"Cause youre turnin me Inside Out"

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Trevor POV
This morning I am lying next to Britt and its like 9:00am. britt is still asleep so when we get a phone call I have to quietly sneak out of the room and into be bathroom. it went directly to our cell phones not the home phone because then Riley would've picked it up
"Hello?" I say all groggily
"Hey man it's Isaac" he says emotionless
"Hey dude what's up?"
"The sky. um ok so guess what happened last night?"
"I don't know a zombi apocalypse raided the Earth"
"What? no man, Victoria woke up." he says excitedly
There's silence before he speaks again
"From her coma" he says in a 'duh' tone.
"Oh wow! that's so great! ok well britt is still asleep so we'll be down in around an hour."
"Ok bro see ya then"
"Bye" I hang up and quietly make my way down to the kitchen, making a coffee and some Bagels with cream cheese on them before crashing on the couch. We are going on. I can't stop thinking about this holiday.

Last night I booked Fiji for the week after we finish filming which is in 4 weeks (a month). I got a bit worried when Riley was sick so I didn't book it then but now that it's done and ready I can't wait. I'm keeping it a secret from Britt too as she'll be 4 months pregnant when we fly. according to flight regulations it's ok but knowing Brittany she'll just stress the entire flight.
Riley walks into the room holding her night toy which is a Rabbit who she calls hoppy. it's quite cute but it rattles all the time so it gets quite annoying. she comes up to me giving me a side hug on the couch just as James comes in as well as Britt with Emma.
"Well look what the cat brought in hey? Morning sleeping beauties" I say cheerfully as Britt smiles, going over to where Riley and James were on the couch, settling down Emma and then coming back to me
"I heard the phone ring. what was that about?"
"Isaac. Vic's woken up!!" I tell her happily and her expression is to die for
"What?! really? oh my god Trevor that is amazing. wow she's so lucky" Britt squeals, putting her arms around me and giving me a hug, topping it off with a kiss.
"I love you babe. I can't even think the state I'd be in if that was you"
"Yeah we were so lucky. are we going to visit them?"
"Ah yeah I was thinking today we could. then go have lunch somewhere with the cast as its our day off"
"Yeah sure sounds good. without Vic and Isaac though?"
"Well I was thinking that too but I'm sure if we invite them they'd probably say no as its too much to handle"
"True. ok then lets get this show on the road" Britt shouts to everyone as the kids scoop themselves off the couch and start getting ready

Isaac POV
"Hey baby. how are you feeling?" I ask Maddie as she wakes up
"Daddy!!" I lean in for a hug before I back away
"I'm probably an 8 now cause you're here" I smile
"Well mummy woke up so does that mean you're a 9?"
"Really? oh well yes then" she squeals in that cute voice
"Hey Mad's. Im really sorry your big day got spoilt. its been postponed to another date you know? and James says he only wants to see you when you're better" I tell her and she smiles
"That's my man" and I chuckle
"Oooh Maddie we have some things for you waiting outside your door." I say standing up and going outside bringing all the cards, balloons, toys, streamers, flowers and banners left outside maddies hospital that are just for her
"Some people stopped by last night when you were asleep. Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Matt (Victorias brother) and Aunt Jessica (Matt's wife) oh and also little Ben even came in (their son). there were a few fans also of mummy and I's who came and brought the presents and some of them are from Auntie Alex, Uncle Zac, auntie Brittany and uncle Trevor and of course James, Emily, Riley and Emma" I finish as she grins widely
"Wow that's alot. and there all for me?!!" I nod my head proudly as the door swivels open with familiar faces
"Brittany!" Maddie shrieks as she comes in first. she is followed by Riley, James, Emma and Trevor before Zac, Alex and Emily finally pop in. I don't even know if this many people are allowed in here but Maddie is loving it so I guess it's ok just for this time. just for her.

"Hey sweetie. how are you doing?" Britt asks
She holds up 8 fingers and I smile as Brittany giggles. the others find chairs and Trevor starts to talk to me
"How's the Mrs going?"
"Yeah she's good. She's still getting testing done. I saw her this morning though after she woke up at about 7:00. I didn't want to wake you so that's why I rang you later"
"Yeah yeah that's so good though. you are one lucky family"
"Yes we are. you know I was kindve glad that this wedding wasn't on"
"Because I was thinking and if they got married then we would be the in-laws to you not just a couple of really good friends" he says smartly
"Yeah but Trevor."
"You and Britt are one of a kind. you are Britt are the most kindest most gentle couple we have ever met so you guys wouldn't be our in-laws"
He looked at me with a confused expression

"You'd be family"

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