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Chiara's POV

" She will be fine. Relax." Dante said and I sighed deeply.

" I don't know why did she do that. She almost killed herself." I said to him.

" May be she was stressed about works or may be she was depressed. Don't worry. Everything will be fine." He said holding my hand.

" I didn't even know that she is here in the City." I said.

" Does she ever tell us where she goes or not?!" Chelsea asked me and I nodded.

True. Very true. Amy never tells us her whereabouts. She even blocked us from her social media. She doesn't want us to know what she is doing. I have talked to her about this several times but no use.

" But still she is our little sister. We should have been more careful about her." I said to her.

" What do you think? She would listen to you or listen to us?! She doesn't even listen to Mom. You think she will listen to us, Dude?! She wouldn't." Arthur said. I sighed.

" She was always out of our hands, Chiara." Chelsea said. " We can't handle her now. She will not at all listen to us." She said.

" We just can be with her until she gets well. After that she will go back to her previous self and will not care about us anyways." Arthur said.

" I just hope she gets well soon." Eva said and Arthur rolled his eyes.

" Don't worry, Eve. Evil doesn't die that easily. She will get well soon and create a big drama." Arthur said.

" What drama?! How do you know that?" I asked him.

" I don't know just saying. We know her very well, Chiara. Don't we?" He asked me and I sighed.

" Tell me one thing do you guys have any idea why has she done something like that?" I asked the kids because Amy is quite friendly with them. Not much but yet. They might have some hint.

Arthur and Eva looked at each other then shook their head.

" We don't know anything." He said.

" Ok." I said to him.

" If you guys know anything then share that with us. It can help us to solve this situation easily." Dante said to them. I nodded.

" Even if we knew anything it wouldn't help you to solve things, Dante. Amy is not what you think she is. She is much more than that." Arthur said. I sighed deeply.

She has created such a negative impression on everyone that even her own siblings doesn't want to see her face. That's is very sad.

" Grandma must know what the problem is there. She will explain us what has actually happened." Chelsea said and I nodded.

" Chiara!! Chelsea!!!" I found Bianca and Pauline on the doorstep. What are they doing here?!

" Hi, guys!!!" I said to them.

" What's going on?" Pauline asked me.

" Drama going on." Arthur said and I sighed.

" You came alone?" I asked them.

" No, Ben is talking to your mom and the doctors. He must be coming." They said to me.

" Oh, alright." I said to them.

" How is she now?" Bianca asked me.

" She is quite ok now." I said to them.

" I understand." Bianca said.

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