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Dante's POV

" What's going on?" Lin asked us as soon as she entered my cabin.

" Oh, Lin!!! You are back!!!" Daniel said and stood up before walking toward her and hugging her tightly. She chuckled.

" Nothing is going on." I said to her boringly.

" Hey, Kyl." Lin said to Daniel's girlfriend Kylie.

" Hey, long time no see." Kylie said.

" She went to Dubai on her second honeymoon." Daniel said and I rolled my eyes.

" You guys get married and go on honeymoon twice thrice... no one will stop you as well." Lin said and Kylie chuckled.

" We will get married soon." Daniel said.

" Yeah, we are informed this long back but we are not watching anything coming anyways." Lin said.

" How have you all been?" I asked Lin and she smiled.

" Fantastic. What about you all?" She asked sitting across me.

" We were in peace as you were not here to boss around us." Daniel said. "And we didn't need to carry your tantrums all these days." He said and the next moment he got a hard punch on his arm. " Ouch!!! Where do you get all the strength? What do you eat?" Daniel asked her. She rolled her eyes.

" I eat elephant." She said.

" I thought the same." He said

" Whatever!!!" She said.

" What have you bought for me from Dubai?" Kaylie asked her.

" Come to my place this evening. I will show you everything." Lin said and Kaylie squealed. Girls!!!

" Alright. Now let's come to the point." Lin said.

" Which point?" I asked her.

" The point is everyone in the group is settling down when will you? Daniel is also getting married and you are still here stuck with your bachelor life. Go get a girlfriend and have fun." Lin said. I rolled my eyes.

" I don't need to have a girlfriend to have fun. I am fine." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" No, you are not. You are turning into a robot." She said and I sighed.

" I am fine with that." I said.

" But we are not." She said. " Kyl, don't you have friends who can help Markey a bit?" She asked her.

" I tried before but it didn't work. He doesn't want to open up himself for anyone." Kylie said.

" Your friends didn't make me interested in them. They all just tried to seduce me. I think you told them to have fun only. Nothing else." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" They were trying to help you, Marc." She said and I sighed.

" Then let's say that they are not my type." I said and she sighed deeply.

" Alright, guys, I am getting late. I have a photoshoot today. Will meet you all in the evening." She said.

" Take care. Bye." Lin said.

Kylie waved at us and walked out of there along with Daniel but Lin was still sitting there. I think she wants to say something. I was waiting but she didn't open her mouth to clear my confusion why she was sitting there like a statue.

" What happened?" I asked her as I wasn't able to hold back my curiosity.

" Nothing. Just... I... Ummm...." She was stuttering.

" What is it?" I asked her. " Tell me without any second thinking or any hesitation." I said to her.

" I met your grandparents in Dubai." She said and it stabbed my heart. "Marc, they .. " she sighed deeply. " I will come to the point. Your grandparents are not like before now. They are old now. They are not very well. Specially your grandpa. He is not that strong like before. You should think about them as well. They need your help. They need you. They need your presence with them." She said to me and I kept looking at her without any expression.

" Marc, I know everything went wrong in the past but they have suffered as well. You have punished them enough. They are still suffering. They need your help." She said. I still didn't say anything.

" They don't have anyone but you in their life. You are their family." She said and I kept quite.

" You can't stay like that. Please say something. Don't stay quiet." She said.

" You done or you want to say something more?" I asked her.

" Marc, I was.. just met your grandparents. Your grandpa wasn't really doing well. He doesn't have any guarantee of his life you and I , we both know this very well that your grandpa's heart has a critical condition. If someday something big happens don't blame yourself later. I warn you." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" What else do you ask me to do?" I asked her.

" You should try to forgive them now. It's been long, Marc. You can't hold grudge all the life like this, Marc. It will hurt you as well. Please, forgive them." Lin tried to convince me and I chuckled.

" Forgiveness is just for mistakes not for sins and crimes." I said to her. She shook her head.

" You are not understanding the things. You shouldn't act like this. They are your family." She said.

" I don't have any family. They are no one to me. Stop trying to convince me." I said to her.

" Think about your grandparents. They are still waiting for you to go back home." She said.

" But I am not going back ever. Going back is not my word, Lin. If it was then I would have gone home back long before. You didn't have to convince me. But I have taken the decision long back. It is not going to change now or ever." I said to her and she sighed deeply.

" You are so stubborn, Marc. No way to find out a way to convince you for anything." She said and I chuckled.

" Yeah, I know that I am so stubborn." I said to her.

" Some day there will be someone who will be more stubborn and obstinate to drag you on the  right track. Mark my words." She said and I chuckled.

" No chance." I said to her.

She was about to say something but my assistant Ben came and said the new apprentices are here. I told him to take them to the conference room. He walked out and I was waiting for them. Soon they came to the conference hall and I looked at them. We needed to do a lot of hard work to find them out.

" Have a seat." I said to them. They sat there and I looked at them. My eyes stuck on someone.

What is she doing here!!! Weird!!

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