Catching Up!

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B - Hi I'm brittany. I'm 26 years old and I'm still dancing. I work part time at the Joanne Chapman school of dance and I also work part time at the Next step studio as Contemporary Choreographer. Of course I am not single. I am dating a very wonderful man. Can you guess who?
T- Yo. I'm Trevor and I am now 27 years old. I am still dancing but not at the next step. I am not single- I am dating brittany Raymond and we have been together for around 4 years no gap so I am hoping to put a ring on it but don't tell anyone ;)
V- hi everyone I'm Victoria, you might all remember me as Michelle from tns. I am now 24- still pretty young. Unfortunately I don't Dance there anymore but I still see most of the current a troopers who ate there now as I am head choreographer. Zac and I aren't together unfortunately because hes dating alex but I am still with someone and I think you will be pretty happy for who it might be.
I- Hey I'm Isaac. I am now 27 same as Trevor and I cast in special music videos for huge stars here in Toronto. Luckily I am still here otherwise my girlfriend Victoria and I wouldn't be together. I only really see brittany, Trevor and Victoria.

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