Bit By Bit

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Chiara's POV

" Hey, Suzie!!" I found Daniel and smiled at him. I shouldn't be angry with him. He is not at all guilty here. All of that happened because of Dante. I am going to make him suffer for this.

" Hi, Dani. What happened? Why are you upset?" I asked him. He looked at me weirdly.

" You are not angry with me?" He asked me.

" No. I am not at all angry with you. Why to angry with you? You didn't do anything. You were not in fault." I said to him.

" Thank you." He said and I nodded tugging myself with him. He chuckled. "You came back already? I thought you will not come back ever." He said to me. I pinched on his arm. " Ouch!!! What?" He asked me. 

" Did you think I am a coward to run away?! I am not. I am going to make your friend regret about everything." I said to him.

" Oh!!! I am getting scared now. Where is the sweet Susan gone?" He asked me.

" She has committed suicide." I said to him and he laughed.

" What's so funny?" I asked him.

" Nothing." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" Then don't laugh." I said. He chuckled. " And tell me what happened to you?" I asked him and he sighed.

" Kylie is angry with me." He said to me.

" Why is that?" I asked him.

" I couldn't attend her show last every." He said to me.

" Why is that?! Damn!!" I said to him.

" I went to Munich yesterday but my flight got delayed. I couldn't reach in time." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" You are really stupid or you are acting like that? Why did you have to go to Munich yesterday?" I asked him.

" I went to attend my friend's wedding. He would be very upset if I wouldn't go." He said to me. I sighed.

" Now what?! Have you thought about anything to convince her?" I asked him.

" No. Not yet. I think I will take a leave today and spend the whole day with her. She must be hurt because I don't give her enough time these days. Can you handle my works as well along with Tracy?" He asked me.

" Anytime. You no need to ask." I said to him and he smiled.

" Thank you so much, Dude." He said and I chuckled.

" Take chocolate and flowers for her. Don't go empty handed." I said to him.

" Oh, ok. Thanks for reminding. And a big teddy?" He asked me.

" Why does she need a teddy when you are around?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" That's for then when I wouldn't be with her." He said. I chuckled.

" Ok. Take that as well. Do something special for her." I said to him. "Surprise her." I said to him.

" Dani!!" Lin came to us.

" What happened?" Daniel said.

" Susan, you are back!!" She asked me weirdly.

" Yeah, what happened?" I asked her.

" Jennifer came. You know what will happen after that." She said and I gritted.

I folded my sleeves. This bi*ch is gone today. No one dares to touch what's mine. I walked towards the cabin and kicked the door opened. What I saw make my head set into fire. I gritted looking at him. He gulped hard. I looked at the bi*ch and she looked at me irritatingly.

" Hey!!! Again you??! Don't you have manners?!" She said and I walked inside kicking the door shut behind. I reached them and gritted looking at them.

" Remove your hand from my man." I said very coldly. " Don't you have ears!!! Move back." I shouted at her.

She too got scared and Dante was shocked. She gulped and stepped back. I reached him and hold his collar. He stood up at once.

" You come to office for doing these things?" I asked him very very coldly. Even I was shocked that I can be this cold.

" It's not like what you think. It was her." He said.

" Shut up!!!" I gritted. " I know this woman is a bi*ch but what's wrong with you?! Are you a kid?! How can she get closer? Answer me??" I gritted and he gulped.

" You..." Jennifer was about to say something more but I clutched on her throat with my left hand.

" When couple are taking you should keep quiet." I said and she nodded getting totally scared. I left her throat but brought her closer but holding on her cheeks. " Understand?" I asked her. She nodded.

" You are scaring her." He said.

" Feeling sad for her?! Unbelievable. Keep feeling sad. I will deal with you later. Let me deal with this bi*ch first." I said pushing him away. I looked back at Jennifer.

" This guy is mine. If I ever find you around him ever you will find yourself under 10 feet of ground. I will bury you alive." I said to her. "Understand?" I asked her and she nodded at once. " Better. Don't step in this office ever again. If I find you here again it won't be good for you because you should know that I am 4th degree belt in taekwondo. You know what that is or have spent your whole life in walking around and opening your legs for everyone passes by?!" I gritted. I left her. " Get lost and next time don't even try to teach me manners. I know the better way to teach you some other valuable lesson. Should I start?" I asked her and she looked at me in horror before running out of there. I went to the door and locked it. I turned to see him. He was looking at me completely shocked. I rolled my eyes.

" Go, have a shower." I said to him.

" What?" He asked me.

" Have shower. Then talk to me. You stink.

" What?!" He said completely shocked.

" She touched you. You go do it yourself. Or else I don't mind doing it myself. After all my stuff I have to take care of it." I said to him.

" What are you talking about?" He asked me.

" Are you going or should I do something more?" I asked him and he sighed deeply. He took his phone. I took it away from him. I am taking them. Don't touch them to make them stink as well. I said and took his jacket, keys and phone. He shook his head and we walked out of there going toward the penthouse.

This is just the starting Mr. Travisan. You will be enjoying it very well every bit by bit.

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