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Chiara's POV

" Are you sure about that?" Mr. Travisan asked me.

" Yes, very sure." I said to him. He sighed.

" Ok then if you want to do that I am not going to stop you." He said.

" I will be back once I get myself together. Right now I am completely messed up." I said.

" This is why I didn't want you to do that. See? This happened." He said to me. I sighed.

" It was written on my fate." I said to him.

" Ok, I will arrange things." He said.

" But why is your family going to Toronto?" Mrs. Travisan asked me.

" They will be back in a few days. My mom wanted to meet her brothers from long. I was thinking to leave her there for a few days." I said to her. She nodded.

" If you guys miss me then just tell me. I will be here the next day. I will try to sort out the problem at Moscow branch and keep updating you." I said to them and they smiled.

" Spend some days there and get back yourself then come back home. We will be waiting." Mrs. Travisan said.

" I couldn't bring him back." I said to them. " I couldn't keep my promise." I said to them and they shook their head.

" You tried your best." They said and I nodded.

" When is your flight?" Mrs. Travisan asked me.

" Tonight." I said to her. " I don't know if Dante comes back or not but even if he contacts you don't tell him where I am. I want to have some space. I am done with myself." I said and she nodded.

" You don't worry about it. Relax. No one will know where you are until you come back." She said.

" Thank you so much." I said and hugged them both. I will miss them badly. " Take your medicines on time and don't skip your meals. I will keep calling you everyday." I said to them and they hugged me back.

" You too take care of yourself." Mr. Travisan said. I nodded.

I said bye to them and came back home. Everyone was ready to leave. I sighed.

" Are you sure that you want to leave?" Chelsea asked me.

" I am. But you will definitely go and accompany McCarty family next week to Ben's big day. You promised me." I said to her.

" I will. They requested me." She said.

" Please, try to sort things out with Ben. For me. I request you." I said and she smiled.

" Time will heal everything." She said and I nodded. She was right. Time will heal every scar.

We reached the airport and the flight took off for Canada. I sighed. I don't know when will I come back here. We reached Toronto and I left my mom, Arthur and Eva there. I caught a flight of NYC to meet some of my friends. Staying there for one day with my friends I caught a flight for Moscow. Finally I am going to close that chapter of my life. I was very sad looking at my finger without my ring. But it was the best decision for us. I am not stepping back now. I wiped my tears. I was acting string all that time in front of my family and friends but right now when I am alone I am not able to fake it anymore. I was sad. I wasn't doing well. I sighed and got into the flight. I found out my seat. I wanted to have the window seat but there was already someone sitting there. I decided to ask her if she could change the seat with me.

" I am sorry but can I sit there on the window side?" I asked the girl sitting there and she turned to me.

She was a beautiful girl with shiny blonde hair and blue eyes. She literally looks like a Barbie doll with a beautiful smile on her face. She let me sit on the window seat.

" Sure, you can sit here." She said and I nodded smiling a bit.

" Thank you so much." I said to her and she nodded.

" I am Brielle Wittgenstein. Nice to meet you." She said to me and I smiled extending my hand toward her.

" Chiara Zesper. Nice to meet you too, Brielle." I said to her. 

" I think you have cried a lot because you are leaving home." She said to me. She noticed that??! I wiped my face again.

" I am from Milan. I went to Toronto to meet my uncle, aunt and cousins and came here to meet my friend." I said.

" Seriously?! I used to live there for several years as well." She said to me. I chuckled.

" Yeah, big city you know." I said.

" Where are you going to Moscow? Meeting friends or having a vacation?" She asked me.

" I got a job to finish there. So, am going there." I said to her.

" And your family?" She asked me. 

" Left them at my grandparents house in Canada." I said.

" You are not going back to Milan again?" She asked me and I looked at her sadly. I want to go back but I don't know. I am so messed right now.

" I am sorry for asking that." She said to me.

" No. It's ok. Actually my work there is done and I am unwanted there. So, I just am trying to settle down my life." I said to her.

" That's great actually. You will do the best in your life. Don't worry." She said to me.

" I wish I could say the same thing!!" I gulped down my tears. Things had to be messed up like this?!! I shook my head. I am not going to think about anything else. I am going to spend time for myself.

" Leave it. What do you do?" I asked her. She chuckled.

" I am in Navy Seals." She said and I smiled. I didn't expect her being a part of Navy Seals. She looks too innocent to be one.

" Brave and strong woman." I said. She chuckled.

" What about you?" She asked me.

" I am an architect." I said and she nodded.

" You are brilliant." She said. I chuckled.

" And messed up in her life." I sighed deeply.

" Sorry?" She said.

" Nothing. Why are you going to Moscow? Vacation?" I asked her and she shook her head.

" Going to meet my boyfriend." She said to me. I smiled sadly. She reminded me of Dante. No, stop thinking about him. Just stop. I said to myself.

" That's great. Go, meet him and have a great time." I said to her. She smiled.

I don't know which twist was waiting for me here.

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