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Chiara's POV

We all were sitting there waiting for the doctor to come and tell us what was going on there. I was just praying for both of the girls who were fighting for their lives in CCU.

" Are you ok?" Dante asked me. I sighed deeply and nodded.

" I am fine." I said to him.

I looked at the Campbell. They were very miserable right now. They just reached here awhile back. I just hold myself back seeing them totally broken. It was obvious. But still it was hard for me to accept such an incident. Where were everyone that time when that killer girl entered the hotel?! Couldn't they find out the guns in her stuffs?!!

" What are you thinking?" Dante asked me. I sighed deeply.

" How has this happened? No one found her guns?" I asked him. He shook his head and sighed deeply.

" She is Beatrice's twin. And no one would check her stuffs there. It's Campbell's hotel. They know her very well. Because, she is Tracy's best friend. She took that chance." He said and I sighed deeply.

" Liam?" I heard Aurora talking to Liam.

She smiled weakly with teary eyes. I shook my head. She was crying all the time. We couldn't handle her last night. Actually no one was expecting that will happen.

" She will be fine." She said wiping her tears. I nodded. She has to be. She can't leave like that.

" I know she will be." He said looking at her through the glass wall. White bandage was all over her body. Her head was also covered with dressing, there was an oxygen mask on her. " I couldn't save her from getting hurt." He said looking away trying to hide his tears.

I could clearly see the fear of losing her in his eyes. May be that is called the true love and that exists. But we often make a mistake of loving a wrong person. I sighed deeply.

" It is not your fault." She said. It was fate not fault. It was meant to happen.

" It is my fault. I shouldn't have let the guard down on her. It's a stupidity." He said. He was so upset with the situation.

" How can you know this will happen?!! It's not your fault." She said.

" It's my fault. It's my fault." He said.

I looked at Dante and he sighed deeply. He was very worried about his friend. I know that. He was trying to comfort both Liam and Daniel. But the situation wasn't helping at all.

" Liam!!! Stop saying that. It's not your fault." We heard Luke. Liam didn't say anything.  Luke just wrapped his arms around him and hugged his brother.

" Don't worry, little one. She will be fine." He said to Liam who hugged him back at once.

" I also think so." Liam said to him.

" Think so?! Liam, she is our Tracy. The strongest person I have ever seen. You should know that. She will not lose to this situation. Never ever she will. Mark my words." He said and Liam nodded. He wiped away the tears slipped on his cheeks.

I smiled sadly biting my lip controlling my tears. I can't even imagine my sisters in this condition.

" Where are they?" He asked about someone. Whom is he talking about??!

" They are still sitting there." Luke pointed at the other side of the room where Campbell family was sitting.

Tracy was right when she said her brother and sister in law are her parents for her. They really are. I saw Mr. and Mrs. last night standing there next to the window looking at Tracy all the time after she was shifted here from the OT. They didn't move a bit. Stella is very good in handling her family. But I saw her crying when no one was around. She acts too strong in front of her family but it doesn't work when she is alone and fear is clutching her deeply.

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