"We keep this love in a Photograph"

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Brittany POV
Once we had picked up our kids from the baby area, we made our way home and had lunch. We had just chilled and were now just sitting as a family in the kitchen. well me, James, Riley as Emma were I'm not sure where James went. its now around 5:30 though so its nearly dinner.
"Mommy. when is it my birthday?" Riley asks
"Soon sweetie. actually very soon- 2 weeks away. not long now and you'll be 6!" I say and she looks really excited
"Yay! I get more presents!" she squeals
"Yeah very exciting." I turn to Trevor
"What cha' doing babe?" I ask as I take Emma out of her high chair and into the living room sitting down next to Trevor who is watching the news
"Oh I'm just watching TV. look at this Britt- they are showcasing our movie. that's so cool. look at all of the positives they are giving us. that's amazing!" he says smiling.
"Yeah I know! wow oh look there we are. haha jiley so cute" I say smiling now as well
Then my phone goes off. it's Alex

'You watching Channel 8?' She ask
'Yeah. it's brilliant x'
'I know! I'm so proud of us. you will do an amazing job as a mum on the show. it will showcase your talent on the outside x'
'Thankyou! you're so sweet. you are just like a sister to me on the outside! love you x' she replies
'Haha right back at ya sis lol. I've got to go. see you tomorrow- you'll be fine xox' she says and I decide not to reply

Shortly after I get another notification. it's Alex again this time on her Instagram. oh yeah great one Alex- Instagram means you're totally busy!!

I read the caption:
'It's only on the typical day on set where you get to work with these guys. #TheNextStepMovie #blessed #jileykisses #PDAworriesme !! @b_raymond @trevorflanny @vicbalde @isaaclupien @jenniepapps @zacvran @LamarJohnson @JordAnClark18 @itstaveets @frankvankeeken '

Aww that's so sweet. I remember
when we took that photo. I couldn't stop laughing. there are already so many comments and votes it's so nice of the fans to acknowledge our personal life.
I smile as I take the kids to the kitchen table and they start coloring as I cook dinner. once we finish dinner we watch frozen 3 the movie as it is Riley's favorite but I end up putting Emma to bed half way through it. James and Riley crash as the movie ends.

Trevor takes James ad I take Riley and we take them to their rooms and they are so peaceful. we already got them changed and they cleaned there teeth before the movie finished as we knew something like this would happen. I close Riley's door and quietly sneak out and go to the white cupboard outside her door. I walk with what I have in my hands, down the stairs and back into the living where Trevor is there watching TV obviously waiting for me which is cute.

"Hey" I say
"Hi. what that?" he asks
"Photo album" I smile
"Ahhh. I see- someone already forgotten about 6 gets ago huh?" He smirks pulling me in for a hug
"No. as Riley mentioned her birthday and turning 6 it made me remember all these years we have had as a Married couple and our lives together. its pretty incredible to be honest" I mumble and Trevor smiles
"Yeah it is. but it's been a great couple of years" he says

This is rileys photo album as i have individual ones for all of my children. I turn the first page over and it reveals me at our apartment we used to have, and is the BBQ announcing to everyone we were pregnant with Riley.

(A/N: refer to Chapter 1 for full details)

"Remember that day?" He asks me
"Like it was yesterday" I reply before kissing him
He turns over the next page and it is me in the hospital sleeping but the photo is only of half of the bed and my legs are only showing.
"What happened there trevor?"
"Well you were asleep and I was playing with the camera in the hospital and I probably accidentally pressed the button where it takes the picture" he says. I giggle snuggling into him more and laying my head on his shoulder

I turn the page again and it is of me and Trevor and Riley when she was first born. My mum took that one it was such a sweet one. its framed- another copy of it and its on Riley's bedside table in her room. she claims she Remembers that day and we can't help but agree. but we know she can't. she can't even remember what happened yesterday!

I smile as trev turns the next page which is the next step cast around Victoria and Isaac's table at their house and they were announcing that they were expecting Maddie. that was when we announced we were moving into a house and Isaac proposed to Vic who accepted. it was adorable
"That was so cute" Trevor says admiring the picture of Isaac and Victoria kissing as everyone around them claps
"Yeah I know. they are still cute now" I say smiling still. I love photos

The next few pages are of Riley when she was growing up and then the next ones are of James and him and Riley in hospital. that photo of them is in James room and it is my favorite photo of the two of them
I suddenly feel tears drip down my cheek. Trevor pulls me in closer and I just cry harder

"Oh Brit. are you ok?"
"Yeah. they are growing up so fast though. soon enough Riley is going to be starting professional acting and dancing and I am still doing that. it will just be so hard to see them go eventually" I say quietly
"Yeah but just think how amazing it will be when the day comes and they announce that one of them are getting married or having a baby. that will be so exciting!" Trevor says smiling, trying to make me happy
"Yeah, but we will be counted as grandparents then!!!" I say giggling
"Yeah that's a fair way away. lets just concentrate on today?" he says laughing

The pages skip to a few of the four of us in Australia and our holiday before coming back to Toronto, where it continues with lots of baby photos of James and James and Riley. then there are some recent pictures of Emma and Riley and Emma and Riley and James and James and Emma. they are also my favorite.

I shut the book and give Trevor a quick kiss before walking up to our bedroom with my hand in his.
I get into my pjs and snuggle up to Trevor. what a day!

"Goodnight babe" he whispers
"Goodnight Trevor. I love you" I reply
"I love you more"
I want to reply back but I find myself sleeping. This day was crazy busy but full of amazing memories.

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