Just Once

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Dante's POV

I tried to call Chiara thousand of times but her phone is not reachable. I sighed deeply. Is she taking a test of my patience!!! Once I get my hands on her. She is gone. So gone.

Currently we were sitting in the jet going to Milan. I promised not to go back to the city ever but I have to. I don't have any other choice but to do so. I informed Luke to settle things with the directors of board. We can't go ahead with the deals with Jonson or Hubert before we sort out the problems with the cheaters.

" What are you thinking about?" Lin asked me and I sighed deeply.

" Nothing." I said to her.

" Your grandparents will be very happy to see you there. Don't hurt them more." She said.

" They feel insecure all the time. You know your grandpa has a critical heart problem, right?! Don't hurt him this time. He will not be able to accept that. He will not be able take that." He said.

" Don't give the punishment of someone else's deed to your grandparents." She said.

" And you have to say sorry and thank you to Chiara for everything. That girl took care of your family, their reputation and dignity and also took care of your grandparents along with their works. You should be grateful to her that she is your wife." Lin said and I sighed. I looked at her photo on the wallpaper of my phone. I messed up completely. I should have trusted her before reacting.

" Why aren't you saying anything?" Lin asked me.

" I understand that." I said to her.

" Very well." She said.

" We are going to reach there in awhile. How are you feeling?" Daniel asked me. I rolled my eyes. I don't know a mixed feeling clutched me from all around.

" Be strong , Dante. It's your place. You were born and brought up here. This is your place." She said and I nodded.

" Good." She said and I leaned back on the seat.

I was thinking actually how will I punish my dear wife for leaving like that without telling me anything about it. Once I get my hands on you, Babe. Just once. You think you are so smart!!! Just wait and watch. I said to myself inside my head. Soon the jet landed and we got down from the jet. The car was already waiting for us.

" You are going home, Dante. Your home." Lin said excitedly. I sighed. I don't know why does this girl get excited that easily for anything around!!!

" What happened?! Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes.

" Nothing." I said and the car started to move toward Travisan's house.

I kept looking outside of the window. The familiar places are not that familiar now. It's been 12 years. Not a small period of time. More than a decade. Things has to be changed. I still remember Dorothy and I used to go to school by the same road. We used to cycling here in the park nearby. This is the place where I spend the beautiful time of my life. My childhood. I sighed deeply. Things has been changed a lot.

" We're here." Dani said and I found the car stopped in front of Travisan's house.

We got down from the car and found out that Travisan's house changed a lot as well. There is a beautiful garden in front of the house which wasn't before. The exterior of the house changed a lot. I could only recognize the entrance which was still the same. I smiled looking at the house changing like that while my grandpa was not in any mood of changing the single thing here. Someone could convince him to do that. We walked toward the entrance and I stopped in the doorstep.

" Press the bell." Lin said and I nodded before doing that. Soon someone opened the door and I found the housekeeper Mrs. Martin. She is still here?!

" Yes, whom do you want?" She asked us.

" Mrs. Martin, I am Dante." I said to her and she looked at me for awhile.

" Dante!!!" She looked at me with widened eyes.

" Yes, Dante." I said to her.

" You are back?!!" She said to me and I nodded.

" We were waiting for you to come back. You are late." She said hugging me and I smiled hugging her back.

" I will not go anywhere now." I said to her.

" Really?!" She asked me and I nodded.

" Really." I said to her.

" Mally. Who is there?" I heard my grandma who was coming downstairs.

Soon she reached us and found us. Her eyes opened widened at once. I kept looking at her and she reached me.

" Dante!!" She said and hesitatingly touched my cheek. I smiled a bit holding her hand.

" It's me. Dante." I said to her and she nodded.

" I.. " she was very shocked to finish her words.

" How are you?" I asked her.

" I... I am fine. What about you?" She asked me.

" I am good." I said.

" Come in." She dragged me inside.

" Who is there, Ro-" my grandpa was coming downstairs but he stopped as he saw me there with grandma. He came downstairs and it was very awkward for both of us. I decided to say sorry to them for all these years.

" Sorry." Me and my grandpa said at the same time.

" Why are you saying sorry?" I asked him and he sighed.

" Why are you saying that?" He asked me.

" For everything that I have done all these years." I said to him.

" You didn't do anything wrong. You didn't know that." He said.

" I should have let you have the chance to explain but I didn't. It was my fault." I said to him.

" Let it go. Both of you. You guys must be tired. Go. Take rest for awhile. The lunch will be served soon." My grandma said and I nodded.

" Where is Chiara, Mrs. Travisan?" Dani asked my grandma.

" Oh, she... She has gone to have a vacation with her family." She said and I looked at her weirdly.

" Where have they gone?" I asked her.

" She didn't tell us anything about it. Just said that she wants to spend some time alone." Grandma said and I sighed inwardly.

Spend some time alone??! She is crazy. But I am going to find her out very soon. What does she think she is??! She can't hide anywhere from me. Never ever. Once I get you, Babe. Just once!!!

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