Effect Of Love

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Dante's POV

She was sitting quietly in front of me for a long time without saying anything.

" What happened? Who gave you the bitter potion?" I asked her checking the papers.

" Nothing happened." She shook her head.

" You can share it with me. I won't judge you." I said to her.

" When are we going to visit Tracy? I miss her a lot." She said and I sighed.

" She is recovering fast. We can go and meet her next weekend." I said to her.

" Oh, thanks." She said.

" No need to thank me." I said to her.

She nodded and turned silent again. I let her think whatever she was thinking for awhile. She left the study room after awhile. I completed my pending works so that I could fix my concentration on her completely. I arranged my stuffs and came out of the study only to find her sleeping on the couch of the living room. I sighed. What's bothering her?!! I picked her up in my arms and took her to the bedroom making her sleep comfortably on the bed before covering her with the duvet. I lie down next to her and looked at her who was still frowning in her sleep. I caressed her forehead softly to erase that. She whimpered a bit but didn't wake up. I chuckled.

So, it was Sunday and planning to go and meet her sister who was here to help Tania which I come to know from her recently. But I woke up in the morning today with the doorbell. She came here early in the morning before even the alarm started to disturb me. I was so irritated with the doorbell when it was ringing but I was happy and shock seeing her there early in the morning at that hour. Since she came here she is sitting silently without saying anything. I was thinking about it when my phone started to ring. I picked the call up before it starts to disturb her. I walked toward the balcony and it was Joseph. The private investigator. I think he found out something already.

" Hello!!" I said.

" Hello, Mr. Alistone." he said.

" Yeah. What happened?" I asked him.

" Sir, we found them." He said.

" Who are they?" I asked him.

" Sir, they are very trustworthy people of our company." He said.

" Are they from the board of directors?" I asked him.

" Yes, Sir." He said.

" Alright, listen to me very carefully. Play along with them for awhile. I will tell you what to do next. For now let them think they are winning in this game. In the meantime contact with Mr. Frank to prepare the documents for a legal lawsuit against them." I said to him.

" As you say, sir." He said.

" Alright. Keep it secret. No need to tell anyone yet. Just play along with it. I don't want to rush it." I said to him.  We will kill them slowly. Because they have started this. They have chosen this.

" Ok, Sir. I will let you know then what is going on." He said. " Find out the guy whom Chiara was following that day in the mall who was in a disguise of a woman." I said to him.

" Sir, he is a junior artist. May be someone hired him to follow Ms. Madison." He said.

" But why will someone follow her like that? What does he want?" I asked.

" Sir, Ms. Madison was the one who tried to stop the authority to fire Tania. That means she knew a lot of scenes behind the story before us. May be they know that and this why they are following her." He said and I nodded. " Besides, she has worked with Edwards before coming here. She used to work with the closest partner of Edwards." He said and I thought for a second.

She used to work in Travisan Corp.???!! Because Edwards's the largest partnership is with Travisan. That means she used to work with grandpa. But she never talked about that.

" You mean Travisan Corp.?" I asked him.

" Yes, Sir. She knows a lot about both the empires. So, she can easily be targeted." He said.

I gritted. They are really messing up with my brain now. I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I know the story behind both the empires to reach this position. I am not going to let anyone destroy the hard works and sacrifices behind these empires establishment.

" Ok. Be alert." I said to him. " If you need anything just call me." I said to him.

" Ok, Sir." He said and I hung up.

I walked back to the room and found her sitting there silently on the bed. I walked towards her. Why didn't she ever told me that she used to work for Travisan? I sighed. May be it wasn't that important to her.

" How was your sleep?" I asked her.

" It's good." She said.

" What happened? Why are you so upset today?" I asked her but I don't think she will answer my question.

" I didn't separate Ben and Chelsea willingly. I didn't have any other choices." She said and I looked at her weirdly. What is she saying?!

" Who is Ben?" I asked her.

" Chelsea's ex-boyfried." She said and I sighed.

" But why suddenly you are talking about that guy?" I asked her.

" He is Marie's nephew and he still hates me to the end." She said.

" Why would you separate them? What happened?" I asked her.

She sighed and explained me what happened in past. I sighed deeply. I am grateful that I don't have a chameleon for a best friend.

" Now what do you want to do?" I asked her.

" Want to expose that bast*rd and the bi*ch." She said and I nodded.

" That will make you happy?" I asked her.

" That will give me peace of mind." She said.

" Anything you want." I said to her. She sighed deeply.

" But how will you do that?" She asked me. I chuckled.

" Relax. Don't keep thinking about that." I said to her.

" You act so weird sometimes." She said and I smiled.

" When are we going to meet your sister?" I asked her and she sighed.

" Not today. She is busy with studying the case and preparing for the hearing." She said and I nodded.

" Ok, as you say." I said to her.

" Let's go on a date and spend some time together." She said and I chuckled.

" Sure." I said kissing on her forehead. I don't know what she does to my heart whenever she is around me. May be that's called the effect of love.

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