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Dante's POV

" What are you doing?" Lin asked me as soon as I picked the call up.

" Nothing. Sitting at home." I said to her.

" Aren't you going to say sorry to her?" She asked me.

" It's her birthday tomorrow." I said to her.

" Then do something. Make her happy. She is alone here. Her family isn't here with her. So what do you think you should do?" She asked me and I sighed.

" I am trying to think about it. If you guys keep irritating me then how would it be possible for me?!" I asked her.

" Who else did irritate you other than me?" She asked me at once.

" Daniel." I said to her.

" Oh, then it's ok. Only we can irritate you. No one else. If someone tried to irritate you then tell me. I will kill them." She said and I chuckled inwardly.

" Ok. I will inform you." I said to her.

" Better." She said.

" Ok. Talk to you later in office." She said to me and I nodded.

" Ok. Bye." I said to her.

I got up from the bed and got ready for office. I don't know if she will come to office today or not. She was very upset with me. Not just upset she was horribly hurt by me yesterday with my words. I don't know what took me over. May he because I love her and felt cheated with that. But it wasn't her fault. I shouted at her without any reason. Her words are ringing in my ear and making me feel more guilty with that. I sighed and walked out of my apartment and went to the parking lot. I walked towards my car and suddenly I saw the girl I met that day outside the jewelry store. She noticed me as well and smiled before walking toward me. I smiled back.

" Hi!!" She said.

" Hi!!" I said to her.

" You live here?" She asked me.

" Yeah." I said.

" I came here to meet my friend, anyways. I am Amelia Zesper." She said. " Nice to meet you." She said. That Zesper surname rang very to me. It's Chiara's surname as well.

" Marc Alistone. Nice to meet you too." I said to her.

" You look very alike to someone I know. This why I was a bit confused seeing you there that day." She said and I nodded. I was eager to go to office and meet Chiara.

" Oh, that happens." I said to her.

" By any chance are you related to Dante Travisan any way?! You look alike him." She said. I looked at her completely shocked. How did she recognize me?!! I quickly hold on myself.

" No. I am not. I am Marc Alistone." I said.

" Oh, my sister works with Mr. Travisan. I saw his grandson Dante's photos in their mansion. You look exactly like him." She said to me.

" What is your sister's name?" I asked her.

" Chelsea Zesper." She said and I nodded. That can be the same surname.

" You have only one sister?" I asked her.

" Yes and a brother. His name is Arthur." She said and I nodded.

" Amy!!" I heard someone calling.

" I gotta go. Bye. It was nice to meet you again." She said before leaving I sighed deeply shaking my head.

I am not going back. No use of all these. I am never ever going to forgive them for what they did to my sister which lead her to commit suicide. I got in the car and drove toward Edwards Corp. I reached office but she wasn't there yet. I was too early today. I told Daniel to inform me when she reaches office. I was checking the mails and suddenly someone knocked on the door.

" Come in." I said and kept checking the mails. " Have a seat." I said to the person without checking who it was.

" I am not here to sit and waste my time, Sir." I heard her voice and looked up at her. She was looking at me flatly without any expression. I sighed deeply.

" Have a seat, Chiara." I said to her but she didn't. She kept an envelope in front of me. Resignation letter?!! But she can't do that.

" What is this?! Resignation letter?" I asked her. You can't resign before Hubert's project ends." I said to her.

" I believe that I am smart enough to read a document before signing it. So, I obviously know what the contract said. And I also believe that you have your very own eyes to check what is this, Sir." She said coldly. I sighed. I deserve that.

I opened the envelope and it was application for leave for a few days.

" Why do you need a vacation suddenly?" I asked her.

" Because, I need to go home. Unlike you I have my root and family who wait for me eagerly." She said to me.

I sighed sadly. Does she need to drag that here!!! I know she is angry now this why talking like that. Otherwise she doesn't talk like that.

" Alright." I signed on that granting her having a leave.

" Don't worry, Sir. I am not going to betray ever. I will be back soon." She said walking out of there. I followed her and stopped her from going out of there.

" Listen." I said to her.

" What now?" She asked me.

" I am sorry." I said to her. She rolled her eyes.

" Sorry for what?" She asked me.

" Sorry for everything." I said to her.

" You don't have to say sorry. You were not wrong. I was in fault." She said to me.

" You were not." I said.

" How do you know that?! You had proof against me yesterday." She said to me.

" I am sorry. I shouldn't have judged you like that." I said to her.

" Alright. You won't be able to judge me like that ever again in future. Not just you no one else." She said and I looked at her trying to understand what she was saying. " I am getting married once I go back to Milan. This why I need a leave. She showed me the application and put it inside her bag. What??!

" You must be joking, right?!" I asked her.

" You think this is the right place and time to us to keep joking around?" She asked me. I looked at her completely shocked. She can't punish me like that. Like really?!! " Don't worry, Sir. You will be the first one who will get the invitation." She said before leaving.

What?!! She has guts to say that to me on my face. You still don't have any idea who you are messing up, Sweetheart. If you think I will be waiting for your invitation then you are very wrong. I took my phone and dialed the number.

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