??!!" I asked.

" Yeah." She said.

" What do you mean by that?" I asked.

" I mean she has... I am not sure I have seen marks on her body." She said and I was shocked. " It can be that she.." she was saying but I stopped her.

" What are you saying, Chelsea? I do trust Amy. She can't do something like that." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" I just thought it like that. Yeah, you need to trust her as well." I said to her. " Is grandma upset for this incident?" I asked her.

" She has spoiled Amy. I swear she is too much. She has always supported her with every irrational demands of Amy." She said.

" Alright, calm down." I said to her.

" Yeah. I gotta go and talk to Mr. Covalho." She said.

" Ok, I have to work as well. Miss you. Bye. Love you. Ummmmaaahhhh." I said and she laughed hard.

" Love you more. Our house is empty without you. I miss you so much." She said and I sighed.

" I will come soon. Don't worry for me. I am fine. Bye. Take care of yourself." I said and hung up the call.

Shit!!! I didn't tell her the thing I wanted to. I should have told her about Ben. I sighed deeply. She was already upset. I think we should discuss about this later.

" Ms. Madison!!" A familiar voice called me and I looked around couldn't found anyone. I turned and found Dante standing just in front of me. What is he doing here!!!

God knows!!! I looked around with the corner of my eyes. Everyone was looking at me smirking. Oh!!! Have I done something wrong?!!

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