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Chiara's POV

I am done. I was so damn tired. I sighed. At last I was done. I was thinking if I can go back home today or sleep here itself. After all the day we were able to finish the whole thing.

" It's done." Camellia said and I nodded.

" Thank you anyways." I said and she rolled her eyes. I ignored it. " If it wasn't you then I wouldn't be able to finish the work today." I said to her.

" Though I was stuck here with you but still I loved to do this. But it was way too much. This why it felt like it's too hard." She said and I nodded.

It was already 8. I sighed. Dona, Marie and Bianca have called me about thousands of times. I told them that there are a lot of work to finish today. This why I can't go home early today.

" I am going. The party must have started already." Camellia said and I nodded.

" But what if Sir ask about you?" I asked her.

" Tell him that she is dead." She said and I sighed deeply.

She must be so irritated today. But it was her fault. I haven't done anything here. She lied this why she was trapped.

" Ok, then you go." I said and took the files with me. I am not sure if boss is still here or not.

The whole place was empty. Everyone left long back. Daniel wanted to be here with us until we are done but I thought Camellia is here so he doesn't need to stay here. But now as she left leaving me alone it was bothering me a lot. Though I don't believe in ghost but you can feel that when you are alone in a huge empty room. I walked out of there and crossed my heart. I was feeling like someone is behind me. It's all because of Bianca. She forced me to watch a horror movie last night. Now all those scenes are flashing around. God saves me from going crazy. I reached Dante's cabin but he wasn't there. It was locked. I think he has left already as well. I sighed. Now I have to walk in the lobby all alone. I am done. This lobby is in the end of the longest corridor in the floor. I am done. God!!! Help me. The more I tried to pull my mind out of those scary movie stuffs the more it started to dig in my mind. I took a deep breath and ran to the lobby across the corridor. Once I reach the lift I will be in the safe zone. I am in the hardest war of my life.

" Ms. Madison!!" I heard Dante's voice.

I didn't turn. I must be hallucinating. Or it must be the ghost. Really??! I don't believe in ghost. I stopped running. Science has no particular proof and explanation about ghost. So, there is no ghost for real. But still there is many things in world which scince can't explain. There is some things beyond science. Ghost must be one of them. I started to run again.

" Chiara!!!" I heard Dante calling me but I didn't stop. I stopped once I reached the lift but it was still on the ground floor. I gritted.

" Damn it!!!" I said kicking on the door.

" What happened?! Why are you running like that?" I heard Dante's voice and clutched the files tightly before I start to run again but someone grabbed my arm to stop me.

" What happened to you?!! Have you gone mad or what?!" Dante's angry voice made me turn to him. I found him looking at me coldly. Is this him for real or not?! I pinched on his hand and he left my arm. " Are you out of your mind?!" He asked me rubbing his hand where I pinched hard. It turned red. I was feeling guilty suddenly. He was for real. I kicked myself hard inwardly. I acted totally crazy.

" Sorry, Sir. I... Umm... I didn't ... do it intentionally. I thought it... I mean... It's not you... It's a gho...ghost." I said and he sighed deeply.

" Why are you still here?" He asked me and I sighed.

" I needed to finish this works, Sir." I said to him.

" You had to do it before lunch. It's dinner time now." He said.

" Sir, it was too much to finish in that period of time." I said and he narrowed his eyes.

" Is that so?" He asked me.

" Sir, Camellia said so." I said to him. He nodded.

" Where is Ms. Martin?" He asked me.

" Sir, she left awhile back." I said to him.

" Leaving you all alone in the office?" He asked me.

" Sir, I thought you would be in the office but you were not in your cabin. This why.. I mean... I watched a horror movie last night. I felt like..." I was saying but the lift reached. He gestured me to go in. I walked inside and he followed me.

" Ask Ms. Martin to  meet me first when she comes to office tomorrow. She was said to do the work means she was to inform me once she was done with her works but she left without doing anything." He said to me and I nodded.

" But Sir, I told her to leave as I was assigned to do this stuffs." I said to him.

" Whatever. Tell her whatever I have told you to do." He said and I nodded.

" Sure, Sir." I said.

Rest of the time it was completely silent. None of us said anything. I was trying to avoid any conversation after all these things happened. We reached the ground floor and I found Marie there waiting for me. I smiled at her.

" What were you doing? It's too late " Marie said and I smiled.

" Sorry, there were a lot of things to do today?" I said to her. " You shouldn't come in this cold weather." I said to her.

" You are my responsibility." She said and I smiled. I found Dante looking at us weirdly.

" He is my boss." I said to her. " She is my aunt." I introduced both of them.

" Oh, Marie McCurty. Nice to meet you." Marie said.

" Marc Alistone. Nice to meet you too, Ma'am." He said.

Marie talked to Dante for awhile and requested him not to make me work this late. Though Dante wanted to drop us both but Marie already booked a taxi for us. I told Marie what happened earlier once we got into the taxi and she started to laugh. I have made myself a foolish today.

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