So Beautiful

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Chiara's POV

" What happened to you?" He asked me.

" It's too hot." I said.

" Who told you to have that spicy spaghetti?" He asked me.

" I am dying." I said and he rolled his eyes.

" You will not die just for having something spicy. You barely had it two times." He said.

" You can't understand. It directly went to my brain." I said to him.

" I didn't know that your stomach is in your brain. New information. I will take that note. It will be helpful in future." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Not like that. It burned me inside. I could literally feel from where it passed all the way." I said to him.

" Yeah, of course. You should." He said to me.

" This is why I was saying that I am dying with that spicy hot spaghetti inside me." I said to him. He shook his head but didn't say anything.

" Do you understand why I called you troublemaker earlier?" He asked me and I sighed. I looked out of the window pouting. Was it necessary to prove myself a stupid!!! I am doomed.

" What happened now?" He asked me.

" What will happen?" I asked him.

" Why aren't you saying anything?" He asked me.

" I am dying. This why enjoying the world for a few last moment." I said to him with a grumpy face.

It's surprising that I am still alive after having that spicy spaghetti. Trust me you won't want to have it at all. It will kill you burning you internally. I will file a case against that food court for having such spicy foods in their menu which can kill people in a blink very very painfully. If I would have all of it then I would be in hospital by now. I swear I needed to be hospitalized.

" I will file a case against that food court authority for having such spicy foods in their menu." I announced.

" Those are special items for people who likes spicy foods. Generally for Asian people who loves spicy foods." He said and I twisted my lips.

" How do you know that?" I asked him. He chuckled.

" I had an Indian friend in college. She used to eat too much spicy food and she didn't like the food we have. She used to say they are tasteless to her until it's too spicy. Once Lin tried her food and Lin's condition was much worse than you." He said. I rolled my eyes.

" Why didn't you try?" I asked him.

" Unlike some people I don't like to prove myself to be a stupid by taking horrible decision." He said. I narrowed my eyes at him. Is he taunting me!!! Of course, he is.

" Are you indicating me?!!" I asked him.

" If you are dragging it toward yourself then it's indicating you." He said and I gritted.

" I am not stupid." I said to him.

" You are not stupid. You are a troublemaker." He said and I rolled my eyes.

" Both are same. Aren't they?" I asked him. He shrugged. I twisted my lips looking outside of the window.

" Water?" He said to me extending the water bottle.

" No, thanks. Right now I want to go home." I said to him.

" Ok." He said and started to drive silently.

After a few time the car was stopped and I sighed. At last we reached home. I looked outside but it wasn't my home it was some unknown place.

" What is this place?" I asked him.

" This is parking lot." He said to me and I facepalmed. Obviously there were a lot of vehicles around.

" Come with me." He said getting down from the car.

" But this is not my home, Sir. Why should I get down?" I asked him.

" Then you stay here alone. I am going. Then don't tell me I didn't warn you about the ghosts here." He said to me.

" Ghost!!!" I gulped looking around. The whole parking lot was empty. I shook my head. No way I will be here alone. Not even in my craziest nightmare.

" Yeah, ghost. There must be ghosts around. I heard a lot of stories about that. I don't know if they are true or not. But not all the people will be lying, right?" He asked me. I quickly got down and he chuckled before holding my hand and taking me out of there.

" Sir, people goes on a date to romantic places but here you brought me to meet ghost? What kind of date is that?" I asked him.

" Special type of date. Those romantic things are too common around. Date should be like those time to remember." He said.

" I will definitely remember this one that I came on a date with my boss. How lucky am I??!" I said to him.

" Then you are lucky forever." He said and I nodded.

" Yeah. I think so." I said to him and we entered the lift.

The door closed. The lift was empty. Only Dante and I. He was standing just next to me hand on hand. He was leaning on the wall closing his eyes which were behind his spectacles. I checked him out openly because he wasn't looking at me back. This guy was a tease for my nerves. It's not like just a mere crush but it was about something more. I sighed deeply. Was Bianca right about my feelings yesterday?! I don't know. I am so confused. I just can't fall in love with him. I admit that I always had a secret crush on him since I have seen his photos at Travisan's house. But that was just a stupid teenager's crush. When it comes about meeting him for real it blown me away. It made me feel like I am not walking in the right track because he was distracting me. This never ever happened to me before. What is happening to me?!!

" I don't mind you looking at me like that but tell me one thing." I was shocked with his voice. He opened his eyes. " Do you like what you see?" He asked me and I looked away at once. I was caught red handed.

The moment the door of the lift opened we walked out of it and found us in a rooftop restaurant from where the beautiful night view of Eiffel was visible clearly. He dragged me to the corner and I kept looking at the view. The door was peeping through the tower which was creating a beautiful scenery of moonlit night. So, beautiful. My heart said.

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