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Chiara's POV

" How was your day?" Bianca asked me as soon as I entered the room.

" Full of drama." I said to her.

" Go, get freshen up. We will talk then. My cousins have come home." She said.

" Oh!!! Where are they?" I asked her.

" They are taking rest. You go get freshen up." She said and I nodded.

I was very tired. I needed to take rest at first. I walked to my room and got freshen up. I threw myself on the bed then and slept for awhile. I woke up when I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened the door and found Bianca with tea and some snacks. I smiled and let her come in. She kept the tray on the coffee table and sat on the couch. I sat next to her after washing my face.

" Tell me how did they react about you?" She asked me. I sighed deeply.

" It was very uncomfortable. Even Daniel also works with Dante there in the same office. When I was going to office this morning I saw Daniel with his girlfriend and I had hidden myself from them but when I went to office I met them at first." I said and she sighed.

" And then?" She asked me. I sighed.

" Then he introduced me with his girlfriend and I told them me being both Chiara and Susan. It confused them a bit but they didn't say anything." I said to her.

" Oh. Then? What happened when Dante saw you there?" She asked me.

" He was also confused but didn't react much. He is totally a different person in the office. I mean he is nice but strict. It's good for everyone but I kinda feel a bit awkward that he didn't act much cordially with me." I said pouting.

" That happens when your crush ignores you." She said and I rolled my eyes.

" I don't have a crush on him." I lied.

" Liar!!!" She said.

" He is not my type." I said.

" What I your type then?" She asked me. I sighed.

" Anything except him." I said to her and she laughed.

I smiled looking at her smile. She is so cute with her beautiful smile. Who says nerds can't be beautiful and hot!!! Who says so??! That's totally bogus. Look at Bianca and look at Dante. They are burning example of that.

" Your smile is very beautiful, B. If I was a boy I would surely have fallen for you by now. It touched my heart." I said and she laughed again. I patted her head.

May God protect her beautiful smile and innocence from all the dangers. I sighed deeply. Because today world has been advanced in various thing. The science has invented many of magics, it has made a lot of impossible things possible, created history but when it comes something we are still thousands of miles back from become civil. We are not the best creation of God in that sense. It's about girl's safety. Can you tell me about that one country in the whole world or a city or just a small town or village where girls can be safe?!! Girls are not even safe in their own house then how can they be sure about their safety out of the house?!! No one can assure that. Literally no one. Those bloody people are that cruel that they kill the girl after r*ping her brutally. This makes no sense. I am still confused. Are we really human?! Do we really have humanity??! I don't know. I am sure that when I am thinking this there is somewhere in the world some girls are being r*ped and killed after that. How long will these be continued?!! I also wanted to have a daughter when I get married but now I think I won't want to bring a little fairy in this world where she has to walk in between those monster and hyaenas in the disguise of human. I don't think I will be able to ensure her safety when I can't ensure mine. Then how will I look into her eyes!!! I will keep feeling guilty all the time about that.

" What are you thinking about?" I asked her.

" Nothing. I was just... Leave it." I said. " Listen B, be safe and try not to mix with the people who you think have a bad intension. Don't stay out alone at night. If you are alone at home then call me or go to my office. Don't ever stay alone." I said to her.

" Woah!!! Woah!!! What happened, girl? Why are you acting like an overprotective mother?" She asked me laughing.

" Just for your safety." I said to her and she nodded.

" If that stupid is not around me then I am safe." She said and I narrowed my eyes.

" Who?" I asked her.

" That stupid Carter." She said.

" He is not stupid. He is your friend. He is just a bit pranky." I said to her.

" He is a big bully." She said to me.

" What has he done to you that day while rehearsals?" I asked her. She gritted.

" He... urrrrrrghhhh... You know we were practicing for the play and he kissed me for real in the last scene. Like for real. Yuck!!!" She made a face and I chuckled.

" Oh!! That's not good." I chuckled inwardly.

" Yeah. Even his friends recorded it. It was all planned. He is now blackmailing me to not to talk to Jhon ever showing that. He said he will complain Mrs. West that I kissed him forcefully because that recording was showing something like that. Tell me, how can I be safe when this stupid is around me!!!!" She said totally frustrated. I chuckled.

" He is not that bad." I said. " You should try to befriend with him." I said and she rolled her eyes.

" Yeah, right. You know we don't match each other. I am a bookworm and he is a party freak playboy. We can't be friends. That's impossible." She said to me. " If I even try then it will be like he with his gang bullying and making fun of me all the day. No need. I am very happy with myself." She said and I sighed.

" Bianca!!!" We heard Marie's voice from downstairs.

" Mom is calling." She said. " Let's go downstairs."

I followed her and went downstairs. I found Marie sitting with some people. Must be Dona's son and daughter. Bianca's cousins. As soon as we reached them I was totally shocked seeing the guy sitting there with Marie.

" Ben!!!" I whispered being totally surprised. What is he doing here!!!!

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