Not At All

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Chiara's POV

I was sleeping and God knows what I was dreaming about. It was almost impossible for me to open my eyes from this kind of deep slumber if only I didn't felt someone was shaking and calling me like there is an earthquake.

" God!! Who? What?! Whom?!! I mean how??! No, what happened?" I was able to complete my sentence at last after trying several times.

" Chiara!!!" I heard Dante's voice who was calling me very softly. I leaned on him and kept closing my eyes.

" Whjghbjgbnk?" I myself didn't understand what I said to him in sleep.

" What?" He asked me.

" Why did you wake me up like this? I need to sleep yet. My sleep isn't completed." I said to him and he caressed my cheek.

" Wake up. We have to go somewhere." He said to me.

" What?!! Where are we going at this hour of night?" I asked him wrapping my arms around him.

" It's urgent. Can you please get ready quickly? If you don't want to go then you go back to sleep. I just wanted to take you with me." He said to me and I sighed.

" Where are you going now?! See, it's 2:50 in the morning." I said to him.

" It's very urgent. I have to go. I will call you later. You sleep." He said and kissed on my forehead before getting up from the bed. He was looking very calm but I don't know why I felt like there is something which is disturbing me a lot looking at his restlessness.

" I will come with you." I said to him and he turned to me. Then thought about something before nodding his head.

" Ok, you have 10 minutes to get ready." He said and I sighed.

I quickly went to the washroom and got freshen up. I wore my clothes I was wearing last night. I didn't have an extra dress with me. So, I had to do it. I quickly brushed my hair and came out.

" Let's go." I said to him.

He looked at me for once and then walked inside the closet and brought one of his hoodie. He told me to wear it. It is chilling cold outside. I quickly wore it which looked an oversized one. But I didn't care about that right now. I don't know why now I was also feeling restless. Something was bothering me inside weirdly. I clutched on his hand. He intertwined our fingers at once.

" What happened?" He asked me as we entered the lift.

" I don't know. I am a bit scared." I said and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I kept standing close to him. " Where are we going?" I asked him.

" To the hospital." He sighed deeply.

" What?! Why? What happened? Is everything ok? Marie and Dona? Bianca? Ben and Pauline? Everyone ok?" I asked him and he sighed.

" They are absolutely fine." He said to me.

" Then why are we going to the hospital? Who is sick?" I asked him. He stayed silent for awhile and the lift reached the ground floor at the same time. We came out of there.

" Who is sick?" I asked him again.

" Tracy has met an accident. Not accident for real. Someone tried to kill her." He said and my eyes open widened at once.

" What?!! What are you talking about?!" I asked him as I stopped on my spot.

" Come. We have to reach there as soon as it possible. They need our help." He said and I nodded.

We got in the car and he started to drive it toward the hospital. Once we reached there he quickly parked the car in the parking lot. Then we reached the floor where Tracy was. I was praying in my heart that nothing should happen to Tracy. She was so happy this evening now what happened in a few hours?! I was shocked.

When we reached there, I found Luke and Aurora there. Aurora was crying and Luke was trying to make her comfortable. I found Tracy's security in charge Ferguson there who was literally looking devastated. Dani and Kyl was there as well. I was totally blank in second when I found Liam there his t-shirt was still redden with blood and that's what stabbed my heart with a sharp knife as fear clutched me. Is Tracy ok?!

" Susan!!" Someone called me and I got shocked as I was called suddenly.

" What?!" I turned asking in a shaky voice and I found Lin and Leon there.

" Are you ok?" Lin asked me. I gulped looking at Liam again then looked at Lin.

" Water. I need some water." I said sitting on one of the waiting chair clutching my head.

By then Dani and Kyl was there already. Kyl gave me some water to have. I was shaking badly. How the hell this has happened?!! I don't know what might have happened. She was so happy to be engaged with the love of her life this evening now look she is fighting for her life here in the hospital. Why God!!! Why did you do this to her?!! I tried to calm myself down. But it was really hard.

" Who are with the patients?" the doctor asked reaching there suddenly. We reached there.

" What happened?! Everything ok?" Luke asked the nurse as Liam wasn't that mental state to have a conversation with her. Aurora was currently holding him tightly who was shaking badly.

" Look, I don't know how will you guys take this but we have to inform this to you." He said.

" Yeah. Tell us what happened?" Luke said to him.

" Well, Ms. Campbell's operation hasn't ended yet. We can't say anything yet about her. But the girl called Anahita is in a bit good state." He said. Who is Anahita now?!! "But..." He sighed deeply before continuing what he was saying. "The worst situation in all these 3 girls I Beatrice Melchizedek. I am sorry but I don't think we will be able to help her. You guys keep praying. May God listen to you but we have gave up." He said.

Is that Tracy's best friend Betty?!! Oh, God!!! How has that happened?! What happened to them actually?!

" And you need to arrange blood for Ms. Campbell. She has lost a lot." He said.

" We have the same blood group. I will come with you doctor." Dani said. Dani and I have the same blood group that means I can donate as well.

" Me too then." Leon said before I could say something.

" I am also coming with you guys." I said to them and looked at Dante. He just nodded.

I was still in dark about what happened. But it's not the right time to discuss about it. Not at all.

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