2 surprises, 1 idea and a ring..

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Brittany POV
Today was me and Trevor's 4 year anniversary. I was hoping that there would be some romantic moment happening throughout the day but I won't raise my hopes. Maybe even a proposal but I won't bet on it trevor takes his time with EVERYTHING so I won't be surprised if it isn't this year. But on the other hand, Trevor has been acting strange all day. He is never really stressed either his always so calm but you never know it might be something to do with work or family. I take a glance at what he is doing right now and he is on the phone to I think sounds like my dad because his voice is all croaky and he sounds shy. Whenever he sees my dad he is always like that. I better go and see what is up.

Trevor POV
So I catch Brit looking at me with this smile on her face and I can tell straight away that she wants to know what I am doing and who im talking too. I finish talking to brittanys dad and turn my eyes to hers.
" did you need me" I say
" no I'm just very curious, you never talk to my dad over the phone."
" we'll to be honest with you, it wasn't me ringing. It was your dad. He wanted to know if I could come over and fix his curtain rod as his back is too stiff so I will be back in about 1 hour."
" ok"
So off I go. Crossing my fingers the entire way.

Brittany POV
I knew that I had to do it. I knew that if I didn't I would never know so I went down to the drug store and bought myself two packets just in case the first one didn't work. As soon as I got home I took the test knowing that whatever the result was would change my life forever. And after 10 minutes of waiting and 1 minute of screaming. It did. I had just found out that I was pregnant. How was I going to tell trevor? We weren't even married. Oh no!! And then I heard the door knob turn. I quickly threw the stick into the cupboard and rushed to the door.

Trevor POV
I knew as soon as Brit opened the door that something was up. He looked like she was hiding something that she knew I wouldn't be pleased about.
"Brit honey what's wrong?" I ask
"Oh nothing it's just I'm in shock"
"From what?" She rushes into the bathroom and comes out with her hands behind her back,
"Close your eyes"s she says
So I do
"Now whatever I give you you promise not to be shy or mad or accidentally nervous?"
"I promise"
"Ok. I took this today......"
I take it from her hands and I look at it. On the screen it has |. | which means (as I look at the key) pregnant. Omg. Brit was pregnant. What was I going to say.
"Wow. Omg. Brit your pregnant?"
"That's amazing. That's the best news I've heard all day. Infact I was going to say this tonight at our Dinner but now that we are sharing things I might just do it here. "

Brittany's POV
So I am so relieved that Trevor is ok with all this. I was so worried. Anyways he comes back with he's hands behind he's back be this big grin.
"Sit down" he says shyly
" Brit, I've known you since I was a little boy and I have danced with you for a very long time. I think you are such an amazing person and I think that our relationship together is really strong. You know me and decisions arent really friends but I know this one will be after this. and I know it's taken me 4 years to say this to you but Brittany Lynn Raymond will you make me the happiest man on earth and Marry me."
"Yes. Yes of course ill Marry you aww trevor that is the nicest thing anyway has ever done for me. You are the sweetest thing and i dont know whether its the hormones that are making me cry every little drop out of me but Thank you so much. i love you.
"I love you too. Do you still feel like going out for dinner or do you want to have an engagement party and announce everything?
" I think the party sounds like a wonderful idea." i say, still crying.
" ok you call the girls and I ill call the boys. Trevor replies

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